Breast cancer is one of the most deadly and tragic diseases afflicting women today. If you are interested in spreading breast cancer awareness and also in 3D modeling, then this video is a must-watch. It will teach you how to create a 3D model of the pink ribbon synonymous with breast cancer awareness, which you can then use on your website or in any other digital locale you wish.
Breast cancer is unfortunately a disease that all too many women suffer from. Until we find a cure, though, you can do your part to support research to find a cure by donating or by purchasing products with the Breast Cancer Awareness pink ribbon.
Fold origami cranes on and before this day (the International Day of Peace) to be part of a world movement to raise awareness for peace education. What better way is there to raise awareness than through origami cranes?
In honor of Breast Awareness Month and his own birthday, William Sledd decides to show us how to make pink cupcakes. This video is a bit silly but fun. (Entitled, Ask a Gay Man...) presents a lesson on Paddle Awareness by Shane Benedict.
In this video we learn how to meditate & achieve deep relaxation & awareness. Imagine you are on the beach and completely alone, nobody is around for a while. It's nice weather outside and you can hear the waves rolling in. The sun is going down and you are just focusing on your breathing. Take in four very deep breaths and with each one you will get more and more relaxed. Imagine your lungs filling up with air, clean and crisp air. Let your stresses go and then return your breathing to norma...
When it comes to confidence you must first understand where you are confident and where you are not confident. The video talks about people asking how to get confidence. If you are asking that question then you must be aware of an area of your life you are not confident. Also there must be areas of your life that you are confident even if it is by yourself making a cup of tea. If you are just being you and not measuring yourself against something or someone else then chances are that you will...
Breast Cancer Nails Art Designs 2012-- Awareness Ribbon Nail Polish Tutorial no decals or stickers
Interested in Parkour? Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to perform a sideflip after a cartwheel. The sideflip after a cartwheel requires a technique quite different from the normal sideflip. It requires flexibility, height, lightness, and good air awareness.
Here are some meditation tips from Tara Stiles. Tara Stiles is a revered Ford Models yoga instructor. Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. It is recognized as a component of almost all religions, and has been practiced for over 5,000 years.
Learn how to draw with a humanistic concept of perspective based on a realistic field of vision. This instructional drawing video demonstrates how to draw with an awareness of objects as they exist within space. How will an object change, in your field of vision, as you slide it back and forth?
Anti bullying Nails Art Designs 2012! Check this step by step Bullying Awareness Ribbon Nail Polish Tutorial where there are no decals or stickers for this design being used.
Tired of forgetting important details? Want to increase your recall capability? The memory palace technique is an approach you can practice to improve your memory, increase your awareness and expand your conciousness. These are powerful visualiztion techniques to ensure improvement.
Learn how to use the BIG-IP Edge Client and its Smart Connect, Location Awareness, Customization, Deployment features. Whether you're new to F5 Networks' popular network appliance or are a seasoned network administrator just looking to better acquaint yourself with BIG-IP, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look.
Did you know that over a million people a year suffer from the effect of burns and over 1/3 of them wind up in the emergency room? If you have a burn of any kind, check out this clip. Dr. Savant will teach you exactly how to deal with burns of all degrees, from slight surface burns to deeper, higher degree singes. So, check out this clip and prepare, just in case!
Go ahead and celebrate your individuality—just don't announce to the office that you're a lazy nut-job. You will need: awareness, self restraint, plants, clock, a bowl of candy and personal momentos. Keep politics and religion out of the decor. Keep collectables at home. Interesting not: Plants indicate you are dedicated to your job.
Watch this instructional drawing video to draw a landscape composition. Before starting any drawing, decide on your point of perspective. Which angle are you standing from in relation to the horizon line? Begin to map out a landscape drawing with an awareness of points of interest and points of view.
The Superman is a variation on original pilates exercises that strengthens the muscles of the upper back and improves posture. Be sure to keep the shoulders down, especially when the arms reach forward, in order to keep tension out of the neck and shoulders. The Superman strengthens the core, flattens the abdominal muscles and improves body awareness. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.
The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is dispelling the myths and giving patients the facts about colon cancer for National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Have you ever wanted followers to take money from that worship YOU and will give you their bodies as well? Now is your chance. The cult awareness and information center wants to help. Join us.
Technology and nature, typically thought of as opposites, are coming together in a new London exhibit.
