Air Rifles Search Results

News: The Green House - Vertical Gardening Exterior Walls

This is one concept that I would love to see sweep the urban world. One thing that strikes me every time I visit a major city is how far away they are from anything that is truly alive. Not only is the air dirty, but everyone must buy their produce from the grocery store. If those trucks were to stop coming for any reason, most people, if not everyone, would die of starvation. While this house is covered with ornamental plants, I would love to see this same concept applied to edible plants an...

How To: Kong to precision

A Kong to precision is used when it is necessary to vault an object, but to then also land on a very precise point on the other side. The Kong vault is perfect for this as it provides enough air and forward momentum to bring you to the exact point you must land on with fluidity. Kong to precision.

How To: Shot put for distance

Heptathlete Denise Lewis shows you how to do one of her seven events, the shot put. Legs are crucial and it's all about transferring your weight. You need to twist your hips and your upper body strength will get that shot flying through the air. Shot put for distance.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: MIASMIC

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: MIASMIC [adj] Miasmic is an adjective for miasm (or miasma), which means a noxious vapor—"bad air" harmful to health. The word miasma comes from the ancient Greek word for pollution. And the concept of bad air also gave rise to the name malaria, from old Italian "mala" (bad) "aria" (air).

News: Building-Sized Überorgan Emits Heavenly Music and Farts

Tim Hawkinson is an artist who truly inspires. The Los Angeles based artist creates complex, whimsical sculptures with simple mechanics and basic materials. One of his most notable pieces is the art-world-renowned "Uberorgan", a giant football field sized, fully-automated bagpipe, cleverly constructed with plastic sheeting and pieces of electrical hardware.

DIY Challenge: Potato Cannon

Here is my entry for this weeks giveaway Tuesdays. It is my home made potato cannon rev2. The next step is to spray paint it so the purple isn't showing and to fix the valve. It was originally all 1inch PVC pipe but i cut the chamber and barrel off and made it 2inch PVC for bigger objects and more air power

News: >>>>>>>>>>>CELEBRATION FOR ME<<<<<<<<<<<

For Christmas i will be getting a brand new computer a*IMAC AIR* and then for my birthday i will be getting an IPOD TOUCH i basically come from a family that does not have a lot of money but i still get big stuff for holidays so cant wait and i will keep you's up to date on facebok and youtube and twitter if you can find me. OH im also on USTREAM so i can chat to you every now and then and i will be uploading houses to youtube and here every first day of the month

News: Kinect Hacked To Play Full-Body World of Warcraft

The world has been overflowing with Microsoft Kinect hacks, each more amazing than the last. The latest innovation, created by a group of engineers at USC, promises an exciting future in gaming (and gets gamers off their asses). The program is called FAAST, and allows for full body motion control in different PC applications, such as World of Warcraft, as demonstrated below: Previously, Hacked Kinect Captures 3D Video in Real Time.

News: airbag mattress

we all know how funny is to put an airbag under the seats of a couch... get 8 or more airbags and put them under the mattress and in the middle of the night, kboom... its funny to see your friends launched 5 feet up in the air, by airbags.... and the look on their face after it happend.... priceless

News: Space Tourism, Here We Come!

A family vacation to Mars might be in the not-too-distant horizon, with the first successful manned solo flight of Virgin Atlantic's VSS Enterprise this past Sunday morning. Taking off from the Mojave Air and Spaceport in California, the commercial spaceship separated from its mothership at an altitude of 45,000 feet, piloted by Pete Siebold and Mike Alsbury for a period of eleven minutes before safe landing.

News: Crappy Duck Hunting

Get Ryan Dunn to do the duck hunting stunt again tell him the producers want him to do it blind folded and befor the guys jump making him fly threw the air get them to bring 2 buckets of cow poo to throw on him while hes waiting blind folded then they jump and shoot him with paintballs