Bet Wins Search Results

News: Google's New Home Assistant Is an Amazon Echo Killer

Google first introduced Google Home, its latest smart product in the works, at the company's I/O conference in May 2016. It will directly compete against Amazon's Echo, which has so far been a success with over 3 million devices sold, and it was even featured as FBI Agent Dom's only real friend in the second season of Mr. Robot. Google may have their work cut out for them, but we're betting Home will knock Echo out of the water. Google Home is a personal assistant with a built-in speaker and ...

News: Sprint Agrees to Buy T-Mobile for $32 Billion

Sprint and T-Mobile have agreed to a $31.6 billion deal that, if it gets through federal regulators—which is far from a sure bet—would create a formidable carrier to really compete against AT&T and Verizon. The deal comes packaged with a $1 billion "breakup" fee that Sprint would have to pay T-Mobile in the event the deal does not go through. After the deal, Deutsche Telekom, which owns about 67% of T-Mobile, would maintain a 20% ownership stake.

How To: Follow along with cricket gameplay by learning the rules compared to baseball

Have you ever heard of cricket? No, we're not talking Jiminy Cricket or the wireless cell phone service provider. We're talking about CRICKET. The team sport, nicknamed "the gentleman's game," is the popular sport of choice in places like India, Australia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, England, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, though not America. But guess what? It's very similar to the American pastime we all love so much— baseball.

How To: Play Othello or Reversi

Othello, also known as Reversi, is played with two players, each representing a color on the board. The rules are simple, but strategy is what will help you win. Watch this video to learn how to play Othello or Reversi.