Betting Calculators Search Results

How To: Prevent Problem Gambling

The fun of gambling can come at a hefty price. Problem gambling affects 331, 000 individuals and can quickly destroy families and lives. Know the risks. The Responsible Gambling Council offers a free Cost2Play Calculator app and safe gambling tips

How To: Graph x & y intercepts on a TI-84 Plus calculator

In this video the teacher shows us how to use a TI-84 plus graphing calculator to graph a function, adjust the view window, and determine the values of several types of critical points on the graph such as x-intercept, y-intercept, local maximums, and local minimums. After entering the function in the Y= editor she presses the ZOOM button and selects Z-Standard this adjusts the view window to a range of -10 to 10 on both axis. To find each of the critical points requested the teacher uses the...

How To: Do the whiskey versus water bar trick to win bets

If you are looking for a cool new way to hustle free drinks at the bar or cash from your friends, check out this tutorial. In this video, you will learn an incredibly interesting trick using just whiskey, water, two shot glasses and a card or driver's license. Bet a friend that you can make make water and whiskey switch shot glasses without pouring or dumping either glass.

How To: Deal cards in Texas Hold'Em

This video shows you the basics of dealing a hand of Texas Hold 'em. When dealing you always start off dealing the cards to your left; deal two cards to each player to start the initial round of betting. After the round of betting is over you "burn" one card by placing it face down, then turn over three cards called the "flop". This is followed by a round of betting. Then you burn one card and flip over one card called the "turn". This followed by another round of betting leaves you to burn o...

How To: Perform a magic bar trick with a cloth napkin

This trick works great in pretty much any bar or restaurant. All you need is a cloth napkin to achieve this funky trick. Bet someone that they will not be able to tie a napkin in a knot without crossing their arms or lifting their fingers. Those suckers will tie themselves in a pretzel before they are able to accomplish this and you can laugh and laugh because you know the secret!

How To: Solve scalar field integrals in calculus

This video demonstrates that the line integral of a scalar field is independent of path direction. Learn how to solve scalar-field integrals with this free video calculus lesson. Looking for a primer on how to solve matrix problems using a TI-89 graphing calculator? See how it's done with this free video algebra lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, i...

How To: Calculate percentage

Not sure exactly how to calculate a twenty percent tip for your waitress? Or how about how to figure out how much less your cost will be with that thirty percent off tag? Use these steps to calculate percentage, without a calculator.

How To: Create the Jumper disappearing effect in After Effects

The film Jumper may not have been critically acclaimed, but few can argue with how awesome the special effects that allowed the characters to teleport at will are. They looked great and were applied with great aplomb. This video will show you how to mimic that effect in After Effects, allowing you to make your own teleportation-happy films. I bet you can make one better than Jumper!

How To: Bluff in no limit Texas Hold'em

There are some basic thing that you will need to think about, when trying to bluff in poker. Always think about taking advantage of being in position. Being "in position" refers to being the person who bets at the most advantageous time. This is the case, when you are "on the button": i.e. the last person to bid.

How To: Perform the "Make A Deck Bet" card trick

This is a card trick that you can make some money on. First you start with 2 decks of cards. The decks are organized hearts, spades, diamonds, then, clubs. Ace through king on each suit. To set up this trick you reverse one of the decks. So one deck is hearts, spades diamonds, and clubs and the other deck is club, diamonds, spades and hearts with king to ace.To start the trick you have a friend shuffle the two decks together. You then make a bet that the top 52 cards will make a full deck. Ac...

How To: Play a hand when you flop the nuts in Texas Hold'em

This video shows you the best play when you flop the nuts in Texas Hold 'em. If you overplay the hand, you tip off the other players to what you're holding. Each time a card is turned, the way you bet gives a hint to what you are holding in your hand if you are not careful. Checking the bet is an indication that you don't have the cards they think you do in your hand. This video gives the viewer insight into real poker play.

How To: Understand Texas Hold'em

This is a wonderful instructional video on how to play Texas Hold 'em cards game. This video demonstrates the rules very clearly and hence any one who watches this video will quickly learn how to play the Texas Hold 'em game. You can start the game with bet, deal and then you can play. You will need poker chips, dealer chips and deck of cards. You can go for blind bets. You can go for big blind or small blind. You can then flop. You can turn or river. You can win according to the combination ...

How To: Play dreidel

The dreidel, the small top that's among the most recognizable symbols of the Hanukkah season, is a fun game of chance to play with friends and family.

How To: Con

This video will show you how to always win in a very simple bar game called Nim. Trick your friends into betting on it then always getting a free drink or a couple of bucks! (Please drink responsibly.)

How To: Change fractions to decimals

In this tutorial, we learn how to change fractions to decimals. Once you learn how to do this, it can help you learn more levels of math. Start out with easy problems and work your way up to more difficult ones. First, try rewriting the equation. Take your top numerator and divide it out by hand by your denominator. After you have done the long math for this, the number that is on the top of the division sign will be your answer. You will need to have a good sense of what numbers add into wha...

How To: Use the Pythagorean theorem

Pythagoras was a smart man, so smart that his mathematical theory is named after him and still used today, more than 2,000 years later: the Pythagorean theorem. It implies that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The Pythagorean theorem is a cornerstone of geometry. Here’s how to use it.

How To: Calculate square roots on paper the easy way

Perhaps not as easy as using a calculator, but easy nevertheless! With mathematics, as with anything else, not everyone progresses at the same rate. Happily, in the age of Internet video tutorials, this isn't a problem. Those who progress quickly can go beyond what's being taught them and those who are struggling likewise have all the time in the world to catch up. With this free video math lesson, you'll learn how to find square roots by hand.

How To: Find the area of a circle

In this tutorial, we learn how to find the area of a circle. The line from the middle to the edge of the circle is called the radius. Find what this is in your equation, then multiply (3.14 X radius x radius). This will always work out the area of a circle for you. So, do this equation with your calculator or by hand, then you will have the correct answer for the area. Make sure to add the units squared after you get the answer. If you are given the diameter (line all the way across), you wou...

How To: Convert recurring decimals to fractions

In this video we learn how to convert recurring decimals to fractions. Start off by writing out the decimal with the dot next to it to show that it's recurring. This means that the number goes on forever and doesn't stop. To convert this to a fraction, write down the number as the numerator. On the bottom you will put the number 9 always. Now, you can divide these two numbers with each other using a calculator. Once you do this, you will get the correct answer. Once you divide it out, you wil...

How To: Find the area of a trapezoid

In this video, we learn how to find the area of a trapezoid. The formula to figure out how to find the answer is: Area= 1/2x (base1 x base2) x height. Now, find the bases and the height of the trapezoid. Remember that the height must always be perpendicular to the bases. Once you have found these, add the bases and multiply by the height. You can use a calculator to do this or do it off hand if you're good with math. For the third step, divide the answer by 2 and then write down the answers w...