Banks Writing Search Results

How To: Write an essay for school

In this video, we learn how to write an essay for school. This is important because it will help you get into college! The main parts of an essay are: the title page, outline, body, introduction, conclusion, and footnotes. Make sure your title page has the title of the paper, the student's name, teacher of the class, and due date for the paper. For the rest of the pages, make sure you follow the guidelines that have been set by your teacher to properly write. Add in a lot of details and make ...

How To: Write a press release for local distribution

In this video, we learn how to write a press release for local distribution. First, you need to make sure you have a good headline. This will make people want to read what you have to say or toss it aside. After this, you will need to answer who, what, where, how, why, and what inside of the rest of the release. People want to know all of the details when they read something like this, so give the juicy details that are interesting and leave the boring stuff out. After you have done this, sub...

How To: Write a simple "Hello, World" application in PHP with the Eclipse IDE

In this clip, you'll learn how to write a "Hello, World" app in PHP with Eclipse. Whether you're new to the PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor scripting language or are a seasoned web developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free video programming lesson. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Deal with work gaps on your resume

Susan Ireland teaches us how to deal with work gaps on your resume in this video. If there are gaps on your resume, your employer could possibly have a bad impression of you. To avoid this, first write years in your work history instead of months. This will simplify your presentation and also dissolve work history gaps. Next, ask yourself if you were doing any activity that time that is related to the job you are applying for. If so, write down that information to cover the gap in work histor...

How To: Make a fake virus / desktop shortcut that will shutdown a computer

Desktop shortcuts are a great way of making the programs you use a lot more accessible, but today many PC users overuse their desktop space and have icons covering over half the screen, including the one for a picture of a dog they looked at six months ago once. This prank is a great way to teach such a person a lesson, or any PC user who you have a problem with. It entails creating a new desktop shortcut with the name and icon of a commonly used program (the web browser works great) that ins...

How To: Fix error code 86420 and change your NAT type to open

In this tutorial, we learn how to fix error code 86420 and change your NAT type to open. First, go to the website to change the settings for your Linksys router. Next, go to the applications tab that says "applications and gaming". After this, go to port range forwarding, then write in a name next to where it says "application name". Under "start" write the number 1 and under "end" write 6553, then keep "both" marked under protocol. Next, enter in the last 3 digits of your console's IP addres...

How To: Calculate and add running percentages in Excel

In this tutorial, we learn how to calculate and add running percentages in Excel. First, write out your value and percentage into the different columns. Next, write the formula in the cell where you want the answer to appear. To have the answer appear, highlight the box and drag it down, then the answers will start to appear in each of the different columns for the different equations. This is an extremely simple way to calculate these percentages without having to do any math! As long as you...

How To: Divide bigger numbers

In this video, we learn how to divide bigger numbers. As an example, let's say you were dividing 843 by 13. To make this easier, write down the times tables for 13 down and keep adding up. After you do this, see how many times 13 goes into 84. Your table will tell you how many times it goes into the larger number. Thirteen will go into 84 six times, so write six on the top line above the four, then subtract 78 from 84 and write a 6 next to the 4. Now, work out the remainder and when finished,...

How To: Deal with overwhelming anxiety & depression

In this tutorial, we learn how to deal with overwhelming anxiety and depression. Most people go through anxiety in their life, but just don't know how to deal with it properly, which is when it leads to depression. If you aren't the type of person to get diagnosed with prescription drugs, there are ways to deal with it on your own. A great way to help is to have a friend or someone that you can talk to, including maybe even a clinical psychologist. Another thing that helps is to write. You ca...

How To: Cheat on a test with a small paper

In this tutorial, we learn how to cheat on a test with a small paper. To make this, you will need printer paper, scissors, and a stapler. To start, cut a strip of paper out of the sheet, then fold it up into a small booklet and staple it together at the top. Cut off any edges to make it fit into the palm of your hand. After this, you will have a booklet that pulls apart and you can write inside of. Write answers to tests in this, then to hide it, place it in the palm of your hand between your...

How To: Write a quick memorandum of understanding for work

If you're looking to write a memorandum of understanding, this tutorial should be a big help. If you don't know what one is, it;s basically some form of an agreement between two parties that doesn't really imply any kind of legal commitment. It can be used as a contract in certain cases. This is sometimes referred to as a letter of intent. So if this is what you need, check out the video above to find otu exactly what you need to write one. Good luck!

How To: Write a name in an old school graffiti style

Although many may consider it disgusting, there are still people out there who see graffiti as an art form. It requires skill and the right type of materials in order to write anything in graffiti style. Now doing it on other people's properties not so good, but on a piece of paper, that's much better. In this video tutoria, you'll see how to write a name in an old school graffiti style. So good luck, enjoy, and please don't break the law by tagging up things that don't belong to you!

