Article Explores Search Results

News: 80s SF/Fantasy Revival

The Writers at have been running through a fantastic series of blog posts, in which they're teaching their readers about the history of great 80s sci-fi and fantasy. Because so much of this is right up my alley, I though I'd aggregate their aggregations, so to speak, and write a little retrospective of my own.

News: Vote Now to Electrocute This Artist

Oleg Mavromati's latest project, Ally/Foe, allows online voters the chance to electrocute the Russian artist at a mere fifty cents a pop. From November 7th to November 13th, viewers of Mavromati's livestream can pay to vote “innocent” or “guilty.” 100 guilty votes result in the artist voluntarily shocking himself in front of the camera, live, with his homemade electrocution machine.

How To: Ask your Inactive Friends to Delete FarmVille

We all have friends and family who have added the FarmVille application at one point, played it for a while, then for whatever reason decided they didn't want to play it anymore. They may have hidden the feed posts and blocked the game requests, but we still see them on our gift lists and certain features still try to get them involved with posts that go ignored (like pregnant pigs or truffles).

News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23

Proposition 23 is the act where they would suspend AB 32, the global warming act of 2006. If proposition 23 is enacted by voter this would pause the porvision of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate drops to a 5.5%. The unemployment rate at this current point is as high as a 12% and has been like that for the exception of 3 times since 1980. supporters call it California Job Anitiative and opponents call it the Dirty Energy Proposition.In this article it states the reason proposition 23...

News: The Future of the Book Might Work Something Like This...

There are endless possibilities for eReaders, and lots of amazing things are already happening. But wow-worthy visual tricks aside, how can technology really change the way we consume books? In the video below design company IDEO presents three separate concepts for virtual consumption: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. IDEO groups their virtual experiences into three separate concepts: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. Core77 breaks down each concept:

News: Tracking The Tides

When you live on an island, spending time on the beach beomes part of the fabric of life (otherwise why live on an island). Whidbey has so many beaches to explore. I've been here several years and barely scratched the surface. I guess once I discover places I really enjoy, I tend to go back to them by default (creature of habit syndrome). It also doesn't hurt that I have a beach yards from my back door here on Sandy Point.

News: Rock Band 3 unveiled! (Keyboard!)

Rock Band 3, coming this Fall, was revealed at none other than USA Today. Fully functional 25 key keyboard, 80+ songs including The Doors and Bohemian Rhapsody, Pro mode, updated guitars, and a kitchen sink are included in this new sequel. From the article:In addition to the new keyboard controller, also due for the game's release are two advanced guitar controllers that take advantage of the Pro mode, one a full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar (all sold separately, no prices yet).Other...

News: Disposable Wedding Dress?

Want a dress that's so eco-friendly you can literally make it disappear after the ceremony? This new gown, from British researchers at Sheffield Hallam Unniversity does just that. It actually dissolves in water, reports the U.K.'sTelegraph. The dress is made with polyvinyl alcohol -- the same stuff found in laundry bags and washing detergents -- sewn into the fabric. That basically makes it water soluble, and dissolves it without harming the environment.

News: Top 5 Favorite Farmers Markets in LA

So as soon as I started going to Farmers Markets I decided it was really important to explore as many different ones as I could . Just how no two types of tomatoes are the same, neither are farmers markets! They each hold their own unique style and offerings. Here are my Top 5 so far. Now as mother goose says get to market, to market! 

News: 10 Google Privacy Settings You Should Know About

Google has caught a lot of flack for various privacy infringements over time. Google Buzz was the latest uproar, when lack of proper prior testing allowed the tool to expose a slew of information users did not necessarily want shared, resulting in massive complaints. A Harvard student even went so far as to file a lawsuit (read more).

How To: Un-Delete Text on Your iPhone with One Swipe

So, you undid something you typed on your iPhone. Maybe you used the new gesture in iOS 13 to do so. Maybe you shook your iPhone, on purpose or accidentally, to trigger the traditional undo method. Either way, you want your text back, or to redo your edit, and you aren't sure how to do it. Luckily, it's as easy as a swipe.

News: Null Byte's First Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest Ends Feb. 15, 2016!

As you all know, the first Null Byte Technical Excellence Tutorial Contest ends this coming Monday, Feb. 15, 2016. If you are working on another great article or your first article, try to complete it and submit it before midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) to be considered in this contest. The winner of this contest will not only receive a certificate verifying the technical excellence of their tutorial, but they will also receive a free copy of the Professional version of the Exploit Pack ...

How To: Magnetize a Screwdriver

Oftentimes, when using a screwdriver it can be hard to keep the screw connected to the screwdriver. In this article, we show a trick on how you can magnetize your screwdriver so the screw will hold onto your screwdriver. Get a heavy duty magnet.

How To: Install a garden pond

A pond can add a dramatic, yet tranquil touch to your yard or garden. Your pond can be constructed in many different sizes and shapes, all which can reflect a part of you. Installing a pond may take a little time and effort, but if done right the result will be enjoyed for many years to come. This article will show you in easy steps how to add this water feature to your backyard. Springtime is the best time to install a pond as you can start planting and stocking your pond immediately after y...

How To: Use the Cloner in MoGraph for CINEMA 4D

n this article, Mylenium is providing insights into the basic principles of working with the Cloner tool in MoGraph for CINEMA 4D. He'll take a hard look at the Cloner and its associated "Blend" mode as well as the other two multiplication tools, the Matrix and Instance objects. Use the Cloner in MoGraph for CINEMA 4D - Part 1 of 2.

How To: Become Fashion Friendly By Painting Your Nails

Do you wanna be that person who stands out in a crowd? Our society dictates our fashion sense. We believe we all must look like who ever is the "most popular" in the media (TV, film, magazines etc.). Our choice to express our self is very limited because of the stigma of what patterns, styles and colors belong to which gender. I have found by adding just a hint of feminine flair to my person that I am able to catch peoples eye's faster than a supermodel walking onto a runway.

How To: Create a WonderHowTo Account

WonderHowTo is a great place to find advice and learn things that you want to know, but can't find anywhere else. On this website, there are tons of people who make articles and videos to show you how to do stuff. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make your own WonderHowTo account and join this amazing place.

How To: Earn An Income By Writing Auto Repair Estimates

Collision Repair Related Careers When you think of a career in collision repair you probably think of a body repair or paint technician. However, there are a lot of related careers that collision repair can lead to. For Example, you can work in auto parts stores, dealerships, insurance companies, paint representatives, trainers, etc. In this article we are going to examine a career as an auto estimator.

How To: Browse the Web Much Faster in Google Chrome

Despite the fact that you may not find this as a necessity, if you do follow this quick guide, you will wonder how you ever managed before. This tutorial is based on the assumption that you're using Google Chrome, so if you aren't, I advise you to download and install it. Furthermore, this tutorial is aimed towards beginners, however advanced users may also learn a thing or two.

How To: Analyze Michelangelo's David

Artists have represented humans in their work for thousands of years, and Michelangelo's "David" is one of the most important artistic studies of the human form. Explore the proportions, style, and detail used in this classic marble sculpture. Analyze Michelangelo's David.