Asian Cuisines Search Results

How To: Make mole poblano sauce

This Mexican sauce is perfect for any occasion, and the poblano is a great addition. If you want an authentic Mexican experience, then this mole recipe is perfect. It's great for parties or fiestas, because it feeds up to 24 people, and the poblano peppers will drive your dinner guests crazy!

How To: Make plantain empanadas

If you like empanadas, then this plantain version is sure to hit your recipe box. Fried foods aren't generally good for you, but you can't exactly not fry empanadas. And don't try to substitute bananas for the plantains. Otherwise those would be banana empanadas and not plantain empanadas!

How To: Make homemade kimchi

Kimchi can be spelled in a variety of ways (gimchi, kimchee, kim tee), but what is it exactly? It's a Korean pickled dish made with vegetables and varied seasonings, and it's the most common side dish in South Korea. In this video tutorial, you'll gain the recipe for making kimchi with cabbage, sea salt, mustard greens, garlic, and other great ingredients. See how to make it!

News: World's Greatest Bento - Plastic Japanese Meal

Anna The Red is the greatest Bento artist I have come across on the web. She's so highly regarded she even did an ad for Google. Check it out: For those of you who don't know, Bento is a "single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine". When bento is arranged in an elaborate style (such as people, animals, characters, plants, etc.) it is referred to as kyaraben or charaben (a shortened version of character bento).

How To: Make homemade rhubarb chutney

If you like Indian cuisine, then you have to love chutney! But you don't have to go out to eat in order to enjoy chutney, you can make your own right at home. And in this video, you'll get the recipe for a delicious rhubarb chutney, great for anything, but perfect for desserts.

News: Where can I get help?

There are many places where you can get help. If you are under 18 you will need your parents to take you, if anything the counselor will need to talk to your parents to see what is your home situation. Remember the counselor will not say anything to your parents or anyone else unless you want to harm yourself or anyone else. If you are 18 and older you could sing up for yourself to receive help. You could get help from places like HOPICS, (For Teens) and People Who are.

Din Tai Fung: The Best Dumplings... in the World?

Luckily for Los Angeles residents, Southern California's most populated county is chock full of amazing Chinese food. Granted it's a far drive for many—the best restaurants are in Alhambra and Monterey Park, which fall within the far eastern realm of the county—but regardless, I've found more amazing Chinese restaurants in L.A. than New York City.

News: Who Needs Fancy Kitchen Gadgets? Pliers & Hairpins Will Do Just Fine

After stumbling across an interesting article by Hanne Blank—(apparent) hobbyist chef and widely known activist on the issues of weight, bisexuality, and sexuality—I've become even more fascinated by kitchen shortcuts. Former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold's recently released Modernist Cuisine also spurred a similar interest, particularly after reading a WSJ piece in which Myhrvold attests —by law of science, of course— that a ¼-inch-thick sheet of steel is more than adequate in place of an ex...

How To: cook filipino pork adobo (dry/sauceless)

Adobo is on of the most famous authentic Filipino dishes there is. There are even a hundred versions of Adobo not just within the Philippines' 7107 islands but also within the country's own unique demographics. There's an adobo in Cebu and there' s an adobo in Bulacan. You can have your adobo sauced like a soup or have it without any sauce and toasted to perfection. your adobo may have pork, chicken or both. Some dishes even include fish and beef. Some have potatoes and others have eggs. The ...

News: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

a dude with a man thong and cat whiskers and a painted on cat nose and cat ears will stand on a marked space with big rubber bands stretched all around and all over his body like hes standin in a circle.the rubber bands will be stretched all over him and then they will be let go and snapped onto him and it will hurt like shit and it will leave red tiger stripe lines all over him and then right after hes like AHH FUCKKK!!! a big like fake dragon head will pop up and spit boiling hot water all ...

Yuppie Frozen Pizza Taste Test: What's Your Favorite?

I'm a desert island pizza person, meaning, I pretty much never get sick of pizza. When it comes to other favorite cuisines, I operate in cycles - indulge often, grow tired of them, take a break and re-visit in time. But when it comes to pizza, I could eat it every night of the week. I typically practice enough self-control to override this desire, but luckily for me, I made a special concession this past week while creating this article.

