Aiding Dad Search Results

News: accupuncture or needle darts

As a young boy, my mom would leave her sewing needle, with a length of thread, sticking in the arm of our couch while she did other mom things. I found it to be very fun to sling it by holding the thread, at my siblings or dad, to get it to stick in their skin. We always coverd our eyes since that was the only vital spot we didnt want to hit. I cant begin to tell you how hilarious it was. We laughed our ass's off the way you guys do. I have wanted to see you guys do this prank since you first...

How To: Start a first aid kit

A well stocked first aid kit is a good tool to have at home at any time, and it will help you be better prepared in the event of an emergency. It's also a good idea to have a kit with you while hiking, biking, camping or boating. While kits can be bought preassembled, you can also build your own. For more information on keeping and creating your own first aid kit, take a look. Start a first aid kit.

From the Mississippi Delta: Koolickles (AKA Kool-Aid Pickles)

For all pickle aficionados, apparently the combination of sour pickles and sweet Kool-Aid is surprisingly delectable. Popular in Mississippi, Kool-Aid drenched pickles are a popular treat coined Koolickles. Sound unappetizing? Don't knock it 'til you try it. The New York Times reports, "[Koolickles] have an arresting color that combines green and garnet, and a bracing sour-sweet taste that they owe to a long marinade in cherry or tropical fruit or strawberry Kool-Aid."

News: Save a severely mangled limb Army style

Gun shots, dog mauling, compound fractures, partially severed limbs... Sometimes direct pressure isn't enough to cut the blood loss. This U.S. Army field instructional is a fascinating and thorough medic's walkthrough. Learn exactly how to apply a lifesaving tourniquet to an injured limb. No first aid poster can compete with the unmistakable deadpan of a military issue instructional. Only the American Army could deliver such eyewitness first aid advice. Bookmark this. If you're ever stuck bet...

News: I Love Books

I love books. I've loved books before I could even read them. I remember spending any free moments poring over the pictures, trying to pick out the words. I can recall the first triumphant moments when words began to make sense to me. I grew up in a house filled with books and with parents who read me The Hobbit, Little House in the Big Woods, The Chronicles of Narnia and so many others. I brought stacks home from the library, browsed through my dad's office shelves, used up the batteries in ...

How To: Make a first aid kit

In this series of online videos you'll learn how to pick a first aid kit for your home. Dr. Susan Jewell shows you what medical supplies should always be in your home first aid kit, including bandages, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, scissors, tape, gauze, cotton balls, ear & eye drops, a thermometer, splint bandages, medicines and more. Whether you're shopping for a new first aid kit, restocking, or building one from scratch, the tips in these videos will help ensure you're prepared for any mino...