Awesome Wall Search Results

News: WTFoto's Hobo Advice Challenge Winners!

Howdy, hobos! Last week's WTFoto challenge meandered on much like its namesake, the vagrant. We had a couple good submissions that warmed my heart with laughter. I thought my examples were pretty on point, but my confidence is pretty low right now because I failed a recent IQ test. For your amusement, here are those awesome remixes of the Hobo Image Macro! Did they measure up?

News: Would You Have the Balls to Take on the Wall of Death?

The Wall of Death is an adrenaline-junkie's dream—a gripping, precarious balancing act of motorcycles racing in rapid circles around the interior of a creaky wooden drum. In today's world, the act appears in touring side shows and carnivals across the US, India and Europe. The performances in India are particularly thrilling (mostly due to the seeming lack of safety regulation). But the death-defying New Delhi boys shown above didn't invent this insane tradition. It was created in the old US ...

News: Followup to Previous Post

So after I wrote my post yesterday, I got sent two links in response, both some pretty awesome and in-depth analysis of the costumes in Rapunzel. It's pretty awesome, I think, to see such detailed costumes in an animated movie - right down to the patch on Flynn's bag and the embellishments on Rapunzel's bodice.

News: Learn 10 Awesome Science Tricks in 4 Minutes

There's something charming about Professor Wiseman's speedy and concise delivery of 10 different magic/science party tricks, delivered in just over 4 minutes. A little something to entertain the family with this holiday season. Enjoy. (P.S. If you missed last year's, here's another 10 from the Professor -this time in 3:22):

News: People Are Awesome

Usually there's something semi-dissatisfying about greatest hits compilations on YouTube, but People Are Awesome is pretty amazing. And being this is WonderHowTo, we are all about celebrating people doing amazing things. (*In fact, if you're continual reader, you will see many familiar faces below.)

How To: Truffle Hunting Guide

Truffle hunting has come to FarmVille! Build a pigpen for your pigs. Make slop for your pigs to eat before they go hunting. Find different colored truffles, share them with your neighbors and trade them in for new pigs!

How To: 13 More Awesome Household Cleaning Hacks

Pretty much all of your cleaning supplies can be found in your kitchen or medicine cabinet for dirt cheap. White vinegar can be used to clean shower head deposits and your dishwasher on an empty cycle. Ammonia can be used to clean the gunk off your stove burner grates. And citrus fruits can be used to clean bathtub rings and dull sink faucets.

How To: Improve the back crawl turn in swimming

This quick how-to animation demonstrates who to do a back crawl turn in swimming. The hardest thing to do in the back crawl turn is to find the wall. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first is to look for the flags across the pool and count your strokes from the flags. The other is to count how many strokes it takes to get from one end to the other. You need to leave space to turn on to your front and tumble, so don't count all the way to the end of the pool.

How To: Install blown-in insulation

Have you ever felt cold in your older home, even with the heat cranked? Ever feel drafts that seem to come from nowhere? And conversely, in the summer, is your home an oven? Many older houses are improperly insulated, if there is any insulation at all. This can have a large impact on your heating and cooling bills. Loose-fill insulation can be blown into your walls and attic to help increase the efficiency of your house, significantly decreasing your heating and cooling expenses.

News: The Ultimate High Dive

I love Steve-O and I am not trying to put him into REAL danger, but I think to top all of his high dives and flips, he should jump from one of those cranes used in construction to place walls and stuff and land in some form of water or pad. It would be amazing and I think he would love it. If he hasn't already done it.

News: Poo Swing

So here in the beautiful Oregon Willamette Valley I drive past a big dairy daily....and many times, they have huge sprinkler thingys that spray liquid manure all over the fields....let me tell you the poo rainbow is quite fancy...So I was thinking....what if you had set up one of those swing rides like they have at the fair...that spin around with lots of swings....and had the boyz ride it through the poo...whilst and at the same time possibly bouncing eachother in their swing chairs.....Than...


Film posters are rubbish. That wasn’t always the case, but somewhere along the way the wrong people took over and film posters went from something you’d want in a frame on your wall to something that isn’t even palatable outside a cinema. Tyler Stout, an illustrator from Washington, may turn out to be our saviour. Go to his site and you’ll see his excellent music and skateboard art – but it’s his incredible film work that is really helping him make a name for himself.

How To: remove scams, spams, and stuff you just don't want or need on your Facebook anymore!

Please share this info with all your facebook friends. It's not just Farmville players that are affected by scams and spam! This post will help you keep your facebook account clean and safe. We start by showing you a scam and discussing what is real, then we show you how to remove pages you don't want, and finally how to remove apps you're not using. Please scroll down to which ever part you need!