Air Freight Search Results

How To: Hunt Down Space-Hogging Files on Your Mac with Disk Inventory X

I love my MacBook Air, but the fact that it runs on only 128 GB of flash storage causes me to move most of my files to the cloud. I don't mind having to be connected to the internet in order to access my files, but it's definitely a hassle trying to figure out which files I should move in order to save the most space. Usually, I don't even bother even trying until I see the dreaded "Your startup disk if almost full" warning. Currently, the only real way to find your biggest files in Mac OS X ...

How To: Clever Chemistry-Based Cures to Common Kitchen Conundrums

You probably already know that cooking involves a ton of chemistry. Bread rises because of the reaction between the flour and leavener, and the delicious crust on your steak is formed by the Maillard reaction. Understanding the chemistry going on behind the scenes is one of the best ways to improve the quality of your food—it's much easier to fix a problem when you know what's causing it.

How To: Make Ice Cream

There is nothing more refreshing than an ice cream in a hot summer day. And even though, here in Australia, summer is "just" a couple of months away, I still like to have a scoop or two every now and then. However, I like to make the ice cream on my own. In this way, you can make whatever flavour you want, plus you know what type of products you have used and it usually tastes better than a commercial one.

How To: Dry Your Soaking Wet Shoes Faster — Without Shrinking Them in the Dryer

Wet shoes are uncomfortable, no one can deny that. Just think about walking around with soaking wet footwear ... and each squishy step you take. Makes you cringe, doesn't it? It can happen in heavy rain, at the beach, or from an unforeseen puddle on the street. And while you can't always avoid soggy shoes, you can rest easy knowing that the next time this happens to you, you know the secret trick to drying your shoes faster without damaging them with excessive heat.