Assembled Search Results

How To: Make 3D Origami Halloween Pumpkin

Halloween pumpkin can be an interesting model for beginners, even if Halloween was a few weeks ago. In the video below are detailed instructions that also includes a small map to see how are triangles assembled. You will need 198 orange, 36 light brown, 22 yellow and 5 dark brown triangles.

How To: Make a Lego minigun

This is a Hobbies and Toys video tutorial where you will learn how to make a LEGO mini gun. For making this toy, you will need the LEGO mini gun kit. The mini gun consists of eight parts. Probably the pieces do not have names. So, the kid who is demonstrating in this video keeps referring all the parts as pieces. You first take the long grey piece and put a small light grey piece on top and push all the way down. Then you take another similar piece and fix it at the top and leave it aside. Th...

How To: Make Lazy Grilled Cheese Sandwiches in Your Toaster

The lengths people will go to for a grilled cheese sandwich are amazing. They'll use irons, wafflemakers, or whatever appliance that produces enough heat to produce the perfect combination of golden, grilled bread and oozy, melting cheese. I personally favor my cast-iron skillet or the oven for making a really great grilled cheese sandwich. If I'm feeling lazy, then a toaster oven will do. But what if you're at work or in a dorm and the break room only has a toaster?

How To: Make an Arduino Shield

Two years ago, driven by a good friend of mine i decided to give it a try on timelapse photography. I had a DSLR camera but didn't had an intervalometer, so i assembled a small electronic circuit on top of an Arduino Uno, made some basic code and did my first timelapse movie. The result was awful, but for some reason I was hooked.

How To: Make Your Own Soda Pop at Home with a DIY Carbonation Kit

Even if you're not a hipster with your own self-sufficient garden, making your own edibles at home can be pretty cool. And while it's obviously easier to pick up a bottle of 7-Up at the store, there's something undoubtedly fun about making your own. For those addicted to their fizzy drinks, DIY soda is a great way to save some cash and make their drinks healthier with natural flavors and sweeteners, instead of something like corn syrup or aspartame.

Brief Reality: Home Audio Speakers Could Soon Project Holograms

One inventor wants to bring augmented reality to internet radio and home audio speakers. Meanwhile, a leading consumer electronics company has opened up access its deep learning tools for building augmented reality apps. In addition, analysts examine how augmented reality will impact the design and construction and profile the top developers in augmented and virtual reality.