Based Company Search Results

News: Honda Sets 2025 Target for Level 4

Honda president Takahiro Hachigo has just announced that Honda will complete development of fully self-driving cars by 2025. While the company aims to have level 3 — or conditionally autonomous cars requiring human intervention only in emergencies — on the road in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, these level 4 cars would require no intervention in most environments and thus bring Honda one step closer to producing fully driverless cars.

How To: Opt Out of Facebook's Creepy New Ad-Targeting Partnership with Datalogix

As if you needed another reason to lock down your Facebook profile, the company's sketchy new partnership with data mining firm Datalogix is geared towards giving advertisers more information on what you're doing—even when you're not online. It's just not enough that they can target ads based on your preferences, now they want to know how those ads are influencing your buying habits in the real world.

How To: Dress for a business casual interview

In a recent poll taken by an online recruiting company revealed that 37 percent of all hiring managers do not hire someone based just on the way they dress, more than half said they'd hold it against a candidate if they hadn't worn a jacket and seventy percent said that they wouldn't hire anyone wearing jeans, a leather jacket or a polo shirt to the interview. The rules for office dress code have changed, more and more companies offer their employees a business-casual dress code which makes i...

How To: Run the bases correctly

United States Womens Softball Team members discuss and illustrate how to run the bases correctly. The main techniques used are how to lead off then steal each base as the technique is different for each one, and perform the hit and run. The breakdown is great!

NR30: The Mobile AR Leaders of 2018

This time last year, we got our first taste of what mobile app developers could do in augmented reality with Apple's ARKit. Most people had never heard of Animojis. Google's AR platform was still Tango. Snapchat introduced its World Lens AR experiences. Most mobile AR experiences existing in the wild were marker-based offerings from the likes of Blippar and Zappar or generic Pokémon GO knock-offs.