Assurance Search Results

How To: Play "Blessed Assurance" on the lap guitar

If you want to learn how to play 'Blessed Assurance' on the lap guitar you should first print out the tab to Blessed Assurance so you can follow along. On the first note you want to roll on the first three strings of the 6th fret and then you want to roll on the first string of the 7th fret. Then play an open third string. This will all be open, a quick roll on the 6th, 2nd and 4th string. Now do an arpeggio on your 4, 3 and 1 string open. Now go to the 3rd, 4th string. Now go to the C chord ...

How To: Advanced Cryptography - Total Guide

Hello people again, I wrote my last post about crypto about 10 months ago, now I will introduce something not fresh for the science, but fresh for the people who wants to learn. In my post of crypto concepts, there is just basics, today we will see something that targets wide concepts like Symmetric crypto, Public Key Cryptography, Hashing, Keys etc...

How To: Get Cyanogen OS 12 to Work with Your 5 GHz Wireless Router

No one is perfect, and this goes double for software developers. All of the quality assurance testing in the world does nothing when you put a new OS in the hands of everyday users, since we all use our devices in different places and for different reasons. Recently, Cyanogen released their version of Android Lollipop, Cyanogen OS 12, and with it came a whole lot of great features, but some bugs also slipped in.

How To: Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of keeping secrets, or more specifically, the science of disguising them. As a point of fact, cryptography has progressed quite a bit farther and now encompasses file and message integrity, sender authentication, and pseudo-random number generators.

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