Behaviour Meant Search Results

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Capturing WPA Passwords by Targeting Users with a Fluxion Attack

With tools such as Reaver becoming less viable options for pen-testers as ISPs replace vulnerable routers, there become fewer certainties about which tools will work against a particular target. If you don't have time to crack the WPA password or it's unusually strong, it can be hard to figure out your next step. Luckily, nearly all systems have one common vulnerability you can count on — users!

News: You'll Need New Accessories for the iPhone 7, Even Though It Looks the Same

In years past, Apple has always waited two years before redesigning the iPhone, but this year they broke the trend. Aside from a few minor changes, the overall design and style of the iPhone 7 models is the same as last year's iPhone 6s models, and the iPhone 6 ones before that, so it's almost as though they've switched to a three-year cycle—just as early reports suggested.

How To: Secure Any Android App with Your Fingerprint

When Google released the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, they added official support for fingerprint scanning to Android's main code base. On the surface, this was done to ensure that the fingerprint scanner in their own devices could be used to its full extent, but because it was added to AOSP, this meant that the new Fingerprint API could be used by any Android manufacturer.

How To: The Easiest Way to Get Android N on Your Nexus Before Anyone Else

Out of nowhere, Google released a preview build of the upcoming Android N release back in March—a full two months early. As if that weren't enough excitement for one day, they topped themselves by following up that announcement with the debut of a new "Android Beta" program that allows users with eligible devices receive preview builds as a regular OTA update, meaning no losing data or manual installation.

Guide: Privacy Matters

Greetings all. Today I intend to append a new series to my mini-collection of posts. This series will consist of informative guides for the purpose of depicting certain aspects of the White Hat profession that I believe are of profound importance. Furthermore, I will keep this series simple for everyone to follow, regardless of your tech level. So without further ado, let's get right into it.

How To: Yes, You Can Make Frosting with Jello—And It's Amazing

Frosting, for many, is the best part of the cake. There's not much to dislike about it, after all—there's a type of frosting for every person. Whipped frostings for those who like it light, dense buttercream for indulgent sugar fans, cream cheese frosting for the tangy crowd... and so on. But I'll bet you've never made or tried frosting made with Jell-O packages before! Infusing your frosting with the sweetness and bright color of Jell-O changes both its taste and appearance, and using Jell-O...

How to Train Your Python: Part 1, Introduction

Recently I've been looking around our wonderful community and I've seen some absolutely hands-down fantastic python scripting articles. But, in the end, these series weren't very extensive. I've been wanting to do a series on teaching python for a while now, and I don't mean just the basics, I mean to make an extensive series that takes it all the way from "Hello, World!" to popular third party modules, and everything in between!

News: Just A Message

It's been a while, since I have just started High School. I have put a hiatus to my pentesting for a few weeks, and now, I am making a return. I have taken time to read about code, (even did a research article analysis on how humans can write "beautiful" code and something like that) and pentesting, but never made a full return. I will be occasionally coming back for a while.

News: Here's Everything You Should Know About Samsung Pay

Mobile payment systems have been around for almost 5 years now, starting with Google Wallet. But when Apple got into the game last year with their new Apple Pay service, things really started to take off. Around this time, Samsung responded by acquiring an up-and-coming mobile payments company that owned the rights to an incredibly innovative technology called Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST).

How To: Three Cheap Meat Cuts That You Need to Utilize

Cooking on a budget isn't always easy, but there's a silver lining: it can be really fun. Ever since I started supporting myself I've enjoyed going shopping, finding the most affordable items, and learning how to make the most of them. Sure, sometimes I wish I could afford to buy a filet mignon and some morel mushrooms every night, but there's a different kind of enjoyment that comes from being able to turn a few dollars into a gourmet meal. For me, that means starting with cheap meat, and af...

How To: 5 Pranks That Will Downright Piss People Off!

There are some practical jokes that are funny and will give everyone a good laugh including the person being prank, There there are those pranks that will annoy and infuriate anyone. These 5 pranks will do just that, especially the last one which involves 2 matches and a pen, then again we have a condom inside a water bottle prank. There just too funny and mean to describe, you'll just have to watch the video tutorial to find out how to pull them off. The best part is that they're all househo...

How To: 3 Ways to Consecutively Prank Your Roommate

There's nothing funnier than pulling off a successful prank, and here are 3 simple pranks you can set up on your roommate using their body spray. What sets these pranks apart from others is they they will be done back to back to back, meaning you can actually get your victim to fall for these 3 pranks consecutively in order to be able to use their deodorant.

News: World's Simplest Electric Train

The trick in the video is that the magnets are made of a conducting material and they connect the battery terminals to the copper wire, so the battery, magnets and copper wire make a circuit that generates a magnet field just in the vicinity of the battery. The geometry means the two magnets are automatically at the ends of the generated magnetic field, where the field is divergent, so a force is exerted on the magnets.

How To: Booby Trap a Clip Board at School or the Office!

Work and School can be boring at times, that's why we do what we can to keep ourselves entertained. So I decided to come up with this funny prank so you can make school or work fun again. You will need a water balloon and someone's clipboard which contains important documents! This is a very mean prank and can definitely get you in trouble so make sure you know what you're doing. Watch the video tutorial provided to get an idea of how to pull this off.

How to Nap Smarter: Just Add Caffeine (Really)

Naps provide some serious mental and physical benefits, but not if they last too long or occur too late in the day. Ideally, you want to awake from a nap feeling alert and refreshed enough to attack the rest of your tasks with renewed zeal, but not energized to the point where you can't get to sleep at night. Alas, most of us don't know these tricks and end up messing with our sleep cycle (guilty).