Ap Journalism Search Results

News: Cheap Ass Videocameras and Citizen Journalism

The idea that you could buy a cellphone sized video camera that shoots 720p for a hundred bucks would literally seem like nonsense to me five or six years ago, as I sat trying to get a shot worth looking at out of my old Sony pd150. They're here, though, the Flips and iPhones and Kodaks and whatever else and while most of their impact can be measured in the increased frequency of Bieber-tribute videos hitting youtube, having a $100 hd camera also puts me in a mind to go - me a regular old idi...

How To: Map an image in Dreamweaver CS4 & use Ap Div

Using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 to make your website can be an intimating challenge, but will give you really good looking sites if you learn to do it well. This tutorial features instructions on how to map images in the program, as well as use the Ap Div function, which used to be called layers, but Adobe wasn't satisfied with that name for some reason. If you thought that layers were gone completely in CS4 Dreamweaver, this video will help you to find them again.

How To: Set Up an Eviltwin

When I tried to set up an eviltwin for a MitM-constelation in kali 2.0, I couldn't provide internet to the victim. The origin was the brctl bridging. I have read many tutorials but all of them where explained in backtrack and older versions of kali. So i was searching for a solution without using brctl and this solution will be explained now. This will just work on unencrypted wireless-environments.

How To: Cover Your Tracks After Hacking a Wifi

Greetings null-bytians. Say you have been able to penetrate your neighbour's AP, and of course you had spoofed your MAC address. Now you go on and test to see with excitement if the password really works and the MAC is still spoofed. You login successfully and you browse the web forgetting to check what your current MAC is. Well, if you may do an ifconfig command, you will see that your permanent MAC is being used. Oh!! and guess what, ... your real MAC has been logged. Even though there is t...

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Creating an Evil Twin Wireless Access Point to Eavesdrop on Data

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Now that we're familiar with the technologies, terminology, and the aircrack-ng suite, we can finally start hacking Wi-Fi. Our first task will be to creating an evil twin access point. Many new hackers are anxious to crack Wi-Fi passwords to gain some free bandwidth (don't worry, we'll get to that), but there are so many other Wi-Fi hacks that are far more powerful and put so much more at risk than a bit of bandwidth.

How To: Do a shot reverse shot setup

This film technique is one that is not only used on movie sets, but with journalists as well. This is a great way to shoot a discussion that is going on between two people. In movies, it's a great way to help add some emotion to a dialogue that both characters are having with one another. In broadcast journalism, the same technique is used in order to portray a relationship between the interviewer and interviewee. It's a great way for them to communicate and is really easy to use. So sit back...

How To: Not answer "How do you manage stress?"

This video teaches how to not answer the question "How do you manage stress?" The woman is interviewing for a journalism position. She begins her response by saying that she reads comic books that talk about being laid back. The video points out that you need to stay professional in your response. She says that others call her a slacker, which is not a good thing to say during an interview. She disregarded the importance of the company and position, which shows a lack of commitment.

How To: Create an Evil Access Point with MitmAP

The threat of an evil access point has been around for a long time, and with the rise of open public Wi-Fi, that threat is often overshadowed by how comfortable we are using third-party Wi-Fi hotspots at coffee shops and public spaces. While we've shown an evil twin attack using the Aircrack-ng suite of tools, MitmAP is a Python tool to configure custom APs for many types of wireless attacks.

How To: Use Cake Flour to Get Pillowy Soft-Baked Cookies

For those of you that prefer a soft-baked cookie that is fluffy in the middle, using cake flour instead of regular all-purpose (AP) flour is your secret baking weapon. "But I don't have cake flour," you protest. Fear not: if your kitchen is sans cake flour, you can easily whip some up by mixing together AP flour and a little bit of cornstarch for the same results.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: DoSing a Wireless AP Continuously

Welcome back, my nascent hackers! In previous tutorials for my Wi-Fi Hacking series, I have shown you how to crack WEP and WPA2 passwords, break a WPS PIN, and create Evil Twin and Rogue access points. In this continuation of the series, let's look at slightly different approach to attacking wireless.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Performing a Denial of Service (DoS) Attack on a Wireless Access Point

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! As part of my series on Wi-Fi hacking, I want to next look at denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and DoSing a wireless access point (AP). There are a variety of ways to do this, but in this tutorial we'll be sending repeated deauthentication frames to the AP with aircrack-ng's aireplay. Remember, hacking wireless networks isn't all just cracking Wi-Fi passwords! Our Problem Scenario

How To: Execute Remote Commands on a Disconnected Victim

Do you ever thought that you can't control an Internet disconnected system? I saw a funny video in Chema Alonso's youtube channel (A well-known hacker of my country and creator of Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives among other security tools), and decided to post something similar.

How To: Crack WPS with Wifite

Hi, dear co-apprentices and wise masters. I've been recently trying to learn the basics to hacking here, and I've read all guides on Wi-Fi hacking and noticed no word is dedicated to this awesome script that comes bundled with Kali!

How To: Make homemade pasta dough

This is a simple recipe that just uses regular AP flour. You can, of course, use a mixture of semolina flour like many pasta recipes suggest. But, this recipe is very user friendly, and if you’ve never made your own pasta before, this would be a good place to start. By the way, those pasta machines are surprisingly affordable at your local mega-store

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