Authors Identified Search Results

How To: Identify a mustang horse

This video is a tutorial on how to identify a mustang horse breed. The instructor begins by saying that it is not easy to identify a mustang horse because of the cross breeding characteristics of mustangs. The mustang shown in the video is larger then an average mustang. The instructor shows the mustangs white brand and all the different meanings along with age tagged along with the horse. The mustang is known for having feet that are larger then most other horse species. The most important s...

How To: Identify wave types

Phil Macdonald and Trent Munro discuss how you can identify wave types for surfing. There are two types of waves: rolling and clenching waves. Rolling waves break far from the shore while clenching waves are more dangerous.

How To: Identify problems with vegetable plants

Curtis Smith, Extension Horticulturist with Southwest Yard and Garden, and Rick Daniell, Bernalillo County Horticultural Agent, discuss how to identify problems with vegetable plants in your garden. Gray or white spots on a squash leaf are natural if they do not rub off. Blossom end rot can afflict tomatoes, squash, chilies and melons. Blossom end rot indicates a calcium deficiency during times of vigorous growing during uneven watering. Fertilize when the plants are young. Sun scald can affl...

How To: Identify control arm bushing failure in a BMW E46

If you own a BMW E46, you may have run into a problem with the control arm bushing. This is a frequent problem when dealing with this car, but it can easily be identified. What happens when a control arm bushing fails, is that the actual wheel moves two inches back. This can be dangerous and can easily damage the car. So check out the tutorial above to identify control arm bushing failure in a BMW E46. Enjoy!

How To: Distinguish different types of bulbs

In this tutorial, Scott Atkinson shows us how to identify different types of bulbs. Common types of bulbs are: tulip, daffodil and lily. These are most easily identified but there are many that appear in flowers. A core looks similar to a bulb but it is a solid tissue and doesn't have an leaves, just a hard core with a protective covering. There is also tubers which are what potatoes and other foods grow from. These cause eyes to form and create different types of things to grow. You will now...

How To: Identify and control common lawn weeds

With rainfall comes unwanted plant growth in the form of weeds. Here's how to identify and control them. First is Nutsage which has a glossy green leaf, triangular stem and the rhizome sends up new plants whenever you cut away at it. Next is jungle rice which is an aquatic weed, from areas where there is a lot of moisture. It can be identified by it red/purple chevrons. Use herbicide to take them out before they get too large. Next is pigweeds, to get rid of it you can use weed killer or a ho...

How To: Identify computer parts

This video tutorial helps you identify the various components within a desktop computer. The CPU, a circular windmill-looking piece, consists of a fan that keeps the CPU cool. The CPU chip is located underneath this fan. There are four RAM slots in this particular motherboard featured in the video. The video card connects toward the middle and clicks into a PCI Express slot, which provides video. On the bottom there are expansion slots, which audio or network cards can be connected into. The ...

How To: Identify the rear axle on a Jeep Cherokee

Richpin's Auto Repair shows you how to properly identify the rear axle of a Jeep Grand Cherokee. This information will allow you to obtain the correct information for replacing this specific automobile part. The video will show you where you need to look beneath the vehicle to find out which style of rear axle your Jeep Grand Cherokee has. You'll be shown where to clean the dirt off of a specific area of the axle to obtain this important information. In this particular case, the rear end axle...

News: Dogs Could Be Spreading Antibiotic-Resistant Infections to Their Owners

Our canine best friends could spread our bacterial worst nightmare, according to a recent study. The problem with drug-resistant bacteria is well known. Overused, poorly used, and naturally adaptive bacteria clearly have us outnumbered. As science drives hard to find alternative drugs, therapies, and options to treat increasingly resistant infections, humans are treading water, hoping our drugs of last resort work until we figure out better strategies.

How To: Create a bent wood trellis

Whenever you design elements for your garden, you should always keep in mind, that the more natural they are the better they seem to fit in. That's exactly what is done when you create this rustic bent wood trellis. But others have taken this idea a step further. In this how to video, Jim Long, author of the book Making Bentwood Arbors and Trellises, explains how to create these artistic garden ornaments.

How To: Identify numerators and denominators in basic mathematics

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps. With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to identify and name the numerator and denominator of a fraction in prealgebra.

How To: Cite scholarly journal articles in MLA format

This video shows viewers how to properly cite scholarly journal articles in the MLA format. In your works cited page, the citation should begin by placing the author's last name first, followed by his first name. If there are multiple authors, all subsequent authors should have their first name first followed by their last name. Placing a period after this, the next item is the title of the article, placed in quotation marks and followed by a period. The name of the scholarly journal is place...

