Behaviour Meant Search Results

Decoding Produce Stickers: The Hidden Meaning Behind Fruit & Vegetable Labels

Like Costco's price codes or the tags on your bread, the numerical codes printed on those sticky little fruit and vegetable labels can reveal a lot of information to us consumers. Once you understand the codes, you can look at that little label (also known as PLU, or "price look up" label) and know whether the produce you're about to buy or eat was treated with pesticides, genetically modified, both, or neither. Before we go any further with deciphering the codes on these labels, let's take a...

News: Android 4.4.3 Update Rolling Out Now for the Nexus 5

It appears that the next iteration of KitKat, Android 4.4.3, is fast approaching. If the past is any indication, today's update to the Nexus 5 software changelog on Sprint's website tells us a new version of Android will begin rolling out within 24 hours. Sprint has broken the news of a forthcoming Android release twice in the past. With 4.4.1 and 4.4.2, a mini-changelog was posted on the Sprint website about a day before Google began pushing updates to its Nexus devices.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Change the Signature of Metasploit Payloads to Evade Antivirus Detection

Welcome back, my budding hackers! I've written several listener guides on creating a malicious PDF or malicious Word document that would carry in it a payload with the Meterpreter, or reverse shell enabling you to own the system. One of the hurdles to using these techniques is the antivirus (AV) software on the target system. For instance, if you try to email a malicious PDF or Word doc, it's likely that the victim system will alert the victim that it contains a virus or other malware.

How To: The Flashlight That Finally Lets You Adjust LED Brightness on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

I know what you're thinking. Why spend time talking about another flashlight application when there are literally thousands of them scattered throughout Google Play? As it turns out, there is a void in the realm of flashlight Android apps. Flashing lights, strobe lights, cop lights, warning lights—they're all available, but the one feature that's missing is adjustable brightness.

How To: Install Snapchat on a Nexus 7 or Any Other Android Tablet

Snapchat users upload a whopping 150 million pictures a day—which are deleted as just quick as they're sent. However, none of these images are coming from Android tablet users. If you try downloading Snapchat from Google Play on your Nexus 7 or other Android tablet, you'll get the "Your device isn't compatible with this version" message. Even those with the new Nexus 7 tablets that have the front and rear cameras are out of luck. Unless you're a softModder.

Dark Side of the Prism: Get Alerted Whenever You Visit a Website Owned by a PRISM-Targeted Company

Since The Guardian published leaked documents exposing the depth of the NSA's spying powers, many people who've never put much effort into protecting their privacy are finally starting to pay attention. Evidence of public opinion concerning PRISM can be seen from the rise in traffic for pro-privacy sites like DuckDuckGo to the petitions demanding that the program be scaled back or done away with altogether. Some would argue that you waive your right to privacy by signing the terms of agreemen...

Hack Like a Pro: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (Creating Directories & Files)

In my first tutorial on Linux basics, I discussed the importance of hackers using Linux and the structure of the directory system. We also looked briefly at the cd command. In this second Linux guide, I'll spend a bit more time with changing directories, listing directories, creating files and directories, and finally, getting help. Let's open up BackTrack and getting started learning more Linux for the aspiring hacker.

How To: Make Sure People Will Understand Your Writing by Testing Your Readability Score

There is a substantial number of helpful tools at your disposal in Microsoft Word when it comes to writing; grammar check, word count, dictionary, thesaurus, and tons more. One tool that doesn't necessarily make itself obvious is testing your document's readability. With this built-in tool, you can not only check your spelling and grammar, but also the reading level of your document.

News: Why LEGO's New Monster Fighters Screams Steampunk DIY

For those who don't know, LEGO recently came out with a new line called Monster Fighters. This set is about fighting monsters, sure, but it's about fighting classic monsters in a Steampunk universe. Just look at this promotional picture from the LEGO site: That LEGO dude (properly called a minifig) is wearing a vest, pocket watch, bowler hat, and a mean smirk. Not to mention that he has a robotic leg. You won't find the word "steampunk" anywhere in this marketing campaign, but I call Steampun...

How To: What Is Wordpress ? [Beginner]

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

How To: Use proper draping techniques during a gynecology exam

In Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), doctors deal specifically with the female reproductive organs, which means a lot of visual inspection of the vaginal area. Whether you're a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or nursing assistant, knowing how to properly drape a patient is detrimental to the patient feeling protected and secure with the hospital staff, along with having some privacy. This video will cover different types of draping techniques.

How To: Solve the Rubik's Cube faster with shortcuts

As the best-selling toy of all time, the odds of you once playing with a Rubik's Cube are pretty high. And if you're like me, or even the cube's inventor Erno Rubik, your first attempts likely ended in futility. Every twist, every turn, the cube just gets more and more mixed up. Is there really a solution?

How To: Teach an old dog new tricks

In this series you’ll learn tips and techniques for teaching a dog to do tricks. Expert dog trainer and behavior consultant Tracy Tenner offers advice on training your dog to sit, roll over, crawl, beg, wait, shake hands, play dead and more using positive reinforcement, dog treats and praise.

How To: Train a cat

This video series will teach you how to train your cat, emphasizing positive reinforcement obedience techniques. Utilize clickers, water and meaningful alternatives to bad behavior to help your feline friend be a happy and non-destructive member of the family.

How To: Use the new Minecraft Seeds world generator in Minecraft Beta 1.3

Minecraft generates a new world every time you start a new game. This adds tremendous replay value, but also means you can easily get screwed by starting a game that's in a world that just happens to suck. No more! The 1.3 Beta update released in February allows you to both create as many world as you want AND do many more things with seeds than before. Every world has a seed, and now you can save the seed from any world you make to reuse later and load millions of seeds preloaded into the ga...

How To: Hunt and find fallen meteorites from a meteor shower

The Geminid meteor shower 2010 is tonight, climaxing sometime between midnight and dawn Tuesday. Usually, the Geminid meteor showers in December are awesome spectacles, one of the most intense meteor showers of the year, but this year the moon will be out until after midnight, lessening visibility. But just because you can't see the meteor shower this year, doesn't mean a meteorite or two didn't sneak into Earth's atmosphere, hurdling to the ground, waiting for you to find it. So, get your me...

How To: Make healthy, gluten-free stuffing for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost near and everyone's scrambling around for turkey and stuffing recipes. But if you're expecting guests with coeliac disease, then you're going to have to play it safe. Use this stuffing recipe that abides to a gluten-free diet, but just because it's gluten-free, doesn't mean it won't taste great! Trust us, you won't even tell the difference!