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News: The Money Making Macro

In Google definitions a macro is defined as "a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language". Basically a macro is a programming script that tells the computer what to do. You can tell a computer (via a macro) to move a mouse, click, type or do any task that a computer can do with automation. There are also many (primitive) computer viruses that are coded entirely in a macro script. There are many ways to create a macro script but I will only go ove...

Whoa, Dude, I’m Bleeding: A Simple First Aid Experience

This weekend, I was on a trip to Binghamton. In the midst of unpacking my toiletries at the hotel, I found that my brand new razor blade had lost its cap. How did I find that out? Well, when I pulled my hand out of the bag, I found that my right pointer finger was missing a bit of its tip and dripping blood on everything. Thankfully, Nathan G. H. Shlivovitz was with me and knew what to do, but the experience helped me to realize that everyone needs a little first aid knowledge in life. Here a...

How To: Master Figure Drawing By Erasing

Master Figure Drawing using an Eraser Having trouble with the human form in your figure drawing class? Or just looking to impress your girlfriend or boyfriend with your art skills with a beautiful drawing of their figure? Here is a simple tip to trick your brain into using more of the right, creative, side of your brain. You will need:

How To: Make A Homemade Medical Remedy For All Abdominal Disorders

Everyone in these days have so many pressures. Either he or she is a working professional or student and these pressures create tension which can cause stomach disorders. As I myself experience very chaotic routines in my life, I've suffered with stomach disorders for ten years of my life. I have tried each and every type of medicine from allopathic to homeopathic and found no results. I lost hope. By chance I discovered something very simple to cure my troubled stomach and since then I have ...

How To: Do the double windmill poi spin

The double windmill uses the same technique as the weave except it is being applied on a different plane. Where the forward weave uses an alternation of raising the lower hand back and on top, the double windmill alternates from front to back. This video will show you how to do this poi spin. Do the double windmill poi spin.

How To: Customize Your Business Cards

When we speak of business cards, the first thing that comes into our minds is a white piece of paper with contact information. This is the traditional design – it’s safe and you can never go wrong. But in these contemporary days, the key to getting the market is by grabbing attention. So why settle for safe? Make custom business cards and start getting noticed.

How To: Make Bubbles and Squeaks

I saw this on the Food Network and tried it out. We loved it. It is a great way to use leftovers and with the holidays upon us, I know you'll want to try it. I think it was Jamie Oliver who presented it although I couldn't find it on the website. It was described as a common thing done in the UK as the evening meal after a Sunday lunch. It is great with leftover turkey, dressing, and potatoes and gravy. The name comes from the sounds that it makes when it cooks. When you put the patties in th...

How To: Get Rid Of Crabs Or Pubic Lice

How to Get Rid of Crabs Knowing how to get rid of crabs is very simple. The crabs talked about here are not the ones you find in the sea, but they are the crabs people get from sex. The technical name for these troublesome creatures is pubic lice. Below, you will see how to get rid of them.

News: Laser Blasts 2 Megajoule Beam 1,000 Times Stronger Than All U.S. Power Plants Combined

You might already know a little bit about what the National Ignition Facility has been up to lately, or what they could possibly achieve. But last week, even the scientists at the Livermore, California station couldn't predict the awesome power that their humongous laser was capable of. NIF's laser is already the record holder for the world's largest laser, and now it can also claim to be the first ever 2 megajoule ultraviolet laser after it generated nearly 100 times more energy than any oth...

News: Don't Be An Idiot! Five Quick Tips to Avoid Looking Like a Fool.

1.) If you do not know something, keep our mouth shut.* No-one, I repeat no-one, is interested in your uneducated guesses about why something is the way it is, or why someone did something a certain way. At best, you will trick them into temporarily thinking you know what you’re talking about. At worst, you will convince them that you are speaking the truth and they will perpetuate your bullsh*t to others. Do not contribute to making the world a more foolish place just because you had to say ...

News: Math Craft Inspiration of the Week: Electrically Generated Fractal Branching Patterns

Natural processes often create objects that have a fractal quality. Fractal branching patterns occur in plants, blood vessel networks, rivers, fault lines, and in several electrical phenomena. Many of these processes take lifetimes, or even occur on geological timescales. But this is not the case for electrical phenomena. They often occur near instantaneously. One example would be the branching patterns that sometimes occur in lightning.

How To: Share Your Laptop's Wireless Internet with Ethernet Devices

Sharing a laptop's wireless Internet connection with other computers connected to its Ethernet port is a great skill to know. It can be good for a number of reasons; Your computer may not have proper hardware to have a standard setup, or you may have an awkward network topology where sharing your wireless Internet via Ethernet would just be a better option.

News: Minecraft World's Weekly Workshop: Music to My Ears

This Week's Workshop: Music To My Ears The heart of WonderHowTo's Minecraft World is, naturally, “How-To” and so in the spirit of all things tutorial and DIY we will be hosting a weekly workshop showcasing the best and newest tutorials, builds, and inspiring ideas. We hope to inspire creativity and create a place where the community can share ideas and practice skills, right here on our server.

News: Mobile Game Developer Fined $50,000 by FTC for Soliciting Emails from Minors

Children under the age of 13 possess insight that can blow the minds of their elders, but not the wherewithal to make important life choices for themselves. This is exactly why there are strict rules against marketing cigarettes to them. In 2000, a law went into effect called the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act that institutes similar consumer protections for our youth's online identities, prohibiting companies from soliciting personal information from children under 13 years of age ...

How To: Replicate Colonel Sanders' Kentucky Fried Chicken Secret Recipe

Kentucky Fried Chicken is one of those things that nearly everybody loves. But if your craving is strong and you want to make it yourself, think again – the Colonel’s not keen on parting with his top secret recipe. According to KFC’s official site, “one company blends a formulation that represents part of the recipe while another spice company blends the remainder. As a final safeguard, a computer processing system is used to standardize the blending of the products to ensure neither company ...

Play GIRP: All the Finger Strain of Climbing without the Risk of Death

Great controls are the most important and difficult part of game design. Games with vector graphics and non-existent stories are classics because their creators managed to create a system where using buttons to control a shape on a screen was intuitive and fun. This is the tradition that Pac-Man has left us with, a gaming world in which controlling the character onscreen in an engaging way is the crux of the game's enjoyment.

Echoisms: How to Measure Your Own Attractiveness

Have you ever heard symmetrical is sexier? Yep, according to scientists, symmetry is inherently more attractive to the Homo Sapien eye. Back in the days of Helen of Troy, Phidias, Plato and other great philosophers all observed the golden ratio, "a sum where the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one". Confusing? Let's apply it to the human face only: the features of the human head were measured in calculated, precise proportions to d...

Shortcut: 5 Secret Body Tricks

Body hacks. So simple, so ingenious. They're the shortcuts in life. We love them, the internet loves them. Back in 2008, somebody named Alicia Goh wrote a friendster blog post that has been passed along far and wide. Her tricks of the body include quick solutions for an itchy throat, a stuffy nose, a dire need to pee, and more. My favorites: