America's Largest Search Results

News: Doctors Use 3D Holograms on the HoloLens to Aid in Collarbone Repair During Surgery

Late last year, two surgeons from the Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia de Jaraguá do Sul in Brazil started using a combination of 3D printing and the Microsoft HoloLens to help plan spinal surgeries. And now, with the rest of their team, they've successfully performed a surgical procedure on their first international patient using their 3D impression planning and augmented reality process.

How To: The Best Way to Peel a Mango

For the longest time, I only ever did one thing with mangoes. I would cut off a chunk of the fruit, squeeze some lime over it, and eat it straight out of my hands as though it were a watermelon slice. I didn't do this because I loved devouring mango in the messiest way possible; I did it because I had no clue how to peel a mango. As such, I never cooked with mango: I ate it directly off the peel, or didn't eat it at all.

News: Flash-Freeze Anything with the Anti-Griddle

Essentially, the Anti-Griddle does exactly what its name promises: it turns things almost instantaneously cold when you drop them on its "grilling" surface. Unlike home methods of flash freezing, its staggeringly low temperatures (-30°F/-34.4°C) allows ingredients that normally can't be frozen—like oil or alcohol—to turn into solids in the wink of an eye. As you might imagine, this allows chefs to play with textures and tastes in a way that was previously unimaginable.

How To: Get an Unlimited Call Log on Your Nexus 5 or Other Android Phone

In the past few weeks, the internet has been abuzz with nightmarish horror stories of Comcast's questionable decision-making and downright terrible customer service. The central theme of many of these disputes with the nation's largest cable provider is that without evidence, the conglomerate will refuse to acknowledge its mistake and place the burden of proof on the customer.

News: Hitchhiking Robot to Travel Through Canada This Summer

Imagine this: You're driving on the freeway in Canada, enjoying the view and sipping Tim Horton's, when all of the sudden you see something out of the corner of your eye. You expect it to be a moose, obviously, but instead you see a robot with his thumb hitched up. So, after insuring that you didn't accidentally take some hallucinogens a few miles back, do you pick it up?

News: Sprint Agrees to Buy T-Mobile for $32 Billion

Sprint and T-Mobile have agreed to a $31.6 billion deal that, if it gets through federal regulators—which is far from a sure bet—would create a formidable carrier to really compete against AT&T and Verizon. The deal comes packaged with a $1 billion "breakup" fee that Sprint would have to pay T-Mobile in the event the deal does not go through. After the deal, Deutsche Telekom, which owns about 67% of T-Mobile, would maintain a 20% ownership stake.

News: The Government Is Stealing Your Data from Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Facebook, & Other Mobile Apps

If you're spending hours on your phone playing games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga, or posting online to Google+ and Pinterest, you're probably being spied on. The latest releases from NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden reveal that the National Security Agency, and its UK counterpart, GCHQ, are mining the ad networks utilized in these apps to collect a trove of information on you.

How To: Turn Any Magazine into an iPhone Stereo Sound Dock

Coca-Cola has unleashed a brilliant marketing campaign to celebrate the one year anniversary of their online Coca-Cola.FM radio in South America. In the latest issue of the popular Brazilian magazine, Capricho, the Coca-Cola advertisement literally turns the magazine into an iPhone amplifier. Attached on top of the real cover, the advert has two precisely placed flaps on the back page. Simply roll up the magazine, secure the flaps, then pop in your iPhone. Check out the video to see exactly h...

How To: What Is Wordpress ? [Beginner]

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

October 30: The OnePlus 6T — What's Rumored & What We're Hoping For

OnePlus will be releasing a new phone in the second half of 2018, specifically, an upgrade to their T-series. Over the past two years, #T versions have come out about five months after their predecessors and have included small updates that fix any problems from the previous OnePlus device. While we do know a bit about OnePlus 6T, what it could be is much more exciting.

How To: Identify the song sparrow

Instead of just going for a walk through the outdoors, try adding in the rewarding hobby of bird watching. The song sparrow is a great bird to look for on perches and will vary in appearance across the US.

How To: Follow along with cricket gameplay by learning the rules compared to baseball

Have you ever heard of cricket? No, we're not talking Jiminy Cricket or the wireless cell phone service provider. We're talking about CRICKET. The team sport, nicknamed "the gentleman's game," is the popular sport of choice in places like India, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, England, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, though not America. But guess what? It's very similar to the American pastime we all love so much— baseball.

How To: Make green pizza

This pizza is tasty any time of the year, but its green color makes it a fun treat for St. Patrick’s Day. Especially if your family turns up their noses at corned beef and cabbage! Check out this Howcast video tutorial on how to make green pizza.

How To: Make firecracker shots for the 4th of July

What's the best way to celebrate your independence? Alcohol. There's no a soul out there that can't enjoy a few drinks during a nice celebration. So, why not go a step further with some crazy shots? Shots are the quickest and easiest way to get drunk fast. Do it for your country — but don’t overdo it. Mix up a batch of patriotic cocktails for your Independence Day party.