Betting Experience Search Results

News: B2B Software Company Kaon Bets Big on Google's Tango Phones & AR

At the moment, it would be safe to say that demand for devices running Tango, Google's augmented reality smartphone platform, is relatively low among consumers. Kaon Interactive, a B2B software company who has built more than 5,000 interactive applications for use at trade shows, remote sales demonstrations, and other customer engagements, is betting that there is a market for the devices in sales and marketing.

News: Occipital Wants to Turn iPhones into Mixed Virtual Reality Headsets

If you're an Apple user and want an untethered virtual reality system, you're currently stuck with Google Cardboard, which doesn't hold a candle to the room scale VR provided by the HTC Vive (a headset not compatible with Macs, by the way). But spatial computing company Occipital just figured out how to use their Structure Core 3D Sensor to provide room scale VR to any smartphone headset—whether it's for an iPhone or Android.

News: Xperiel's Vision of a Real World Web Is a Better, AR Version of the Internet

Mixed reality can give you the feeling that you've uncovered a hidden world layered into the physical one you already know. This can happen in so many ways, from a trading card that births a hologram or a first-person shooter with robots blasting through your walls. Xperiel—a California-based augmented and mixed reality company—wants to create a platform to make that a whole lot easier for developers.

News: Touch & Feel Things That Don't Exist with Dexmo's Exoskeleton Gloves

One of the disadvantages of the digital world is that you can't pick it up and touch it. While that can feel like less of a problem in virtual reality, where you're already holding controllers, mixed reality environments—like the one you'd experience in Microsoft's HoloLens—suffer from a lack of physical connection with the digital objects that appear in your real world. Dexmo aims to solve that problem with a relatively intimidating new controller that encompasses your hands.

News: Google's Daydream May Materialize in Just Two Weeks

We've heard a bit about Google Daydream—the new smartphone-based virtual reality platform that is supposed to provide a markedly better experience than Cardboard—but don't really know what it'll look like. Engadget claims we could find out in just a couple of weeks, since Android Nougat is already out, a necessary component of Daydream.

News: Volvo Takes Showrooming to the Next Level with a HoloLens

While the early stages of any new technology always seems amazing because of the utilitarian, almost altruistic software concepts it inspires, mixed and augmented reality will still see its fair share of corporate apps. That might be a good thing, however, as Volvo's plan goes past general information and advertising to make a truly helpful tool for prospective car buyers.

How To: Play Texas Hold'em

To play Texas Hold 'em, you need: a deck of cards, an object to be used for the blind (also known as the dealer button), and money. The person with the object is dealt first. They also bid first.

How To: Send the exclusive gifts from FarmVille (11/27/09)

This video tutorial shows how to send exclusive gifts in FarmVille (11/27/10). Sending gifts to your friends is one of the many ways that FarmVille helps you stay connected to people on Facebook. This video will teach you how to send the exclusive gifts in Facebook, which normally isn't possible. Show your love for your friends by sending them the best gifts possible!

How To: Build a simple barometer with household materials

ARHSphysics shows viewers how they can build a simple barometer using household items! First, you need to get a container that is the height of an index card. Your best bet is to get an empty soup can of food can. Make sure you wash the can. Now, you will need a latex glove, cut a semi circle from the glove and attach this to the top of the can using a rubber band. Get two straws and attach them together at the ends. Cut a slit in each one and attach the straws. Attach the straw to the top of...

How To: Get perfect eyebrows

This is one of the biggest mistakes women make when it comes to eyebrows. Many women become overly aggressive when it comes to plucking their brows and end up with thin or almost nonexistent brow hairs. Unfortunately, eyebrow hairs can take months to grow back and, in some cases, plucked eyebrow hairs may not grow back at all, particularly after years of over plucking. Stop plucking and give your eyebrows a chance to grow back to their natural state. In the meantime, you can use a soft eyebro...

How To: Clean your room

Do you win the prize for messiest room in America? That's a difficult contest, but how about messiest room in your house? It’s time to clean your room, so do a good job in the shortest amount of time and get your parents off your back.

How To: Win $20 with a water drinking con

Learn to make an easy, winnable bet with a glass of water by watching this video tutorial. First, take a piece of cloth and set it on a table, preferably one that you have bottom side access to, then take an ordinary cup and fill it with water and set it on top of the piece of cloth. Second, take a hat that would fit over the water-filled glass completely and cover it with the hat. Don't touch the hat in any way after it is placed. Proceed to bend underneath the table so you can pretend your ...

How To: Immigrate to Canada

The purpose of this video is to show how to become a permanent resident in Canada. Some programs are federal and some are for Quebec. The first program is the skilled worker program. The applicant is accessed under a point system and is awarded points for education level, knowledge of English or French, work experience, age, confirmed job offer, and adaptability and you must have sufficient proof of funds. The next program is Family Class Sponsorship. A citizen or permanent resident can spons...

How To: Sell items in FarmVille

Running low on cash in FarmVille? Sell some items and trees, and make it to your next harvest. This video tutorial shows how to sell items in FarmVille. While crops and plots can only be deleted, selling items and trees is a great way to make some quick cash if you're running low. The sell action is also the way to check the value of your various items, so even if you're set on coins, this is a great video to watch for the Farm Ville hopeful.

How To: Deal with heart palpitations

Heart palpitations can be a serious problem if it's not monitored properly. If you're starting to get more and more heart palpitations, or if you've been experiencing them recently, it might be a good idea to watch this video. In it, you will learn what signs to watch out for before going to the doctors, as well as tips and various techniques that you can use to calm them down and keep them to a low frequency.

How To: Master playing as Guile in Street Fighter 4

Guile has been a part of Street Fighter for the duration of the series, and in Street Fighter 4 he is as awesome as ever. This video for those new to the series but with some Street Fighter experience will show the basics of playing as Guile in SF2, and should have you winning some fights in no time. It focuses on using pokes and special moves to control spacing.