Authors Identified Search Results

News: Gathering Data for Fun and Profit

Oh Data, You so Awesome! We are going to use Node.JS to gather us some data. Given nodes plethora of well abstracted network abilities and it's deep evened nature, it will make quick work of plugging into various data sources and gathering / making good use of said data.

How To: Send SMS Messages with Python

In this article, I'll show you how to send SMS messages with Python. You'll need Python 2.7 or later, urllib and urllib2. The code basically uses an online text messaging service to "POST" html data, as if a person was entering the data themselves. The uses for something like this are unlimited. For example, I modified the basic code so I would receive a text message letting me know every time someone rang my doorbell. The program could interface with Arduino through a serial port, and send d...

How To: Plant garden roses in containers

Planting roses can make your home beautiful, but there is more to planting roses than just picking one from your local nursery. Selecting a rose that will stay in scale with the container without much heavy pruning can make all the difference in having healthy, long-lasting, producing rose bushes.

How To: Use object and merge drawing in Adobe Flash CS4

Adobe Flash CS4 Professional software is the industry-leading authoring environment for creating engaging interactive experiences. It is ideal for interactive designers, graphic designers, and developers. But having the program isn't enough; you need to know how to use it. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to use object and merge drawing tools in Adobe Flash CS4. Use object and merge drawing in Adobe Flash CS4.

How To: Use symbols in Flash CS4

Adobe Flash Creative Suite 4, or CS4, Professional software is the industry-leading authoring environment for creating engaging interactive experiences. It is ideal for interactive designers, graphic designers, and developers. But having the program isn't enough; you need to know how to use it. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to use symbols in Adobe Flash CS4. Use symbols in Flash CS4.

How To: Play Roulette like the pros for beginners

Frank Sclobette author of " The Golden Touch Craps Dice Revolution" discusses: What is "roulette"? What are the basics of roulette? How soon before the wheel stops can I make a bet? What is the house advantage in roulette? What are the odds of a specific number coming up in roulette? If I play a number long enough in roulette will it come up? What is an "on red" or an "on black" bet mean in roulette? What are the odds of winning a color bet in roulette? If I bet on a specific number in roulet...

How To: High Voltage Happiness? How to Make a Negative Ion Generator

In this article, I'll show you how to build a simplistic circuit to generate negative ions. Negative ions have been known to contribute to fresher air, happier mood, and general health benefits. However, they also look amazing in the dark (check out the photos below, purple plasma is amazing!). And if all else fails, they make a cool nightlight. If you've ever been around a Tesla coil, cathode ray tube TV or sometimes even on a trampoline, you've probably noticed that smell; the smell of "sta...

A Primer on Vintage Makeup: History You Can Hold, Smell and Touch

Lisa Eldridge is one of the most preeminent makeup artists in the fashion editorial space today, working with nearly every A-list female in Hollywood. Her blog is full of interesting tutorials and articles, and Eldridge recently posted a fascinating interview with Madeleine Marsh, historian and author of Compacts and Cosmetics: Beauty from Victorian Times to the Present Day.

World’s Total CPU Power: One Human Brain

By John Timmer, Ars Technica How much information can the world transmit, process, and store? Estimating this sort of thing can be a nightmare, but the task can provide valuable information on trends that are changing our computing and broadcast infrastructure. So a pair of researchers have taken the job upon themselves and tracked the changes in 60 different analog and digital technologies, from newsprint to cellular data, for a period of over 20 years.

News: It-doesnt-pay-to-be-intelligent

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Although money and mental muscles may seem a natural match, brains, alas, may be more hindrance than help when it comes to getting rich, concludes a new study in the journal Intelligence.”It is still not well understood why some people are rich and others are poor,” writes study author Jay Zagorsky of Ohio State University. “Luck, timing, parents, choice of spouse and many other factors play important roles in shaping an individual’s circumstances,” he...

HowTo: Grow Your Own Snowflakes

CalTech's Kenneth Libbrecht reveals the sublime beauty of snow crystals when photographed with a specially designed snowflake photomicroscope. The physicist is author of the Field Guide to Snowflakes and The Secret Life of a Snowflake, and recently posted an instructional guide for growing your own snow crystals.

News: The Most "Authentic" Sci-Fi Airshow Ever

The provenance of this Sci Fi Airshow is unquestionable. With decades of experience interpreting science fiction from a written to a visual medium, Bill George is the perfect tour guide for this fantastical, photoshopped exhibit. Assembling the collective imagination of multiple authors into one Airshow is a rare treat.

How To: Draw blood with three different phlebotomy techniques

Drawing blood is only responsibility for hospital nurses, but a very important one, so knowing the proper procedure is up to you to master. You can only become efficient at taking blood samples by practicing, but you should also know all of the phlebotomy methods for extracting blood cultures. This interactive video module will help familiarize you with the phlebotomy medical procedures (three different versions), but is not meant to be your sole method of instruction— always ask for supervis...

How To: Perform infrared spectroscopy in the chemistry lab

The Interactive Lab Primer (ILP) has been developed as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Teacher Fellowship Scheme, one of the themes of the Chemistry for Our Future program, and initiative which aims to secure a strong and sustainable future for the chemical sciences in higher education. The aim of the ILP is to address the diverse range of experience and skills students bring with them to a university by offering a resource to support their transition from school to the university chem...

News: Run USB through phone lines

One of the many reasons Circuit City should go out of business is their sale of ridiculously expensive cables, wire and cords. The secret to the industry of Monster Cables is that it is unnecessary and ineffective. Gold-plated or otherwise, Monster's $100 cables are not intrinsically better than the cheaper versions they're stocked next to. Don't believe us?

The League: Intro

Author's Note: Hi there, some of you may know but most of you probably won't. My name is Semeria and I am an author on the rising. I plan to be posting one of my novels on this website for people to read. Comment and let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the story.

How To: Insert a peripheral IV catheter to administer fluids

IV's are used on patients to either administer fluids or medicines, and for a nurse, it's the number one task performed on the job in a hospital. Knowing the proper procedure for peripheral intravenous catheter insertion is a must. This interactive video module will help familiarize you with the medical procedure, but is not meant to be your sole method of instruction— always ask for supervision in performing a procedure if you've never done one before, or have little experience.

How To: Cook whole roasted fish under salt

A whole salt-crusted fish? What does that mean? You basically cook a whole fish in a blanket of salt. Well, it's not just salt, but it's mostly salt. You bake it and then you remove the crusted salty layer before eating. You then remove the fish skin to get to the edible goodies. The salt basically dries out the skin so you can remove it.

News: Finding Hidden Metadata in Images (Oh, the Possibilities)

Did you know there is hidden data in your digital pictures? Well, there is, and that data might be a security risk to you. Think back at all of those pictures you're in and are connected with. I'm sure some of those you'd like to distance yourself from. And surely you wouldn't mind checking out the metadata in a few of those images. In this article, we'll be going over how to do just that.

News: The GOP Race

It seems the Republicans aren't happy about Obama. But then again, they never will be. As the time for re-election draws near, the Republican Party is scrambling to chose their candidate who will beat Obama. So far, Mitt Romney (we'll discuss the candidates soon) has somewhat dominated the scene, with spurts of awesomeness from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul stays steady, currently holding the second most number of delegates (yes, we'll go over terms also).