Al Mabhouh's Security Search Results

Hack Like a Pro: How to Install BackTrack 5 (With Metasploit) as a Dual Boot Hacking System

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Many of you have written me that you're having difficulty installing and running Metasploit on a variety of platforms. No matter if you're using Mac, Linux, or Windows, I strongly recommend you install BackTrack as your secondary OS, a virtaulization system, or on an external drive. This particular Linux distribution has many hacking and security tools integrated—including Metasploit.

How To: Back Up Your Gmail Account (5 Ways of Archiving Gmail Data)

Last weekend, some unlucky Gmail users inadvertently had their email accounts wiped out. Actually, it was 0.02 percent of all Gmail users—or roughly 40,000 of the 200 million who use the email service, due to an "unexpected bug" which affected copies of the data. Gmail does make backup files of everything, so eventually everyone will reclaim their email history. In fact, as of yesterday, Google has successfully restored all information from their backup tapes and has started returning everyon...

How To: Set up a secure wireless router

In order to set up a secure wireless router, you will need to use the security that is available with your wireless routing. You will need to change the default ID names and password on your computer. Try to make sure that your passwords are difficult. Also, turn on the encryption: e.g. WEP.

How To: Set up a secure lock on a Motorola DROID cell phone

You don't want anybody to have access to your cell phone. Nobody. Well, instead of the standard unlock mechanism, the one anybody can unlock your cell phone with, the Motorola DROID, and Android enable mobile device, allows you to create your own unlock pattern, secret to anyone else, which wakes it from sleep mode. Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to set up a secure lock on a Motorola DROID cell phone.

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 1, M8: Doppelgänger

Make your way through The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. In the eighth mission in Act 1: Doppelganger, the ambassador will rendezvous with a German official near the Place des Vosges. Security will be tight around the ground level, but you should be able to find a vantage point among the rooftops. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How To: Party with celebrities

So you want to party with celebrities. Whatever you do, don’t cry. You won’t just look silly—you’ll look unstable. Follow these steps to get you one step closer to hanging with the stars.

Richard Stallman: CISPA neally abolishes people’s right not to be unreasonably

Soon, Americans may find every private email they write could be opened, copied and inspected by government snoopers. The latest cyber security bill – called CISPA – has passed the House of Representatives, coming a step closer to becoming law. President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the act, if it goes through in the Senate. He cited civil liberty concerns as the reason for his threat. CISPA has raised a massive outcry with internet users and freedom activists, who say it’s a hard hit ...

Whistleblower: The NSA is Lying–U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Ema

National Security Agency whistleblower William Binney reveals he believes domestic surveillance has become more expansive under President Obama than President George W. Bush. He estimates the NSA has assembled 20 trillion "transactions" — phone calls, emails and other forms of data — from Americans. This likely includes copies of almost all of the emails sent and received from most people living in the United States. Binney talks about Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and challenges NSA Dir...

News: Massive Leak! Wikileaks publishes Stratfor emails.

Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agenc...

Strengthen Your Password: Watch an 8-Bit Striptease

About two months ago, the massive Gawker Media hack was a wake up call for many web denizens on the importance of proper password security. Data analyzed by the Wall Street Journal revealed the three most popular passwords recovered from the hack were downright idiotic—123456, password, and 12345678. If past events weren't motivation enough for crafting a strong password, then maybe a racy 8-bit stripper is. Naked Password is a jQuery plugin by Platform45 that rewards you with an accelerating...

News: Door Locked? Send a Text Message & Open Sesame

When choosing a security system for the office, Billy Chasen decided to ditch the traditional lock & key barricade for something a little more 21st century. He hacked together a device that uses a web server, servo motor and some parts from Home Depot to enable locking & unlocking via text message. Chasen maintains a list which gives access to green lit office workers, who enter by simply texting "lock" or "unlock"... and voilà, open sesame.

News: Paper Gun Bloodbath

WonderHowTo loves paper artillery. More sophisticated in construction than Box Wars, plus tense on-camera drama to boot, Cardboard Warfare is a tight homage to the paper gun. Not completely sold on the acting, but I'm really digging the mise-en-scène. Says creator Clinton Jones, aka, pwnisher:

How To: Find an IP address in hotmail

In this tutorial, we learn how to find an IP address in Hotmail. First, open up your Hotmail in box and right click on the email you want the IP address of. Now, select "view source" and find where it says "received: from" or "X-Originating IP". This will give you the exact IP of where this email was sent from. You can use this for any email you receive and the best part is that it only takes a few simple clicks of the mouse and a few seconds out of your day! This can help you bump up securit...

News: Best Hacking Software

When i went to class today, a good friend asked me a question. He wanted to know what the best hacking software was to basically do everything. What i told him was this: Well there isn't an "Ultimate" tool boot there are a number of tools which deserve a "Medal." So what i'm trying to say here... What are some of the best hacking tools available right now? For starters i created a list with some of the tools.

News: Danger Ehren kills Jimmy Kimmel

Prank is played on Ehren: Have Johnny knoxville and Danger Ehren on Jimmy Kimmel with the premise that Johnny is going to do some trick with a gun. When Johhny and Ehren are on the set, have a reason for Johnny to give the gun over to Ehren and have Johnny tell Ehren to shoot it at Jimmy with the idea that the gun isn't loaded. The gun will fire a blank and Jimmy will have a blood packet in his chest go off and will pretend to have really been shot and then die. Soon as this happens, Ehren is...

News: This Will Blow Past Airport Security

Papercraft guns are the new origami. The new origami for boys, that is. WonderHowto and YouTube are chock full of paper gun tutorials. Many models are simple, but some are impressively realistic, not to mention functional. My personal favorite (unfortunately no tutorial) is the homemade Desert Eagle .50 cal by YouTube user Changmobile.