News: OL's Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in L.A.

Los Angeles is filled with a myriad of options restaurant wise for all of your foodie needs. I am indeed a foodie, but there is nothing better to me then simple produce inspired plates. Here are three of my favorite spots in Los Angeles to find great organic treats all around the city. Happy Eating!

News: Let's Get To Cookin' !

So you love the idea of delicious dinners from farmers market finds, but that idea isn't going to cook itself! Maybe your mama was one hot Italian lady but she only knew how to push the power button on the microwave. No matter the challenge or limitation have no fear, local cooking classes are here to help. Here is a list of some great classes that come highly recommended from friends across the country. So put down that take out menu and pick up your phone and get to cookin! Happy Eating!

News: Top Vegetarian Spots near Santa Monica, CA

Samosa House This southern Indian market and restaurant is a stellar choice for any veggie. Their jackfruit is superb! If you've never tried it, please do. It looks like pulled pork, tastes like a seitan or chicken and is a great natural alternative to meat. Lucky you, they just opened up a second location up the street in Culver City! Also the Bharat Bazaar is a great spot to pick up spices, ginger beer and anything you're missing as far as an Indian grocery goes!

TVs Are for Old People: A Guide to Handheld Consoles

Advancements in technology usually lead to the miniaturization of old technologies, and video games are no exception. Since at least 1990, game hardware manufacturers and enterprising DIY electronics enthusiasts have poured their efforts into making full-size video game consoles smaller, even handheld. And for good reason—who would have ever played a black and white Game Boy if they could have had an actual NES in their pocket?

Passing By: House Café on Beverly

House Café offers traditional American food with a heavy Mexican influence. The restaurant is located near Crescent Heights and Beverly Blvd, sandwiched between The Grove and The Beverly Hills Mall. We’ve (wife and I) visited this restaurant several times, here are our impressions of our most recent visit.

How To: Smell Good and Stay Smelling Good

I've heard some people say that "brown people smell bad!" Ahem. Brown people don’t smell bad! Okay, some do, but so do people of all races and cultures. How a person smells has nothing to do with their race, but rather choices they make. I choose not to smell bad, and take steps to make sure that does not happen. Personally I cannot stand bad smells. It's something that makes me feel sick, so I try my best to make sure that I am not the cause of a certain odor. The following are steps I take ...

News: 10 Chrome Extensions to Jumpstart Your Google+ Wishlist

Are you finding that the Google+ features you've been waiting for are still not rolling out quickly enough for you? Although we've provided many solutions to Google+ issues with different Chrome extensions, it still seems like it's not enough. Now that we've been using Google+ for almost two months, our priorities have changed, and we're finding that we want and need different extensions to make Google+ work better. From filtering to circles, these Google+ Chrome extensions will solve many of...

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Arcade Games Are Dead

If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, then video arcades probably hold a special place in your heart. Whether you all but lived in one (me), wished you could, or detested those with a liking for them, there's no denying that arcades were a ubiquitous part of American culture. They were everywhere, from big chains to little mom-and-pops, housing better systems than gamers had at home and with all the best games and newest titles.

News: Updating Your Website

¬¬Just about every business has a website these days but very few businesses know how to effectively use their websites to get more customers. There are two different things that a business owner needs to do to increase their website traffic: optimize their site so that search engines can find them easier and promote their site on the internet so that they have greater visibility. This article will discuss how to optimize a website.

The Sprint HTC Evo 4G: Best Phone This Year

Written by JD Coverly of WonderHowTo World, LoadSave:We've spent the last week with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo 4G. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple has unveiled the new version of their phone this week and thankfully it's debatable as to which phone is better. The iPhone has better battery life and a more robust App store, but it suffers from a smaller screen, smaller camera resolution, no HDMI out, face talk only on wi-fi networks, and ...

Top 10: Best Ethical Destinations for 2011

By Ethical Traveler As the world becomes ever more interconnected, being an ethical traveler becomes both easier and more urgent. Travelers today have access to far more information than we did even 10 years ago. We can observe–almost in real time–the impact that smart or selfish choices, by governments and individuals, have on rainforests and reefs, cultures and communities.

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