Authors Identified Search Results

How To: Use Maltego to Target Company Email Addresses That May Be Vulnerable from Third-Party Breaches

The easiest way around a security policy is to find users who don't follow it. The Have I Been Pwned database identifies accounts with information breached by major third parties like Yahoo and LinkedIn. With Maltego, hackers can locate breached accounts created using company email addresses, potentially giving attackers access to a company account if the employee reuses a compromised password.

News: This Genetic Defect Could Be Why Typhoid Mary Never Got Typhoid Fever

Whether or not a microbe is successful at establishing an infection depends both on the microbe and the host. Scientists from Duke found that a single DNA change can allow Salmonella typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever, to invade cells. That single genetic variation increased the amount of cholesterol on cell membranes that Salmonella and other bacteria use as a docking station to attach to a cell to invade it. They also found that common cholesterol-lowering drugs protected zebrafi...

News: Your Reading Experience Is About to Change Thanks to Augmented Reality

If you're someone who loves to read, you've probably read a book that made you want to hop into the story and live in the world that wasn't your own. Reading has a way of letting us escape into other worlds and experience things that we normally wouldn't be able to. Augmented reality is similar in that way. Which is why it makes sense that the two would be combined to create an incredible, immersive new way of reading.

How To: 3 Great Apps for Reverse Phone Number Lookup on Android

As much as you try to safeguard your personal information, you may have made a small mistake by giving your phone number to the wrong entity, and now you're being bombarded with dozens of spam calls every day. To help parse your call log and reject the proper numbers without answering or trudging through voicemail, a good reverse phone lookup app is needed.

How To: Identify wire colors and do some basic home wiring

If you have never dealt with wire color-coding then Old64goat takes you through a very elementary tutorial that will give you the helpful aid needed to deal with common household wires. The first cord that is reviewed is the three pronged cord. The color wires contained within it is the green wire which is the ground prong, the white wire which is neutral, and the black wire which is the heat. Old64goat then demonstrates where the wires are connected to on the prong. He even gives out helpful...

How To: Care for your recorder properly with Mrs. Hill

In this how-to video, you will learn how to maintain your recorder instrument. First, label your recorder with a permanent marker in case you leave it somewhere. This will allow someone to identify who it belongs to. First, use the cleaning rod and put a piece of cotton cloth on it. Push it through the opening of the recorder to get any spit and dirty out of the recorder. To clean the mouth piece, use an old tooth brush and scrub it. Once in a while, it is a good idea to wash the recorder in ...

How To: Get rid of moles in the yard

Moles can be a problem. You can identify Moles as a problem if when you stick your finger down a hole you can feel a tunnel. There is a safe way to rid your lawn of Moles without harming other pests, insects, pets or family. Castor Oil produces an odor that Moles don't like. Get it in granular or liquid form, sprinkle it around the area. You'll see more Mole activity in the first few days because they'll get agitated but quickly they'll move somewhere else. Don't use a castor oil from a groce...

Hack Your Brain: Improving Memory with Dirty Pictures

If you're interested in nabbing superhero memory strength, the secret behind training your brain is not necessarily what you might expect. Your standard G-rated brain strengthening exercises range from crossword puzzles to Sudoku to calculating fairly simple math problems to improve short term memory, but the real clincher used by some of the pros is essentially... porn. Yep, you read right.

How To: Extract the key from a LiteOn DG-16D2S XBox 360 drive

If you want to flash the disc drive on your XBox 360, you are going to need to know the key to that drive or another one so that you can reassign a key to the drive after you flash it. This video will show you how to do that, as well as how to make your own DIY XBox connectivity kit. That will save you about $30 and make you feel much more legit as you hack away at you XBox 360.

How To: Buy fresh ginger and brew a pot of ginger tea

This video illustrates the quick and easy method to Buy fresh ginger and brew a pot of ginger tea . The process is comprised of the following steps:Step 1: Visit a local store or a vegetable shop and buy some ginger. Identifying whether the ginger is fresh or not is a easy job. Just smell it and judge if the odor is strong. A strong odor indicates that the ginger is fresh.Step 2: Mesh the ginger pieces and peel off it's skin.Step 3: Take small pieces of ginger and add them to boiling tea.Step...

How To: Identify tree damage from a natural gas leak

In this how-to video, you will learn how to indicate if tree damage has occurred due to a natural gas leak. In this example, a Mexican Elder tree has been damaged by the gas leak. You can tell by the brown leaves. The plastic around the soil has trapped the gas in the soil, cutting off the oxygen from the tree. The Indian Hawthorne in this example has also been damaged. There is some foliage burn on the leaves. The bush will have to be trimmed back in order to save it. There are several plant...

How To: Identify common tree problems

For new landscapes people tend to generally plant the new 'purple leaf plum' trees in a square shaped small plots. They also plant some small plants around it to make it look good. However when the tree grows older it needs to spread its roots. At that time these plants may try to hinder the trees roots growth. Therefore it is advisable remove them once the tree starts growing bigger. Then you can also add water to the roots by spreading it around the area of the tree.Whenever there is proble...

How To: Identify and control problems with pine trees

First of all whenever there is low rainfall and higher heat then there are problems.You shall notice that there are brown colored needles which dry up and then drop of. Sometimes they start at the tip and then move towards the branch. This shows drought and you need to soak in lots of water to overcome. However if you notice the brown needles going from the middle to the tip then these are due to natural process. Another problem is the presence of spider mite. Take a white sheet of paper and ...

How To: Wire a car amplifier and subwoofer inside your house

This easy to follow silent and accurate video will guide you quickly and easily through what you'll need, (like a Power Supply, a sound system that has a Subwoofer Pre-output and a High Input adapter, which may already come with your amp.) First learn what colored wires should be connected to simulate your PC starting. Then connect the amp to the power supply to simulate the car Head-Unit starting. Once the power issues are handled, the video assists you with connecting your audio input. It i...

How To: Make a desktop background slide show in Windows 7

This feature also comes with Windows 7. Right click on desktop then click "Personalize". You can see the numbers of themes for example choose Nature theme and click "Desktop Background". You can see the some pictures and a tick mark on the corner of the pictures which tells these pictures are the part of my slide show. Also you can set the time for new pictures to come.

How To: Use circuit bending

Circuit bending an audio device typically involves removing the rear panel of the device and connecting any two circuit locations with a "jumper" wire, sending current from one part of the circuit into another. Results are monitored through either the device's internal speaker or by connecting an amplifier to the speaker output. If an interesting effect is achieved, this connection would be marked for future reference or kept active by either soldering a new connection or bridging it with cro...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 42

Cleaning House: This mission just might be the best one of all. Talk to Antonio, the head of the thieves guild and you'll at first get a cut scene and a memory sync, without having to do anything. Talk to him again, however, and you'll get a mission to identify and kill some traitors. The nearest traitor is in an area just north of you, so head toward the green area on your map.