How To: Identify insects in your trees

This will illustrate us how to identify various kinds of insects in the trees. here are the following steps :Step 1: First of all get a Pictorial version of book based on insects.Step 2: Now on the tree look for various kind of insects and as well as there eggs laid by them.Step 3 : now look for the pictures in the book and match these with the insects on the trees .Step 4 : To be confirmed about the right identification look closely for the shape of the legs off the insect and as well as the...

How To: Identify and control problems with bermudagrass

In this how-to video, you will learn how to identify and control problems with Bermuda Grass. If you are worried with allergies, you should check if you are allergic to this particular grass. The seed heads produce the majority of it, but even the pollen produces these allergies. Regarding the water schedule, the grass needs water during the summer. If you have a fine textured soil, you should water about one time a week. If your grass is turning a blue-gray color, it might be lacking water. ...

How To: Identify problems with evergreen trees

This will illustrate us how to identify problems with evergreen trees. Here are the following steps:Step 1: First of all look for all the evergreen trees.Step 2: Now look for the problems that is whether there is any fungal or bacterial infection occurring.Step 3 : Now look for the climatic requirements as well as the water requirement for the plant.Step 4: Look whether the conditions are available to your surroundings or not.Step 5: Also find out whether the soil type is idle for the plant g...

How To: Identify problems with the peach tree borer

This video explains how to identify problems with the peach tree borer. The video begins with a peach tree shown with bore issues below the dirt line on the trunk. The instructor then explains that most of the pesticides used for this problem are no longer available and that most people have turned to more organic pesticides to solve the problem. The video then explains that you must first clean all the bore and dirt away before trying to apply pesticides to the tree. After the bore holes hav...

How To: Identify pecan weevil problems

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify pecan weevil problems. John White presents this video along with Carol Sutherland, extension entomologist. After pecan is infected with pecan weevil, it has the potential of spreading in the entire area. The indication of pecan weevil infection is an opening on the crust of the pecan which may or may not be a perfect circle. But, on the nuts the holes are perfect circles. There is usually one hole on the nuts; though sometime...

How To: Play xiangqi, also known as Chinese chess

Chinese chess is the world’s most popular board game. Chinese chess, also known as xiangqi, has been played throughout East Asia for over 1000 years. The playing pieces have traditionally been identified using Chinese characters, so only those who could read Chinese characters could play. Now, Chinese chess is available in a set in which the pieces are identified by symbols on one side and Chinese characters on the reverse side so that anyone can enjoy this challenging strategy game.

How To: Use quotes in an essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to use quotes in an essay. When using a colon, you will set up the quote, then present it as proof of what you have just said. Note that the phrase before the quote could stand on its own as a sentence. For partial quotes, remember when summarizing to embed the author's words in your own sentence. If you take away the quotation marks the sentence should flow like you wrote it. When using commas with quotes, you can introduce the quote with an introductory phrase...

How To: Identify the constraints & function to be optimized

In this tutorial, we learn how to identify the constraints & function to be optimized. When you are asked for the elements of constraints, you are being asked for the plain English version. If you are told you only have so much of something inside of a written problem, then take into account all of the limits that are listed. Once you have these, write them down so you have them in one place. After this, write down the number for the unrestricted part of the problem. After this, you will be a...

How To: Identify if you are using too mcuh fertilizer

In this video, we learn how to identify common tree problems. If you use too much fertilizer you can find a burn scar that is left on the bark of the tree. You can avoid this by making sure fertilizer spikes are placed away from the tree. Tree splitting is also an obvious sign that a tree is in bad shape and needs to be cut and taken down. A common leaf problem is Pear Slug Damage. A great way to help this to use wood ash on the tree, which will kill the insects that cause this and it's safe ...

How To: Identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants. John White presents this video along with Virginia Owens. Spittle bug on rosemary can be removed with a strong blast of water. You can also add a little bit of soap to it. You also have to be persistent with this. Scale is a kind of insect that forms carnication on Spanish Broom. This can be treated with dormant oil in the summer. Ivy gets burnt when exposed to hot sun. So, you go...

How To: Identify problems squash, melons, & chile plants

This video answers some questions on how to identify some of the problems that occur in vegetable gardens: for example, if there are missing leaves on your tomato plant, then it is an indication that they are being eaten by something. In some cases, this pest is the Tomato Hornworm. The Mosaic Virus and Curly Top and Tomato Spotted Wilt also attacks tomato plants.

How To: Use optimization methods in calculus

This video shows how to use optimization methods in calculus. Optimization means finding the maximum or minimum values of a quantity or finding when the maximum or minimum occurs.What quantities are optimized in economics?we want to minimize costs or maximize revenue.First steps in any optimization problem1.Identify the quantity to be optimized i.e., read the problem exactly what is exactly maximized or minimized.2.Identified the feasible domain. This is important because the math we can opti...