Beautiful House Search Results

News: FBI's Most Wanted

For this one you're gonna have to use some good makeup and stuff, but what you would do is make someone look like someone on the FBI's most wanted list and have them hanging outside the white house or outside a police station or something asking cops or agents for directions or something like that. Imagine what they would do if they thought you were that guy.Or, what about prank calling the FBI? Tell them you know where Usamah Bin Laden is, but you want the 25 million dollar reward first or s...

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: Fuck-A-Thon

This prank is an all day type prank. basically your just going to fuck with the person all day. The day before you are going to fuck with that person set video camera up all over the house or hotel room.

News: Stalking Pizza Delivery Boy part 1

Ok, this is part 1 of two ideas with stalking a pizza delivery boy or girl. Also, part 1 is actually a true story. What you do is order a pizza and wait in your car for the guy to deliver your pizza. When he gets there just wait in your car and watch him. Once he gives up trying to get you to answer your door and he starts moving towards his next house you just keep following him where ever he goes. When ever he stops, pull up right behind him and flash your brights a couple times. This will ...

News: Fake death on my family

Ok, I dont care what prank we pull on my family. If they think I'm dead for a day or two, I think that would be great! My original idea for this I think was going too far or actually would have taken too much time and probably would have cost too much money. Hopefully this wouldnt cost too much, 'cause I think this would be funny as fuck! ha. Ok, well my family will know you're gonna be flying me out to L.A.. What if we make a plane crash and call my family and tell them that thats the plane ...

News: port-a-john

So I had a couple ideas. 1. Take a port-a-potty and when somebody goes in lock them in, then roll it around a lil bit let them get nice and dirty, then put it on a truck, drive them to a mall put the port-a-potty in the middle of a crowd and unlock it.

News: Never Drinking Again, Worst Hangover Wakeup

If you've gotten drunk and had a hangover, you know how bad it can be in the morning. The slightest thing is like tortue. This will make someone never wanna drink again. It gets pretty good, so you gotta read it all. Ok, get someone to drink very heavy that doesnt drink that often. We can do this the night you fly us out to L.A.. Say its to celebrate us winning.Set up a bunch of alarm clocks in their room(loud noises suck)Aim a bright light right in their eyes and when they wake up turn it on...

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