Badly Attacked Search Results

How To: 4 Apps to Help Keep Your Android Device Secure

As of 2016, there are approximately 1.85 billion Android smartphones worldwide. This growing popularity has led to an increasing number hacks and cyber attacks against the OS. Unfortunately, Android users need more protection than what is offered by Google. The good thing is that there are a number of options available.

How To: Load & Use Keystroke Injection Payloads on the USB Rubber Ducky

Keystroke injection attacks are popular because they exploit the trust computers have in human interface devices (HIDs). One of the most popular and easily accessible keystroke injection tools is the USB Rubber Ducky from Hack5, which has a huge range of uses beyond simple HID attacks. The USB Rubber Ducky can be used to attack any unlocked computer in seconds or to automate processes and save time.

How To: Build a Directory Brute Forcing Tool in Python

While attempting to hack a web app, there may come a point where the attacker may have to escape the default directory in order to access unauthorized files. This is known as a directory traversal attack. Much as the name implies, this attack involved traversing the servers directories. But in order to move to an unauthorized directory, we need to know where those directories are. Today we'll be building a tool to brute force these directory locations based on HTTP response codes. Before we g...

News: Why YOU Should Study Digital Forensics

As many of you know, I have been running a couple of series here on Null Byte about digital forensics called Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker and Digital Forensics Using Kali. Although many readers have seemed to enjoy these series, just as many seem to be pondering, "Why should I study digital forensics?"

How To: Hide a Virus Inside of a Fake Picture

In my last tutorial, I talked about creating a virus inside of a Word Document in the scenario of a mass-mailer attack. In this post, however, I'm going to be covering creating a fake image or screenshot with a meterpreter backdoor hidden inside to be used in a similar scenario. Step 1: Creating the Virus

News: What REALLY Happened with the Juniper Networks Hack?

Last month, it was revealed that Juniper Networks' routers/firewalls were hacked. It was reported that a backdoor was implanted in the operating system of their routers/firewalls and that attackers could listen in on all encrypted communication. There are now fears that all confidential communications by U.S. government agencies and officials could have been compromised over the last three years.

How To: Use Meterpeter on OS X

Hello all, this is my first submission to null byte! I noticed something a little strange, particularly that whenever Meterpreter is discussed, it is virtually always in the context of Windows. Granted, the Windows Meterpreter is more powerful than the version that can run on OS X (it has several more commands/options), but I think it is still worth noting how to do it. I've even seen some people mistakenly say that Meterpreter can only be run on Windows, which is not true. Meterpreter can ea...

How to Hack Wi-Fi: DoSing a Wireless AP Continuously

Welcome back, my nascent hackers! In previous tutorials for my Wi-Fi Hacking series, I have shown you how to crack WEP and WPA2 passwords, break a WPS PIN, and create Evil Twin and Rogue access points. In this continuation of the series, let's look at slightly different approach to attacking wireless.

How To: Undo a door's chain lock from outside with string, yarn or shoelaces

One day, you may find yourself in an emergency situation where you need to undo the chain lock of your home's front door, or somebody else's front door. Maybe someone forgot the unlock it when exiting the back door. Maybe you're grandfather is having a heart attack. Maybe your wife is cheating on you. Whatever the reason, it's fairly simple to break in by undoing the chain lock.

How To: Walkthrough God of War III — Helios's Head

In the City of Olympia, you'll find Helios. This is one hard battle Kratos must endure, and your want to get the Head of Helios. At first, Helios will be protected by a bunch of men with shields who you can't immediately attack. Once you win, you'll need to lay your hand over Helios to block out the sunlight. Watch the walkthrough for Helios's Head in God of War III on PS3.

How To: Identify probles with weevils and leaf cutter bees

In this video from nmsuaces we learn how to identify problems with weevils and leaf cutter bees. Weevils attack all kinds of plants in a J shape on leaves. To tell a difference between a weevil and leaf cutter bee is the bee will make a perfect round cut, whereas a weevil makes more of a J shape. If it starts doing serious damage you may need to control them. The weevil works at night. In this video she also discusses vines. A potato vine needs to be tied up as it grows. It's good for around ...

How To: Create drums sounds using Reason's Thor synthesizer

Create drums sounds using Reason's Thor synthesizerYou can use the Thor synthesizer to make a kick, snare, hat and clap sound.Kick:Use the analog oscillator with triple wave form octave3. Set the source to mod envelope 45 destination oscillator 1.Use a very short attack to K and release time. You get the short effect of pitch. Try different oscillator types to get different textures.Snare: Use the same basic patch that we created for the kick. We will keep it as the basis for most patches for...

How To: Draw 3D wind flapping flags

Mark demonstrates how to draw flapping flags or scrolls. He starts with a paper in a binder but any paper will work. In this demonstration he uses a pencil to create his drawing but any pen or pencil will do. He draws the flagpole first starting on the left side of the page. He draws multiple circles creating cylinders that you may have learned how to draw in a previous lesion by Mark Kistler. He uses shading to create the effect of a curve and depth of the flag. He shows how to create the ef...

How To: Purchase and hook up an Atari 2600

In its heyday the Atari gaming console was the Playstation of the 80s. Sure, you could download some wannabe emulator, but why not go a step further and purchase an actual Atari. They're still floating around and just think how cool it'll be to play pong in hi-definition.