Alyssa's School Search Results

How To: Revive a Dead Hard Drive

We depend on our hard drives for our data storage and if they stop working, our important data can be lost, this could cause many problems like losing school projects making us to do them again, losing jobs and other problems . So here is a tutorial, on how to make a dead hard drive work again.


OSAGYEFO DR. KWAME NKRUMAH (1909-72) Founder and Father of the Nation Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana, stands out not only among the Big Six but also among the greatest statesmen of history. It was he who canalized the discontent of the people of the Gold Coast Colony into the highly organized movement of protest against British rule, and within a relatively short period won political independence for Ghana on March 6, 1957. With Ghana independent, ...

How To: Dance with a girl at a school dance

In this how-to video, you will learn how to dance with a girl at a school dance or club. This will be helpful for guys who are too self conscious to start dancing. It is important to just have fun. The main thing is to be confident so you do not feel embarrassed the entire night. Be prepared to get rejected. If you dance closer to a girl and she walks away or gives you an excuse if you ask her to dance, move away. Move around and find another girl. If she is with a group of friends, be carefu...

How To: Negotiate a salary right out of school

This video tutorial is in the Business & Money category which will show you how to negotiate a salary right out of school. Of all the questions you can get asked in an interview, probably the toughest one to answer is "what are your salary expectations?" if you quote too low, you might leave some money on the table. And if you go too high, you may price yourself out of the job. So, what does a college student do? If they asked you the question in an interview, be clear that it's a negotiation...

How To: Get permanent residency in Canada through CEC

The CEC, Canada Experience Class, is a new program to help a person who has held residency in Canada gain permanent residency status. The program realizes that, by going to school or living in Canada while working, many people have the skills necessary to make the transition to live in Canada permanently. To qualify for CEC, you must be a temporary worker living in Canada for at least two years with two years of skilled working experience. A second way you can qualify is by being a foreign gr...

How To: Immigrate to Canada

The purpose of this video is to show how to become a permanent resident in Canada. Some programs are federal and some are for Quebec. The first program is the skilled worker program. The applicant is accessed under a point system and is awarded points for education level, knowledge of English or French, work experience, age, confirmed job offer, and adaptability and you must have sufficient proof of funds. The next program is Family Class Sponsorship. A citizen or permanent resident can spons...

How To: Give a full body massage

In this message video we are going to be talking about how to give a full body massage. This is all a matter of personal choice. You can start your body face up or face down. They're going to be covered. If you want to start at the feet, you can start at the feet. If you want to start at the head, you start over there and work your way down. From the feet, you're going to work your way up. The full body massage is a sought after relaxation activity. Learn the art of giving a full body massage...

How To: how to make a catapult out of office supplies

Bored at work or school? In the middle of waging a cubicle war, and need to up your arsenal? Just like making catapults? This video shows you how you can make a basic catapult out of an assortment of office supplies. To make your catapult, you will need a ball point pen, a large binder clip, a few rubber bands... and, of course the ammo! Crumpled up pieces of paper or Post It notes work very well as ammo.

How To: Create a simple and clean makeup look with Michelle Phan

A New Year, a new you. At least that's what most of us promised ourselves when the clock struck 12 and 2010 transformed magically into 2011. While not all our New Year's resolutions are easily stuck to, such as dieting and exercising six times a week, you can update your look to look your best. Check out this makeup tutorial by Michelle Phan to learn how to create a simple and clean look.

How To: Create Lea Michele's 2010 Emmys makeup look

Lea Michele, who plays perfectionist and super-talented singer Rachel Berry on "Glee," is quite unlike her school girl outfit-loving television alter ego. In fact, on the red carpet she's a big fan of sultry, sirenish makeup looks with winged liner, red lips, and big, voluminous hair.

How To: Create a fresh and natural five minute makeup look

You don't need a football team of makeup artists to look great (not that we'd say no to our our styling team). While most celebrities swear by their makeup artists and get primped and prodded by them any moment they're not in front of the camera, all you really need to look good is three things: Good skin, shiny lips, and big eyes.

How To: Heat hot dogs in a thermos for a quick on the go meal

For kids and grown ups, hot dogs are a staple of the American diet. But try to bring one with to school, or work, without a microwave isn't exactly tasty, and trying to eat them either cold and uncooked or heated early and then eaten later is not the best way to go. In this video you will learn how to make a hot dog in a piping hot thermos that will keep it hot enough until you pull it out for lunch.

How To: Use the English proposition "at"

This video is in the Language category where you will understand how the proposition "at" is used in English language. "At" is used to indicate either location or time. A few examples of using "at" for indicating location are; "I am at school", "You are at home", "She is at the store" and "They are at the park". To indicate exact time, the preposition "at" is used. A few examples are; "The movie starts at 6:15", "You have to be there at 1:30" and "Let's meet at noon". You can watch the video ...

How To: Extend your pretty summer glow with makeup artist Michelle Rosen

Summer's almost over, which means going back to school (boo for 6 AM wake up calls), getting back on the fast track, and, most depressingly, losing our hard-earned summer glow. Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT hard-earned (unless you count lounging on the beach with a martini in hand hard), but we're quite saddened that we will once again rebound to our former sallow selves.

How To: Braid your hair into a simple fish tail

Fish tail braids are basically the grown up version of the braids mom used to put in your hair every morning for school. With less of an uptight, "braid-y" look and more of a loose, touseled appearance, fish tail braids offer us a fun way to experiment with hair without looking like an 8-year-old.