Authors Identified Search Results

How To: Increase height by stretching

In this video the author shows how to increase height by stretching your body. There are various stretching methods that you can follow to strain the body and stretch it there by helping it to grow. There are various stretching exercise like the Cobra method where you lay down on the floor and try to stretch your body by shaping your body in the form of an arc. There is an another exercise called super cobra where you stretch the body in the opposite direction. There are also other stretching...

How To: Get over a broken heart using 15 tips

This video is a how-to video on how to get over a broken heart using the authors fifteen tips. The video scrolls through the fifteen tips one at a time with encouraging sounding music playing in the background. The segment explains different ways of fixing that broken heart by deleting an ex from your contacts and friends lists to getting rid of those sappy love songs that are on your MP3 player. This video is to help those girls with a broken heart. By using these fifteen tips to get over an...

How To: Fold an origami Reindeer

Learn how to fold an origami Reindeer with instruction by Ancella Simoes. Ancella Simoes is the author of the Origamiancy Blog and creator of all the Origamiancy origami tutorial videos on WonderHowTo. From Ancella's site:

How To: Pick a warded lock

In this lock picking tutorial video series, I explain and demonstrate how to pick warded locks. Warded locks can be identified by the unique keyway they have. Warded locks use a very simple design. This allows the lock to be inexpensive and minimizes jamming from dirt and grime. Use these lock picking videos to learn how to pick a warded lock.

How To: Reduce the risk of your baby having spina bifida

Spina bifida is a birth defect involving the neural tube, resulting in an incomplete formation of the spine. Spina bifida is one of the most common birth defects, it occurs within the first few weeks of pregnancy often before a woman knows she's pregnant. Get expert tips and advice on treating and understanding spina bifida or split spine in this video.

How To: Adjust your diet when suffering from endometriosis

This is a condition where the tissue that's supposed to grow inside of your uterus starts growing outside of your uterus on other organs. It's not usually dangerous and doesn't have any side effects, but it can be very painful and also can give you trouble conceiving, if you're trying to have a baby. Adjusting your diet and foods you eat can help with endometriosis. Learn how to adjust your diet to fit your specific health and nutrition needs in this nutrition how-to video.

How To: Give a facial massage

A facial massage can rejuvenate and soothe. Make sure your hands are clean to begin with. A lot of people don't like oil, having oil in their hands and putting it on their face, or they might be allergic to it or sensitive. So have a nice clean set of hands and starting with just saying hello to the head. Learn the art of giving massage in this health how-to video.

How To: Give yourself an oil massage

Massage yourself with oil to relieve stress and soreness. You don't really require that much oil. Our skin has a lot of oil already. Use a little bit of oil, rub it on your hands and go deep. Treat your muscles with self massage in this health how-to video.

How To: Give a massage with the petrissage technique

Petrissage strokes are a special technique of massage. Petrissage is mostly kneading like you're kneading bread. Just like if you had a big loaf of bread and you're just kneading that bread, all that flour coming in. I'm using the bottom V, corner V of your palms, wherever your pinkie comes in to touch with your thumb, and that's basically what I'm using with my hands. Learn the art of giving petrissage massage in this health how-to video.

How To: Do silk painting or batik

Jill Kennedy is the famous UK author of several books on her favorite art - silk painting. In this video, she demonstrates how wax is often preferential to gutta or other resists for it's ability to contain or hold colors. It can be used in larger areas while providing similar effects to gutta's ability to contain dye within regions. Here she emphasizes the ability to work with dyes immediately after application and demonstrates how fun it is to use traditional Indonesian tjantings and Japane...

News: Probiotics Could Cut Sepsis in Infants for Just $1 a Day

Bacteria, viruses and other germs sometimes set off the immune system to overreact, producing a severe condition called sepsis. Sepsis is so dangerous that it is the leading cause of death of children across the world, killing a million kids every year, mostly in developing countries. Probiotic bacteria might be able to prevent sepsis and infections, but no large research studies have been done to find out whether that actually works. Until now.

News: Unexpected Microbial Life in Glacial Clay Could Offer Antibiotic Solutions

For as long as 14,000 years, the First Nations people of the Heitsuk Nation have made their home along the Central Coast of the Canadian province of British Columbia. Among the territory's inlets, islands, rivers, and valleys lie a clay deposit on the north side of Kisameet Bay, near King Island. For as long as most can remember, the tribe has used the clay as medicine. Now science says microbes that live in that clay may have important antibacterial properties.

News: Natural Antibiotic from Cystic Fibrosis Patient Knocks Out TB

A promising new antibiotic has been discovered in, of all things, another bacteria. Burkholderia bacteria live in diverse habitats, including soil, plants, and humans where they thrive by knocking out other microbes that compete with them for resources or threaten their existence. Scientists have discovered they accomplish this by producing a very effective antibiotic.

How To: Reading Fantasy Books Could Make You a Better Person

From parents and other family members to friends and peers, personalities are built by environment. Though people are important in the development of our own individual personality, there are other, different influences, including what you choose to read. The books you take the time to enjoy can make you nicer and more understanding, or leave you overall unchanged.

How To: Use Ettercap to Intercept Passwords with ARP Spoofing

ARP spoofing is an attack against an Ethernet or Wi-Fi network to get between the router and the target user. In an ARP-spoofing attack, messages meant for the target are sent to the attacker instead, allowing the attacker to spy on, deny service to, or man-in-the-middle a target. One of the most popular tools for performing this attack is Ettercap, which comes preinstalled on Kali Linux.