Behaviour Meant Search Results

How To: Train a dog not to pull with loose leash walking

This how-to video quickly outlines exercises to get your dog walking on a loose leash by your side. Put very basically, teach the dog what you want them to do! And secondly, stop reinforcing them when they pull! A clicker training method is used, but if you do not have one, you can always use a verbal marker like yes. However you will get much faster and reliable results by using the clicker. If you hold the clicker in the same hand as the leash, and keep the treats in the other hand, you wil...

How To: Read the meaning of kings in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The king of pentacles, the king of swords, the king of cups, and the king of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the king card.

How To: Read the meaning of queens in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The queen of pentacles, the queen of swords, the queen of cups, and the queen of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the queen card.

How To: Read the meaning of knights in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The knight of pentacles, the knight of swords, the knight of cups, and the knight of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the knight card.

How To: Read the meaning of the ten in tarot with Peter John

Peter John explains the meaning behind individual tarot cards in this video tutorial. The ten of pentacles, the ten of swords, the ten of cups, and the ten of wands all have a deeper understanding within a tarot card reading. Watch this tarot reading how to and learn how to predict and uncover the future by understanding the meaning of the ten cards.

How To: Safely Browse the Web with Opera's Free VPN

Browsing the web can be dangerous. With all of the various threats out there, it isn't enough to just avoid bad links and visit only HTTPS websites. You need to take advantage of the tools available to you so you don't end up the victim of some scam. Fortunately, Opera is making this a bit easier.

How To: Calculate standard deviation

Looking to find the standard deviation of your set of values? Standard deviation quantifies how diverse the values of your data set are, and is useful in determining how different your numbers are from each other.

How To: Calculate a trimmed mean in Microsoft Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 36th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate a trimmed mean, which is used when there are extreme values in the data set that might skew the mean.

How To: Calculate weighted & geometric mean in Microsoft Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 35th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to calculate weighted and geometric means and see how to use the GEOMEAN function.

How To: Model a stingray in Houdini 9

These two Houdini 9 lessons illustrate a valuable and efficient means of modeling an animated surface in a manner not generally considered. It provides an explanation of the advantages to this approach and compares it to a more traditional means of animating a surface. So watch the tutorial and learn how to animate a stingray in Houdini 9 using newer style animation methods.

How To: Use the entes de and después de verbs in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish: Antes de / DespuŽs de + verbs. When you say "antes de" this means before and "despues de" means after. Saying these in sentences can help describe doing something at a specific time. The formula for this is to have the "antes/despues de" + an infinitive. Learning some basic reflexives can help you describe what you are doing. For example, "levantarse" means to get up. You will change the tense of the verb depending on when you did it, then change ...

How To: Use present tense of Spanish AR verbs

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish using present tense AR verbs. "Nosotros" means "we", "nosotras" means we as well, it's just talking about a female while the other is talking about a male. Common "ar" verbs include: necesitar, patinar, practicar, terminar, tocar, trabajar, nadar, hablar. These mean (in order): to need, to skate, to practice, to fish, to play, to work, to swim, and to talk. When you are talking about a male, female, or group of people you need to change the last pa...

How To: Diagnose five common sounds your car might make

Kim Parent from Drivers Side answers questions received about the diagnosis of sounds your car may make. 1. Squealing sound-Typically means brake pads need to be replaced. 2. Mechanical sound with steering wheel looseness-Probably means you have loose joints in the front of your car. Kim advises that this is a safety issue. 3. Mechanical knocking sound without steering wheel looseness-If you hear this sound when you're making turns this could mean you have a CV Joint that's worn out. Kim reco...

How To: Build an emergency portable car heater for emergency situations

If you've ever gotten your car stuck in a blizzard or been lost on a wilderness drive in winter, you know that keeping that car warm is vital to your comfort and even survival. Using the heater means keeping the car on though, and that means consuming precious fuel. And what if the car breaks down? Watch this video for instructions on how to make a portable emergency heater for your car that will keep it between 60-70 degrees for about 24 hours burning only rubbing alcohol. It could save your...

How To: Level up your World of Warcraft Cataclysm character in Stonetalon

Cataclysm is finally almost here, after what seems like aeons of waiting, and that means WoW is about to take over your life once again. It means power levelling is once again going to be your job, and fortunately this video contains an excellent guide for doing so in Stonetalon, ensuring your character is flush with experience and loot to facilitate enjoying all the beautiful expansion content Blizzard has given you.

How To: Fold an origami modular dollar 5- or 6-point star

You're going to need a little money to make this pointed origami star, but not that much, unless you Mr. Moneybags or something. To keep this cheap, you can use dollar bills — five of them, which means five dollars. You can use five dollar bills, but that would mean you'd have a twenty-five dollar paper star, and unless you plan on selling it for fifty, you might just want to use some fake bills. Anything that is rectangular in shape will do. You can make a 5-pointed star or upgrade to the 6-...