How To: Make Chinese calligraphy tracing sheets

Tracing sheets are an important part of Chinese calligraphy, especially if you plan on using calligraphy to write rather than as a purely artistic exercise, as they enable you to create characters more quickly. This video demonstrates one technique for creating the sheets using pencil, copying the characters from models available for free online here and here, among other places. Refine your calligraphy and increase your speed until you can write whole practical messages in this ancient and d...

How To: Easily write an SEO report

If you don't know what SEO means, it stand for search engine optimization. It's something that is commonly used with the process of improving the quality of traffic that a website recieves. In this tutorial, you will find out how to easily write an SEO report giving details about how things are going with making sure your website is being viewed by everyone. Enjoy!

How To: Properly write business e-mails

Now, more than ever, many companies rely on using emails to send bits of information around faster than normal. Not only does it save paper, but allows work to get done faster than it ever has. But, if you don't know how to write a proper business email, it can be tricky. That's why this tutorial will show you how to write them so you don't have to worry about a lack of professionalism. Enjoy!

How To: Easily write a great thesis statement

Ahh, the thesis statement. Two words I haven't read or heard since I was in college. Two words that tortured me for a good year in high school. Anyway, this video tutorial gives you an understanding of what a thesis statement is and how to write a great one. Pay attention and good luck!

How To: Write a review for a podcasts in iTunes

Have you ever wanted to give a Podcast maker a piece of your mind? Did they say something that really irked you, or how about something that really inspired you? In this video, learn how to write a review for a podcast in iTunes. Tell that person what you think!

How To: Use key modulation in a musical piece

This how-to video will show the proper use of key modulation in music. Follow Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio as he takes you through the uses of key modulation in music writing. Watch as he explains the difference between direct modulation and pivot chord modulation. Once you know the different types of modulation, you can learn how to introduce both of them to your music writing as you continue growing as a muscian.

How To: Factor a number

The following are the steps to describe how-to factor a number: 1. First we go into factoring a number we first need to know the prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 etc.

How To: Balance a chemical equation with ease

Learn how to balance the three different types of chemical equations in simple steps. First take an equation, write down its reactants and products and write down the names of all elements. Now write down how many of each element are present in the equation. Now check which element does not match, in this case the Oxygen doesn't match. Now multiply the element or compound starting at two but now hydrogen doesn't match. Try to match them by multiplying the coefficients but now sulfur doesn't m...

How To: Write a research paper for dummies

If you ever had trouble trying to properly write a research paper then this quirky, 1950's style filmstrip movie will break it down for you, even if you're a dummy. The Oscar-worthy performances in this movie will help teach you valuable lessons when it comes to preparing and working on a research paper. The narrator in the movie will give you essential tips and strategies to guide you in the research paper writing process. The key things the movie will share with you are: (1) Choosing a topi...

How To: Introduce examples in your IELTS essay

This is a video on writing essays. The video is a part of a series on essay writing. The current video involves inserting examples into an essay that you are writing. The speaker describes how to complement arguments contained within essays that provide support to the argument. The purpose is to improve the strength of arguments and, by extension, the quality of the essay. The speaker goes on to describe different phrases that are helpful in introducing examples into an essay.

How To: Use Document Map to navigate writing in Microsoft Word

This tutorial is a great eye-opener into the world of Microsoft Word. If you thought you could just open Microsoft Word and type, you are not taking full advantage of what the system has to offer. Iain Broome shows you how to use the Document Map feature on Micosoft Word to your best advantage for any writing project. For more video tips on Microsoft Word, search for Microsoft Word on WonderHowTo.

How To: Create shorthand link aliases

If you like to share websites via email, are a writer who needs to share email in her stories, or just need to make a quick written note of a website address, you need to know how to use web address shorthand. Some URLs can be hundreds of characters long and therefore too tedious to reproduce in writing. To make an easier-to-communicate link, you'll need to use a URL minimizer, like TinyURL. Learn how with this address-minimizing how-to!

How To: Read and write binary code

"There are 10 types of people in the world," the old joke goes, "those who understand binary, and those who don't." In this tutorial, you'll learn how to read and write binary code. With this neat tutorial, you'll join the former group. Make sense of the 1s and 0s of binary code, the symbolic atoms of machine language, with this how-to.

How To: Write a resume using strong language and keywords

This video tells you what keywords are and where to find them. You will learn how to effectively use keywords in your resume in the form of a list and to build your summary of qualification section. It also shows you how to present the keywords creatively. Watch this video resume-writing tutorial and learn how to use keywords for making a good resume.