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How To: Make a basic TAS in Super Mario 64

A TAS, in case you're outside too much to have heard of them before, is a tool-assisted speedrun. Basically you take a video game ROM and use some software like Mupen 64] to control the game's many parameters on a previously unattainable level. This allows for perfect manipulation of glitches and timing, and thus for much faster completions of the game than are possible unaided. This ...

How To: Practice the cactus to upward facing bow yoga pose

Learn arm awareness in yoga without being in compromising and difficult poses. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays with using the cactus arm action to assist in creating the shoulder blade support in urdhva dhanurasana, upward facing bow pose, sometimes called wheel. Watch and learn how to work the cactus action movement to feel your arms while practicing yoga.

How To: Practice a restorative forward fold for yoga

In yoga how-to video we look at how to use a bolster (a prop) to allow the posture (asana) to be held for an extended period of time. Restorative yoga is designed to assist the sympathetic nervous system to relax and allow the parasympathetic nervous system to take over. Watch the video to learn the proper technique for doing a restorative forward fold in yoga.

How To: Relax with a restorative yoga spinal twist

In this yoga how-to video we explore an easy restorative supported spinal twist. Restorative yoga is designed to offer support and stability to the nervous system to encourage ease and relaxation. Twisting assists in digestion and increase in intuition. Watch and learn how to relax with this restorative spinal twist.

News: HoloLens Assists in Live Surgery

Numerous examples exist of doctors and surgeons using HoloLens to plan surgeries. The device has even been used to view reference images during a procedure and stream it to a remote audience. Until recently, it has not been used to augment the surgeon's view of the patient during a live surgery.

News: Envision Accepting Pre-Orders for Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 with AI Software to Assist the Visually Impaired

Computer vision is a key component in enabling augmented reality experiences, but now it can help give sight to the blind as well. In this case, that assistance comes from Envision, developers of mobile apps for iOS and Android that use optical character recognition (OCR) and object detection to provide an audio description of the user's surroundings.

How To: Do the slip cut sandwich card trick

If you've ever wanted to do card magic tricks or just want to know how a certain magic card trick is done then watch and learn how to perform the slip cut sandwich card trick. This is a simple card trick can be done by anyone regardless of experience, you want to being by stating that the two jacks are going to assist you in finding the card. Then have a spectator tell you when to stop when your riffling through the deck. When told to stop just pull two cards out as one and place at the top o...

How To: Relate the information on your camera to the lens

This is a video tutorial showing its audience how to relate the information that is displayed on your camera lens to your actual camera. The first step is to grab your camera and begin studying your lens. Next look at the mm reading on your lens and the aperture reading. These settings will assist you with setting your depth of field. Next look for your focus ring. Your focus ring will allow you to focus your photos in manual mode. Next look for the focus reading, this will tell you how far a...

How To: Prepare steak with roasted vegetables

This FoodieKitchen video shows how to prepare steak with roast vegetables. This is possible to do on a budget, when you buy veggies that are local, in season, and still delicious. You start this process by seasoning the steak with a combination of salt, pepper, garlic power, and cumin powder, all designed to bring out the natural flavor of the steak. While the meat is sitting you then prepare the vegetables for roasting. Asparagus, zuchinnis (white or green), and yellow squash all work great....

How To: Find the surface area of a rectangular prism

Have a 3 dimensional figure that you can not figure out the surface area? This video teaches the fundamental concepts and techniques of figuring out the surface area of a 3 dimension figure. In this video, the specific shape will be a rectangular prism. The video will assist its viewers in understanding and learning the process of how to find the surface area of this 3 dimensional figure. The method is simple and easy to learn. This is highly recommended to anyone with an interest in math.

How To: Easily draw a horse

Drawing of a horse is broken down into a helpful series of tips and tricks in this nice, succinct tutorial video. Step 1, the video describes the use of ovals and other simple shapes, to begin to plan the overall structure, for later. Step 2, around those ovals and simple shapes; begin a rudimentary outline of the horse you're trying to draw. Using the example given, see what's possible, and begin to erase your ovals and other structure-assisting shapes, in the middle, giving you now your act...

News: 15 Remote Assistance Apps Driving the Enterprise Sector of Augmented Reality, from HoloLens to iPhone

Comparing the present-day states of the consumer and enterprise sectors of augmented reality is like evaluating the merits of sports car versus work trucks. Like consumer AR, sports cars are sexy and exciting, but perhaps a bit impractical at times. On the other hand, enterprise AR is utilitarian, but it gets the job done and, in the long run, pays for itself.