Bear Canyon Search Results

News: Pour! Paint Puddle Psychedelia

Holton Rower's Pour recalls the lysergic 1960s at their most saturated. So much so that, had Timothy Leary been an abstract expressionist, it's easy to imagine that his work might have borne more than a passing resemblance. The process is essentially self-evident: build a flat, geometrical sculpture and pour cup after cup of paint on it. Gravity does the rest. But, gee, what an effect! SOURCE Holton Rower via poppytalk.

News: Gino Cavicchioli Sculptor

Gino was born in Australia, but spent his formative years in Rome. As a child he was fascinated by the architecture, sculptures, fountains and the works of the masters that surrounded him. The craftsmanship and attention to detail was indelibly etched into his own creative expression and his drive to achieve the same level of perfection in his work.

News: Robotic Ghost Knifefish Is Born

Researchers at Northwestern University have hatched a robotic replica of the ghost knifefish, an amazing sea creature with a ribbon-like fin, capable of acrobatic agility in the water. The fish is distinctive in its ability to move forward, backward and vertically, but scientists didn't understand its vertical movement until the creation of its robot replica, GhostBot (shown below). They now know its vertical propulsion is caused by two waves moving in opposite directions, crashing into each ...

News: Burger Cupcakes

These Cupcake burgers are so much fun. You can make them yourself and serve them at the party, or make them a part of the fun. The last 5 pictures are pics of the burger cupcake craft at my daughter 4th of July summer school party. These 4, 5, and 6 year olds did an amazing job. The sloppier the burgers the better! With colored frosting for the ketchup and mustard, chopped up gummy bears for the relish and tomatoes, and coconut for the onions, and died coconut for the lettuce--the burgers wer...

News: Collecting animals

Hey everyone, I'm a huge fan of farmville, but the main reason I'm hooked on the game is because of all the adorable animals in the game, can you all help me to find more and more? I'm a huge collector & I'm willing to return the favor! I'm searching at least 1 of every type that I can get my hands on!

News: Diseased Pariah News

Diseased Pariah News is a zine for and about people with HIV. It is "a patently offensive publication of, by, and for people with HIV disease (and their friends and loved ones). We are a forum for infected people to share their thoughts, feelings, art, writing and brownie recipes in an atmosphere free of teddy bears, magic rocks, and seronegative guilt." Started in the 1990s, it's up to 11 issues, 8 of which are viewable and downloadable online. It's marked by its trademark dark humor and hon...

News: Arrived in Denver at the Starfest Convention!

Ford Austin here....with a special report!  I just arrived at the 2010 Starfest Convention in Denver, Colorado and I have to say it is AWESOME!  We are at the Marriott Convention Center where they are holding Dahmer Vs Gacy Night at the Convention.  We are attending a live band performance at about 8pm where the rumor is that band will be performing the Dahmer vs Gacy Original Theme song LIVE before the 10pm Dahmer vs Gacy screening. Tonight's screening kicks off the Official 1 year  DAHMER V...

News: Pentagon Searches for Perfect Body Extraction Bot

Rescuing wounded soldiers in a war zone is extremely dangerous. Again, (previous entry, Futuristic Warefare), the Pentagon turns to scifi technology and robotics for the answer. The current solution is to develop robots that perform as "combat casualty extraction system[s].” And not just one robot to go in and save the day, but an "autonomous EMS crew, complete with an unmanned ambulance and robodocs, who can aid fallen troops 'with minimal intervention by medic or other first responder opera...

News: The "Old Days"

A long while ago, on a server list far, far away, something beautiful was born. A server called was existent. Not the type of server where you get a plot and just build, a server where you join a community and make friends. I found playing on this server that not only did you build, you shared with other people, and they shared with you! Building contests, beautiful airships by the wonderful pingisspelaren, and community. It was a very enjoyable experience and I was ...

News: BMW Makes Tron Car

Sorry Nissan Land Glider, the BMW Simple makes you look like a Granny car. This prototype truly feels like a car and motorcycle combined (plus it bears an amazing resemblance to the Tron light cycle). 

She was born a He: How to speak like a Man or Woman

Since Oprah has introduced the Pregnant Man, awareness and recognition of transgenderism has grown. Kandi here shows us one popular transition: from male to female. She's created a library of thorough voice lessons geared to the transgender community, but are in no way limited to it. Her lessons in annunciation, falsetto and modulation are pinpoint accurate.

Important Astronomers: Isaac Newton

In my opinion, Isaac Newton is definitely the number two astronomer, right below Galileo Galilei. His discoveries were very important to uncovering the secrets of space, and he deserves to be remembered.