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News: Extra Income From Blogging

There is a up and coming website which seems to be creating quite a stir in the internet world, more specifically in the bloggers world. While WonderHowTo is a good website to get paid to blog on How To articles, there are other great websites that offer the same service. I routinely mention them here on WonderHowTo and some can be found in the links section, but this website is different. Most Blog-and-Pay websites use the Google Adsense program, such as WHT, but some people will actually pa...

News: Water, Chocolate and, Tequila Shortage

Source: all news are absolutely true, then we are in deeper trouble than we previously thought. Read full articles by clicking on the link above. I know this is a bit late but the thought takes time to sink in and it makes me shudder at the thought.Source:

How To: Create Realistic 3D Shadows

Setting up shadows takes just as much time and attention as setting up lights. You can think of all of your illumination as one half of your lighting design, and shadows as the other, equally important half. Shadows can add richness to the tones and shading of your image, tie elements together, and improve your composition. Besides their artistic importance, rendering shadows is a key technical area to master. This chapter will explore both the visual and the technical sides of shadows and oc...

WARNING: On Public WiFi? Your News May Be Hacked

Meet Newstweek, a hidden device engineered to hack news items being read at public WiFi hotspots (cafes, libraries, airports, etc.). Both nefarious and tech-saavy, the ingenious mechanism wasn't fathered by a group of web hackers, but rather a pair of Berlin artists, Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev. The duo are interested in exploiting the "trustworthiness" of big media outlets in order to demonstrate the vulnerability of relying on just a few dominant networks.

Start Your Day Off Right: Beautiful Oscar Nominated Short "The Lost Thing"

The Lost Thing is a lovely short written by Shaun Tan and co-directed by Tan and Andrew Ruhemann (executive producer of the fantastic doc My Kid Could Paint That). Based on the award-winning children’s book of the same title (also by Tan), the piece was created over a span of eight years(!) using a mix of CGI and 2D handpainted elements. Tan, whose background is in painting, spent much of the duration "carefully building, texturing and lighting of digitial elements to create a unique aestheti...

How To: use terminal on MAC to hack or edit plz notice this is advanced computer programing not for middle school

Warnings this only for educational use i dont take responsiblety for any use of this article if you want to use this for use at a school plz contact me at hi im a computer enginer/programmer (NOT games) but i am good at hacking and i want to help. notise that this is just a help site not hacking site but this will help firstimers

YouTube Phreaking: How to Extract a Phone Number from a YouTube Clip

Every key on a telephone keypad has its own sonic signature, a sort of calling card composed of two distinct tones: one high, one low. While it's easy to tell the difference between the individual pitches in a single row—see, for example, this article on using your cell phone as a musical instrument—, it's often difficult to differentiate between notes within the same column. Unless, of course, you outsource the work to a computer! Which is what Uruguayan hacker [Charlie X-Ray] recently set o...

HowTo: Get Paid To Be a Total Lazy Ass

Eric Abrahamson, a professor at Columbia University, writes in to Forbes on how to be the Michelangelo of work shirking. The article is intended to help managers better understand their team's lack of productivity, but it also provides 10 simple tactics for all the lazy asses out there. Introducing exhibit A, June, a total lazy ass who lasted almost a decade in her job before being laid off:

How To: Keep Fit While On Vacation

It’s that time of the year when everyone feels like taking a long vacation from the hustles of life and bend most of the rules. This is especially with regards to eating habits. Most people tend to forget the importance of eating a healthy diet. However, there are the few of us who still want to keep fit even while on vacation. These are the few fitness fanatics.

News: Brazil keeps getting away with more than two hands.

If you happened to be watching Brazil vs. Portugal, you might have noticed something weird in keeper Julio Cesar's back after he and Meirelles collided. It was some kind of steel rod support for his injured back. According to FIFA article 4, it's illegal for players to wear any kind of equipment that can be dangerous to the player wearing it or to others. This is the reason players can't wear chains around their necks, or rings in their fingers, since these things can get caught with other pl...

E3 2010: Kinect Workout Game

A demonstration of Ubisoft's Your Shape: Fitness Evolved for the Xbox 360's Kinect. This was probably the best demonstration for Kinect out of the whole conference. The game will come out around the same time of the launch of Kinect in November.

News: Attendance woes make FIFA take notice.

This article aggregates a lot of things that have been said about the World Cup experience this year (South Africa's infrastructure, low scoring games, uninteresting first round match-ups, etc). I've noticed in a few broadcasts that upper seating areas are not filled to capacity and maybe the vuvuzelas make up for this. I think this will change once the Knock-out stages begin, but Nick Webster has a point:

News: Sound Advice

Last week I talked about the video / image side of things, and as promised here is the audio side. Sound is integral to all studio productions, but for most student and low budget production, it's the last thing filmmakers seem to think about, and one of the most noticeable problems with low budget stuff. Sound IS half the experience, and yet it is usually all but forgotten come production.

News: 2010 World Cup prize money

So, as if it wasn't obvious enough, money is playing a big role in this World Cup, not just by how much will be injected into the South African economy (also dubbed as the "World Cup Bump"). Here's a brief look at what some teams stand to make depending on how far the make it.

News: Conscientious Photography Yao Lu: New Landscapes

Yao Lu: Sustainability Visualized Yao Lu has created a thoughtful and timely series inspired by traditional Chinese paintings entitled New Landscapes in which mounds of garbage covered in green protective nets are assembled and reworked by a computer to create images of rural mountain landscapes shrouded in the mist.

News: A Small Look at Aquaria

A look at Aquaria Last week I made a post about the Humble Indie Bundle ( It's a small online charaty drive where you could buy five indie games for any price you wanted.

How To: Keep Stroke Patients Active at Home w/ Wii Fit

My father recently suffered a stroke. Now in Neuro Rehab at Cedars Sinai, he is enduring daily physical therapy, recreational therapy and occupational therapy sessions to help improve his balance, mobility and fine motor skills. I was initially worried about how I could incorporate his current PT regime in his daily life after he's discharged. That was until I saw the devices he used in the PT gym. Despite their "medical device" designations, the high tech stuff is remarkably similar to what ...

HowTo: Start Selling on Etsy

The five most important things you should think about before starting your store: 1. Name: Make sure you pick a name that is memorable and not too long.  You want people to know how to find your shop, easily.