Automated Tools Search Results

How To: Automate selections with Photoshop's Refine Edge tool

Photoshop offers lots of tools for automating selections, but two stand out from the pack: The first, Refine Edge, lets you modify your selection using five different parameters and preview the results in five different ways. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, i...

How To: Use the Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop CS3, CS4 or CS5

Many folks select images in Photoshop with the likes of the Quick Select and Magic Wand tools. Highly automated, but these tools rarely work accurately. Experts use the Pen tool. Using the Pen tool is an art form worth learning, because it always works. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutor...

How To: Add minecart boosters, automated minecart station, and more fun in Minecraft

In Minecraft, one cool way of getting around those larger fortresses and bases is to set up a minecart. If you're looking for fun or efficient new ways of setting up your minecart station, adding booster carts to make it faster, and adding floor tile switches, check out this video series! There's a plethora of information in here that'll give you the inspiration to have more fun with your base building!

How To: Automate tasks with actions in Photoshop

In this software tutorial Paul Wyatt reveals how to get to grips with Photoshop’s automation tools. Whether you want to resize images, apply filters, or add effects, getting to grips with Actions will transform your workflow. Learn how to use actions to take care of small repetitive tasks in Photoshop.

How To: Automate a process using a script in Sony Vegas

HowToMakeAnything describes how to make Script work in Sony Vegas. Script is a way of automating a normally cumbersome process. Select events from Cursor, add regions to add, fade effects etc to the clip. That may also be selected from Tools Menu, then Scripting. Drag the desired two or three scripts to the folder of Script menu in Sony Vega Pro 8 available in C drive and rescan script menu folder. It is to be noted that adding hundreds of clips can also be done to the folder if one so desire...

How To: Disable the automated spell checker in Firefox

This video shows you how to disable the automated spell checker in Mozilla Firefox. The spell checker is supposed to be a great feature in Firefox, but lot of people find it annoying. The spell checker helps you correct your writing mistakes by underlining the misspelled word with red. You can easily disable it by opening the Tools tab in Firefox and selecting Options. Then, go to the Advanced tab in the popped-up window and uncheck "Check my spelling as I type". That's it! Good Luck!

How To: Use the instant record & replay tools in QuicKeys 4.0

QuicKeys 4.0 includes a nifty feature for quickly automating a task. This quick video tutorial will show you how to use the program's instant recording and replaying feature. Whether you're new to Startly Software's popular macro and automation application or are merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this video guide.

How To: Measure blood pressure with automated cuffs in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to measure blood pressure (BP) with an automated cuff. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to use an automated cuff for blood pressure readings, temperature and pulse oximetry. These medical tips on reading vital signs are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

How To: Automate OS X menu items the QuicKeys toolbar feature

This quick clip demonstrates how to use the toolbar feature in QuicKeys to automate menu bar items in an application. QuicKeys toolbars are a great way to add more functionality to an application. Whether you're new to Startly Software's popular macro and automation application or are merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this video g...

How To: Automate tasks by creating your own actions in Adobe Photoshop CS5

In this video tutorial, we learn how to create custom actions to automate repetetive tasks within Adobe Photoshop CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editor or a seasoned designer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more information, watch this video guide.

How To: Batch automate in Photoshop

This how-to video produced by Photoshop Universe gives step-by-step instructions on how to batch automate a process in Adobe Photoshop. With this tutorial you'll be able to learn to correct white balance, enhance colors, resize, and save for the web whole folders' worth of images in one go. The first step to doing this is to open up one of the images in your folder and correct the white balance, enhance the colors, resize the photo and save. The next thing you want to do is to record all of t...

How To: Automate tasks in Mac OS X with QuicKeys 4

This quick clip presents a general introduction to creating macros and automating processes within Mac OS X using QuicKeys 4. Whether you're new to Startly Software's popular macro and automation application or are merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this video guide.

How To: Set up automated backup for files in Windows Vista

Regular backups of your important files are something that should be a top priority, though because of the complexity of most backup systems, regular backups are often overlooked until it is too late. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to set up automated backups in the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system. Get started backing up your files with this helpful guide.

How To: Create a Tangent Line with Excel

Given a function, you can easily find the slope of a tangent line using Microsoft Excel to do the dirty work. That is to say, you can input your x-value, create a couple of formulas, and have Excel calculate the secant value of the tangent slope. This is a fantastic tool for Stewart Calculus sections 2.1 and 2.2.

How To: Automate Guitar Hero

Suck at Guitar Hero? If you can't even get past the beginner's stage, take a look at this instructional video and learn how to automate Guitar Hero so you can live out your dreams of being a rock star. David Randolph's figured out how to automate Guitar Hero by wiring one of Gilderfluke & Co's spiffy "Show Control Systems" the BR-miniBrick8 into a Guitar Hero guitar.

How To: Build a website in Aperture

Instead of using Photoshop, why not give Apple's Aperture a try? Aperture is designed more for post-production work for professional photographers, letting you cull through shoots, enhance images, manage massive libraries, and deliver stunning photos.

How To: Use the range property in Excel macros

Microsoft excel is a powerful tool used to work with numbers and data by filling them down in rows and columns of a table. Excels also supports macros, which are small scripts to automate certain functions. In Microsoft Excel you can select entire rows and columns using the range property. You can also use macros to select individual rows and columns as well as multiple variations of rows, columns, and individual cells all at once. In Excel a horizontal line of data is called as row and a ver...

How To: Automate web testing with PAMIE

This Pamie Demo shows how to setup, install and run a simple automation script. It shows you: how to install Pamie, how to create a Pamie test script to Automate a form using PythonWin IDE, how to write the script and how to run the test. The volume is really low so crank your speakers way up and make sure you have the proper Python and programs downloaded.

How To: Edit form fields in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro

Learn how to edit form fields in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Start by looking at a automated form that has some errors in the field of gender and marital status. To correct click on forms add or edit fields. Click on the field that needs correcting and figure out the error. Rename the fields to reset them and correct the field. Double check that the name an tool tips have been fixed. Create a cross hairs that you can type over with the correct values you want. You can also shift over boxes. A specia...

How To: Create actions for batch processing in Photoshop CS4

If you use Photoshop for work or regularly for fun, there are repetitive tasks that have probably made you want to throw your fancy monitor out the window to vent your boredom. Fortunately, there's help. This video will teach you how to create actions for batch processing in Photoshop CS4, allowing you to automate processes that you repeat regularly and saving you time and the money you would have spent on a new monitor.

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