Assisted Search Results

How To: Make a basic TAS in Super Mario 64

A TAS, in case you're outside too much to have heard of them before, is a tool-assisted speedrun. Basically you take a video game ROM and use some software like Mupen 64] to control the game's many parameters on a previously unattainable level. This allows for perfect manipulation of glitches and timing, and thus for much faster completions of the game than are possible unaided. This ...

How To: Build & maintain a worm composting farm

Looking to make a worm composting bin? Look no further. This video vermiculture how-to will see to it that you know everything you need to know to start your own worm-assisted compost process. For more information, including detailed instructions on setting up your own worm composting bin to generate fertile soil for your home garden, watch this free gardener's guide.

How To: Install the software for a CNC router

A CNC router machine is probably the most useful tool a hobbyist can own, but the price for a CNC machine on the market is way more than the average hobbyist is willing to spend. You can build your own CNC with very basic tools, little knowledge of machinery, mechanics, or electronics, but be warned, these machines are inherently dangerous, so wear the proper protection and use common sense. At the very least, read the instructions and precautions on every tool you use.

How To: Use & operate swivel clamps to String a Tennis racket

String a tennis racket. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to use and operate swivel clamps. The two main components of the swivel clamp are the tightening teeth and locking down the clamp. The clamp keeps it from moving along the side bar, some are spring assisted, some are not. The tightening teeth is used to keep the clamp attached to the string.

How To: Make chimichurri sauce

Chef John from shares his recipe for Argentinian Chimichurri sauce and is assisted by his wife Michelle. He lists the ingredients as garlic, spices, and herbs including italian parsley, cilantro, and oregano. Chef John suggests shaving the leaves of the herbs off the stems and then throwing them into a blender with all his spices, oil, and vinegar. Chef John uses a long spatula to push the herbs down. He purees the sauce slowly in the blender, scraping down the sides of the ble...

News: Microsoft Japan Concept Video Demos How HoloLens Will Help Pilot the Drone Ships of the Future

Although the HoloLens is still primarily the domain of developers and researchers, the device is nevertheless on the cutting edge of showing us what will be possible with augmented reality in the coming years. The latest example comes via Microsoft Japan and a new concept video that shows off how the HoloLens will be used in the relatively near future to pilot autonomous ships.

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