Automobiles Comfort Search Results

How To: Make a simple cheese and onion pie

In this edition of Titli's Busy Kitchen, Titli Nihaan shows us how to make a cheese and onion pie. This is a great comfort food and it's really quick and easy to make. Here's what you'll need: 400 grams sliced onions, 400 grams grated cheese, 500 grams of pastry (we're using ready-made pastry), and 2 eggs. Put the onions in a pot and add just enough water to cover them. Bring that to a boil. When it comes to a boil, turn the heat down and simmer gently for 10 minutes. This softens the onions ...

How To: Make a chicken and noodle casserole with Betty

Chicken noodle soup is a very comforting dish, but sometimes you need something a bit heartier. In this video, Betty shows us how to make her favorite chicken noodle casserole. This dish is bursting with flavor and very filling. The casserole is perfect for a chilly winter evening or anytime you need some extra lovin'.

News: Disney Does Driverless in the Sunshine State

Disney is gearing up fully autonomous vehicles that will shuttle you and your family from the parking lot to the amusement park, stress-free. Well, as stress-free as you can get while introducing grandma to the concept of a car with no driver. No, grandma, Satan is not "steering this contraption." At least, we don't think he is ...

How To: Make Sticky or Stubborn Wooden Drawers Slide More Smoothly

When I was moving into my current apartment, I had to store some of my things in my ex-roommate's garage for over a month while I was getting settled. One of those things was my dresser. Upon moving it into my new place, I realized something was horribly, horribly wrong—none of the drawers seemed to fit quite right anymore (if they fit at all). The combination of the differences in temperature and humidity in the garage caused them to swell and change shape. Several months later, they fit bet...

How To: Choose welding gloves

Keeping the hands protected from burns or rough equipment is the main requirement of welding gloves. There are a few things to look out for: quality material (all leather), reinforcements, good stitching, softness, toughness, comfort, and length. Watch this video welding tutorial and learn how to choose an appropriate pair of welding gloves.

How To: Make a home emergency kit

If an emergency arises, will you be prepared? Emergencies can happen anywhere and any time. That's why it pays to be prepared, even in the comfort of your own home or apartment. Find out everything you need to make a home emergency kit.

How To: Find Your Lost Cat

When your cat goes missing, chances are it's just chilling in a cozy spot under the couch, or maybe even hiding from you. So it's okay to not freak out just yet. Cats love to hide as if they're spiders, and even their hiding spots are similar. You can find them in corners, on the refrigerator, and according to my roommate, even the dryer hose is fair game.

How To: Make Filipino kare kare (ox tail stew)

Kare-kare is a Filipino oxtail stew with bok choy and peanut butter. This stew is full of flavorful ingredients that create depth and interest to the marrow rich oxtail. This hearty dish will fill you up while delighting your taste buds with rich flavors. Watch this video to learn how to make a traditional Filipino oxtail stew called kare kare. This will comfort you on cold days. Ingredients: 3 tbsp oil, 2.5 kg/5 lb oxtail or 2 kg/4 lb shin of beef, 3 tsp salt, 2 tbsp annatto seeds, 2 large o...

How To: Immobilize an ankle

Learn how to immobilize an ankle. The ankle is a complex joint, so when an injury occurs, and you can't get help right away, the first thing to do is keep it from moving – you'll prevent any more damage to the surrounding nerves and tissue.

How To: Hear Your Favorite Songs Exactly the Way the Artist Wanted You to Hear

One of the most frustrating things you can experience as a music lover is to hear a song you've heard a thousand times, only to realize you're not hearing it correctly because your headphones aren't giving you the whole picture. A good pair of headphones will give you the exact music experience your favorite artists want you to have. These S6 Bluetooth Wireless Headphones are designed to give you authentic music down to every detail and note, and you can get them on sale for $33.95 — over 60%...

How To: Make Cheese Fondue Without a Fondue Pot

Fall is the time for comfort foods—and what is more comforting than crusty bread slathered in melted cheese? Owning a fondue pot is both convenient and wonderful, but not all of us have the luxury of space for nonessential kitchen appliances. However, there are plenty of ways to make an absolutely delicious, lump-free fondue without the traditional equipment.

How To: Change a flat tire on a dodge charger

To change your tire on your dodge charger you need your jack, your spare, and your lug tool. To change the tire you will take the jack and place it under the proper spot underneath the car. You will find that the lug tool from your American car to look a bit different than a lug tool from a foreign automobile. A foreign tool will not be as bendable. Engage your emergency brake while changing your tire to prevent the car from moving especially if you have a flat by the side of the road. By rot...

How To: Massage data in Houdini 10

Get a crash course on HScript Expressions, Variables, and Attributes in Houdini 10. If you don't even know what this means, then you probably need to check this video tutorial series out. Understanding how to massage data in Houdini is key to giving yourself the creative edge and allowing you to unleash mind-blowing visual effects. This 18-part video series covers a variety of simple yet essential weapons in your arsenal including Global, Standard and Custom Variables to Math and String Modif...

How To: Learn to Code Your Own Games with This Hands-on Bundle

We've shared a capture-the-flag game for grabbing handshakes and cracking passwords for Wi-Fi, and there are some upcoming CTF games we plan on sharing for other Wi-Fi hacks and even a dead-drop game. While security-minded activities and war games are excellent ways to improve your hacking skills, coding a real video game is also an excellent exercise for improving your programming abilities.