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News: Bicycle-Go-Round

Artist Robert Wechsler has salvaged and reassembled 9 bicycles into a carousel arrangement. The best part about the project? Wechsler leaves his bicycle-go-round in public places for strangers to ride. Imagine stumbling across one of these in a public park! Genius.

HowTo: Ghoulishly Gruesome Organ Platter

Finally, just in time for Halloween, a HowTo that gets you closer to the God of disgustingly amazing, edible body parts, Thai artist-baker Kittiwat Unarrom. Unfortunately, Claire at Poopscape's dough organs aren't edible like Kittiwat's, but they do make a wonderfully dark centerpiece for your Halloween festivities this year.

News: Prosthesis From Hell

Artist Sascha Nordmeyer presents her concept Communication Prosthesis as the “ultimate communication tool,” or the solution to self-expression. Once inserted into the subject's mouth, the prosthesis forces strange (and horrific) expressions.

HowTo: Print Clouds

While I'm waiting for artist Doug Aitken to figure out how to manufacture real clouds, this foam cloud printer will do just fine in the meantime. Demonstrated at Berlin's consumer electronics fair, IFA. Previously, MEGA 3D Printer To Create World's First Printed Building.

News: Psychedelic Paper Bunny Hole

A mass accumulation of $5 donations allowed NYC artist collective SOFTlab to install the below piece, entitled CHROMAtex, at the Bridge Gallery. The piece is constructed with each donator's name printed as a photo paper tile, laser cut and then assembled with everyday binder clips. Elegantly constructed! Previously, Elegantly Crafted Paper Chandeliers.

News: All Hail Street Fighter

As a tribute to video game classic, Street Fighter, Hongkiat has compiled a collection of impressively done artwork on the theme. My favorites below; click through for the whole series of 60 (and artist credits).

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos:

News: Not another show review..

Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.

News: Dosh

Here is a video of what i think is an awesome drummer, his full name is Martin Luther King Chavez Dosh. He doese really interesting stuff because he loops his drum tracks so that he can overlap different beats, and create cymphonies of percussion! i think hes great, he's played alot with Andrew Bird, one of my favorite artists, check it out.

News: PAARRRTY! Robo-Drummers and Pole Dancing Stripper Bots

Artist Giles Walker's robot peep show/DJ installation piece gives us a little glimpse of what strip clubs could look like in the future (well, let's really hope not, guys). Walker also teams up with Frank Barnes and his robot drummers (second video in the gallery below, check it out - pretty sweet). Previously, Sexxxy Roxxy: World's First Sex Bot (NSFW).