Bad Deed Search Results

How To: Get Along with Coworkers Without Saying a Word

Sooner or later, you're going to come across a person at work that you don't like—or someone that doesn't like you. This can result in uncomfortable tension, insulting gossip, and a disrespectful attitude, to name just a few of the negatives. But it doesn't have to be that way. The next time you're having a workplace conflict with a particularly challenging coworker, the best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut, and here's how to do it.

How to Train Your Python: Part 9, Basics of Error Detection and Handling

Welcome back! In the last iteration of how to train your python, we covered loops, today we'll be covering something that I wish I had learned about much earlier in my scripting career, errors. We all run into them, and they can be frustrating, but there is also a silver lining to them. Today, we'll be discussing why some errors are unavoidable, and what we can do when we run into them. Also, this article will be more of a concept and less of writing actual code, but the information is equall...

How To: 7 Little-Known Food Hacks Starring Salt

Salt is one of my favorite ingredients, by far, and also one of the most overlooked foods in the kitchen. This is probably due to the fact that it's an essential component of almost any recipe; because salt is a necessity, it's easy to forget how dynamic and versatile it can be as well.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: DoSing a Wireless AP Continuously

Welcome back, my nascent hackers! In previous tutorials for my Wi-Fi Hacking series, I have shown you how to crack WEP and WPA2 passwords, break a WPS PIN, and create Evil Twin and Rogue access points. In this continuation of the series, let's look at slightly different approach to attacking wireless.

How To: 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Trust TV Doctors

With the countless daytime talk shows starring and featuring doctors, nurses, and other medical specialists, discovering new ways to live a healthy life is just a remote click away. Although their shows might draw you in with incredible facts and mind-blowing secrets to weight loss success, it's important to take each televised recommendation with a bit of suspicion—most of these familiar faces aren't exactly telling the truth.

How To: Make Your Dirty Blender Clean Itself

Cleaning a blender thoroughly is a pain in the ass, especially when you try and get all the goop out from underneath the sharp blades without nicking your knuckles. Alas, it is a necessary chore, otherwise you end up with disgusting dried gunk that ends up in your next batch of pureed foods. Fortunately, there's an easier way to get your blender sparkling clean besides using easier-to-clean mason jars as you main jar, and the best part is that the appliance literally does all the work for you.

News: Just How Unbreakable Is the New Samsung Galaxy S5?

You've been there. Those precarious few seconds between dropping your expensive smartphone right on its face and reaching down to survey the damage. Or maybe you got thrown in a pool while your device was in your pocket, or you dropped that sucker right into the toilet bowl. Heck, I've managed to accidentally wash two devices by leaving them in my pants pocket when throwing in a load of laundry.

How To: KitKat Leaked! How to Install the Latest Android 4.4.2 Build on Your AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3

The @DesignGears guys have been busy today, leaking an unofficial KitKat build (Android version 4.4.2) for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The latest is a peek into what the international variants are beginning to see, although this build is far from official. Still, if you want to give it a shot, I'll show you how to install it, but make sure to check out the details below the how-to to see what you can expect, good or bad.

US & UK Restrictions Be Damned: How to Watch Every Region-Restricted Netflix Show from Any Country

Considering that the average movie ticket these days is $8.38, it's not much of a surprise that Netflix is kicking ass. The same amount will get you a full month of unlimited streaming, and you don't even have to leave your couch. While no one's arguing that it isn't a great deal, the biggest issue most users have with the service is the limited amount of available content. Anything?

How To: Survive and Thrive in the Victorian Era

I don't know how many of you had this experience in your youth, but when I was a kid, I used to actively think about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in a fantasy land, or were to pass through a portal into another space and time. I knew it wouldn't really happen, but when you're a kid, these can be important issues to you. So I slept with my glasses on every night, just in case. Photo from George Pal's The Time Machine.

How To: Are Your Gadgets Safe from Solar Storms and Nuclear Attacks?

It's September 1st, 1859, and the Earth looks more or less like something out of an apocalyptic movie or Sci-Fi novel. All communications have failed, it's so bright outside at midnight that people are getting up and making breakfast, and people all over the world are seeing auroras. The solar storm that produced the electromagnetic pulse and caused all this mayhem is known as the Carrington Event, and storms like it happen about about once every century.

How To: Torrent Without Getting Caught

I'm not admitting to anything, but let's be honest, most of us download content on the Web from time to time. With copyright holders laying down the law more and more often, it can't hurt to do so with caution. And even if you aren't downloading copyrighted material, you still don't want companies snooping in on your online activities. So just how do you protect yourself when torrenting? Avoid "Open Communities"

How To: Win a game of Candyland

Although Candyland is a game of pure luck in a sense you can still increase your chances of winning. In this video you will get some tips on decreasing some bad draws from the card deck and getting yourself to victory!

How To: Hit an uneven lie with a proper swing

Many golfers, including low handicappers, aren't sure as to how to play the ball from uphill and downhill lies. You can avoid bad shots on uneven lies however if you follow a few basic principles. In this Mel in Motion video golf tip, Mel dissects the proper swing mechanics and club selection for dealing with those confusing uneven lies.

How To: Give a dog enough exercise

Dogs have been bred to be very active, and are most likely not getting enough physical activity. A lot of bad behavior stems from a dog's boredom or restlessness. Watch this video pet training tutorial and learn how to give a dog enough exercise.

How To: Train a dog to walk on a leash

Train your dog to walk politely at your side. Choke chains and other forms of negative reinforcement might make the dog associate being by your side as a bad thing, but positive reinforcement techniques will keep both the dog and pet owner happy. Watch this video pet training tutorial and learn how to teach a dog to walk on a leash.