Apprehensive Search Results

How To: Do Arabic Mehndi Design for Hands

If you are a tattoo enthusiast and love trying new designs but apprehensive about a permanent one, Arabic mehndi design is for you. The designs in this form are not ethnic, conventional or traditional but modern and jazzy. It is made using intelligent spacing that not only enhances the design but gives it a trendy look. They are bright and add a lot of glam to the hands as they are made using different coloured henna- brown, red and black and sometimes even glitters. These are the best form o...

How To: Brainstorming Is Draining Your Brain: Go Solo for More Productive Thinking

How many times have you heard someone utter the phrase, "Now, let's break into groups"? From classroom discussions to workplace think tanks, gathering into groups to generate ideas is common practice. These forced get-togethers are intended to encourage creativity and unique thought, but they can actually do the opposite. More often than not, group brainstorming is annoying rather than encouraging, and these group sessions can actually be detrimental to your productivity. Getting together har...

How To: Enable Dark Mode in Facebook's iOS & Android Apps

Dark mode is simply a way of life these days now that both Android and iOS officially support it. Most major apps now use the system-wide setting on Android and iOS, and many had their own dark themes in-app before Google and Apple got with the program. But the social media giant Facebook took forever to implement a night theme, and some of you still may not be able to access it.

How To: Knit a Lacey Eyelet Rib Pattern

There are not many stitches that are more beautiful than this LACEY EYELET RIB STITCH. And, there are few that are easier. Most knitters are apprehensive about knitting any lace patterns, and truthfully, many are difficult because of so many rows. This one, however, consists of only 4 rows. You can use either side of the work and it is a lovely stitch to know. You can use it for a beautiful scarf or for just about anything for a baby. I've made many baby sweaters and blankets using this stitc...

News: G+Me Makes Google+ (Almost) Perfect: An Interview with Huy Zing

G+Me is one of our favorite Chrome extensions here at Google+ Insider's Guide. We love it because it's one of the most comprehensive extensions out there. It attempts to address the "noisy streams" issue, with list mode, and collapsible posts and comments. The creator, +Huy Zing, is very responsive to feedback, and he's been quick to address any issues that arise, including privacy concerns. He's even created a G+Me (Paranoid Edition) extension, for the extra careful Google+ user. And if you ...

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