There is much more going on in Africa than the World Cup games. South Africa is still plagued by poverty, violence, illiteracy and HIV. In this tutorial, superstar Shakira shows you how to help erase hunger and provide schooling for the children of Africa by dancing and participating in a worthwhile cause.
In this two part episode, Jennifer shows you how to develop your awareness of the natural rhythm in English. Learn to pause naturally by grouping your words into thoughts, also called thought groups. This is great for all levels of students learning English as a second language (ESL).
November is officially Movember, a month that brings light to men's health issues, especially prostate cancer. "Mo" is the Australian slang for mustache, which is appropriate because during November the quest of Movember is to have guys lay off the shaving for a month and grow mustaches to spread awareness.
In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays moving towards half camel (ustrasana). She emphasizes the movement toward the half camel yoga pose slowly and with awareness on the whole spine and neck. Allowing the neck to be an expression of the posture helps us be in truth. So watch and learn how to use the half camel yoga pose for neck tension.
Learn arm awareness in yoga without being in compromising and difficult poses. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays with using the cactus arm action to assist in creating the shoulder blade support in urdhva dhanurasana, upward facing bow pose, sometimes called wheel. Watch and learn how to work the cactus action movement to feel your arms while practicing yoga.
Learn a few yoga movements that will help you improve your posture and poses in yoga. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryders plays with Cactus Arm Action. This yoga Cactus Arm Action helps you find the alignment of the shoulders for upward facing bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) while standing up. This movement also helps bring awareness to the support needed for back bending and inversions in yoga.
The San Diego Film Community and the families of Down Syndrome individuals band together to make this great feel good PSA with a positive message.
Master your tennis serve: the kick serve. Be sure to click on all the video chapters to view the entire tutorial.
Don't get us wrong - we love Valentine's Day. After all, it's the one day of the year you can lay everything down on the line and tell someone "I love you" earnestly. But if you happen to be single on Valentine's Day, the occasion can seem more S.A.D. (Single's Awareness Day) than all hearts and roses.
Movember is here, and if you haven't already started growing your moustache, then you still have time. Movember takes place during the entire month of November, and if you haven't figured it out quite yet, it is a portmanteau of the words moustache and November.
This is a video demonstrating how to dribble a soccer ball for children. The presenter says that this is the most important skill for a young soccer player to learn. He says that dribbling the ball is not kicking the ball and chasing it but rather a series of small touches. He teaches that the ball is like a puppy on a leash. If the puppy gets too far away he runs off. If the ball gets too far away the other team will steal it. The next thing he teaches is to keep your head up. Don't run into...
Instructional 'Do It Yourself' video on how to craft a sweet moustache. Try out some of these bold facial hair styles to celebrate Movember. Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a charity event held during November each year.
Did you know you can stimulate yourself to have a lucid dream? Well, it may take a little bit of practice first, but this sleep mask can certainly help you have the most interesting and realistic dreams of your life (yes, kinda like "Inception.") Just check out this video to learn how to make a super cheap lucid dream mask out of two LED lights and a pair of goggles.
While two augmented reality companies were recently recognized for their innovative technologies, other companies have turned to augmented reality to innovate in their respective fields. Over the past week, use cases have ranged from selling snacks and video games to raising awareness for public health issues.
As Microsoft unveiled their new Windows Phone 8.1 software update yesterday, undoubtedly the most memorable takeaway was their showcase of Cortana. Competing directly against Apple's Siri and Google's Now, Cortana is Microsoft's entry into the digital voice assistant fray, and the official replacement to their search app.
Welcome to a tennis lesson from FuzzyYellowBalls, the the best place to learn how to play tennis online. Our free video tennis lessons teach you how to play the game in a new way that combines technical analysis, visual learning, and step-by-step progressions.
Master your tennis serve progressions. Be sure to click on all the video chapters to view the entire tutorial.
Master your tennis kick serve progressions. This tennis lesson video series lays out the 4 steps to tennis kick serve progressions. Be sure to click on all the video chapters to view the entire tutorial.
This series of ping pong / table tennis videos demonstrate how to master the table tennis serve. Jim Clegg, a Level 4 Coach with the English Table Tennis Association and Head Coach of the Preston Table Tennis Association, explains and demonstrates how to do a table tennis serve correctly. Serving today is an extremely complicated topic. These are 9 in depth thought processes for a table tennis serve.