Athletic Origins Search Results

How To: Create a string figure Owl

Did you play Cat's Cradle as a kid? Well, there's more to string figure art than just Cat's Cradle or Jacob's Ladder. This string art video demonstrates how to make a string figure owl. Song: King Crimson - In the Court of King Crimson.

How To: Create a string figure Moth

Did you play Cat's Cradle as a kid? Well, there's more to string figure art than just Cat's Cradle or Jacob's Ladder. This string art video demonstrates how to make a string figure moth. Song: Warhorse - Woman of the Devil.

How To: Test Drive Gmail's New Interface

Google's hard at work beefing up their new Google+ social network, and while they continue to improve new features like Circles and Hangouts, they haven't lost track of their other online features already widely in use. If you're already a part of the Google+ project (currently closed to invites right now), you've probably noticed the changes in Picasa Web, but Gmail has been getting some great updates as well—and you don't have to be in the Google+ network to use them.

Squeal: iPad App Plays the Human Face Like a Theremin

Just as Smule's ocarina app yields the gentle sounds of a woodwind instrument by simply blowing into an iPhone, Squeal promises to emit theremin-esque noises from the iPad with easy fingerplay. Developed as a collaboration between Hong Kong musician/producer/composer Gaybird Leung and interactive designer Henry Chu, the musical app is a work-in-progress for Henry's ongoing experimental music project Digital Hug.

WARNING: On Public WiFi? Your News May Be Hacked

Meet Newstweek, a hidden device engineered to hack news items being read at public WiFi hotspots (cafes, libraries, airports, etc.). Both nefarious and tech-saavy, the ingenious mechanism wasn't fathered by a group of web hackers, but rather a pair of Berlin artists, Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev. The duo are interested in exploiting the "trustworthiness" of big media outlets in order to demonstrate the vulnerability of relying on just a few dominant networks.

News: Killing American Citzens

US can legally kill Americans in terror groups You read it right. The US can now target Americans who are supposedly part of terrorist groups. Here's my analysis of Attorney General Eric Holder points (keep in mind though, these are point's brought up by MSNBC, original article here):

News: The GOP Race

It seems the Republicans aren't happy about Obama. But then again, they never will be. As the time for re-election draws near, the Republican Party is scrambling to chose their candidate who will beat Obama. So far, Mitt Romney (we'll discuss the candidates soon) has somewhat dominated the scene, with spurts of awesomeness from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul stays steady, currently holding the second most number of delegates (yes, we'll go over terms also).

News: Do Real Science. No Degree Required.

What's the next best thing to being an official scientist? Being a non-official one. A new website called Science for Citizens helps you find the science experiment of your dreams, hook up with the scientists involved, and actually take part in the experiment itself. Here are some examples of what you can do: