Betting Methods Search Results

How To: Disable Autorun

Hello, Hackers/Viewers, Today's topic is going to be based on how to disable autorun for Removable Disks and Drives. Doing that is very easy, i you read the below!

How To: 9 DIY Ways to Remove Sweat Stains from Clothes

Got a bad sweat stain on the underarms of your light-colored clothing? You probably have something in your kitchen or medicine cabinet that will help get rid of the stain immediately. Aspirin, table salt, lemon juice, white vinegar, baking soda, and even meat tenderizer (make sure it is unseasoned!) are some of the many common household ingredients you can use to make your sweaty clothes look brand new again.

How To: Master Figure Drawing By Erasing

Master Figure Drawing using an Eraser Having trouble with the human form in your figure drawing class? Or just looking to impress your girlfriend or boyfriend with your art skills with a beautiful drawing of their figure? Here is a simple tip to trick your brain into using more of the right, creative, side of your brain. You will need:

How To: Build & Hide a Campfire from Your Enemies — The Dakota Fire Pit

Fire.  It’s everywhere— always has been.  From the Ordovician Period where the first fossil record of fire appears to the present day everyday uses of the Holocene.  Today, we abundantly create flames (intentionally or unintentionally) in power plants, extractive metallurgy, incendiary bombs, combustion engines, controlled burns, wildfires, fireplaces, campfires, grills, candles, gas stoves and ovens, matches, cigarettes, and the list goes on... Yet with our societies' prodigal use of fire, t...

How To: Install Minecraft in Ubuntu the Right Way!

Hello everyone today I am going to be going over installing Minecraft on Linux (Ubuntu) as if it is any regular program a game. This method makes it super easy and clean in that you will not need to run a .jar every time you want to play this game. This is very simple to do and it dose not only install Minecraft as if it is any regular game/program it also gets the best version of Java to run Minecraft. Download:

News: Massive Leak! Wikileaks publishes Stratfor emails.

Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agenc...

How To: Make Invisible Ink

Need to pass along an important message on paper without having it accidentally discovered by your archenemy? Using very common household products, you can easily whip up an invisible ink recipe and write out your secret message with the solution. All the recipient needs to do is heat up the paper using a stovetop of light bulb, or brush the surface of the paper with a simple iodine mixture to read the message.

How To: Find Out Who Unfriended You on Facebook

How many Facebook friends do you have? The average person on Facebook has around 140 friends while some hit the ridiculous Facebook friend limit of 5,000. Facebook states that its services are for people you know in person. I don't think anyone has 5,000 friends in person, do you? Personally, I don't even think Megan Fox has 5,000 friends in person, so how could any regular person have that many? But that's beside the point.

How To: 7 Methods for Concealing Valuable Items from Thieves

Want to keep your money and valuables safe while traveling abroad? Play it safe and outsmart thieves by placing your money, passport, jewelry and other expensive things in unexpected places. Sew a secret inner pocket in your pants, or if that's too much work, try cutting open a tennis ball, using empty film canisters, or simply placing a small amount of money in a spare wallet while your real wallet is more concealed within your luggage or purse.

News: Tarragon Aoli

Aoli is a term for a flavored mayonnaise. Typically all Aolis will start with garlic and lemon and your imagination is the limit for the flavoring from there. Making an Aoli is a simple and tasty way to spruce up a sandwich or canapés. I have also used a spicy Aoli with Quesadillas that was great. I like a flavor herbaceous flavor for sandwiches so here is my recipe for Tarragon Aoli:

How To: Cure Vampirism in Skyrim

So, there you are, walking along a mountain range in the beautiful game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, when all of a sudden a vampire attacks you. Oh no! Now you've caught Sanguinare Vampiris, otherwise known as the vampire disease. That's horrible for your goody-two-shoes character, since feasting on the blood of innocents isn't really your bag. That's where Achievement Hunters comes to your rescue! In this tutorial, Fragger and Jack show you how to initiate and complete the quest to become mo...

News: Minecraft World's Weekly Workshop: Mob Traps

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Long ago some smart folks figured out how to make water, lava, and some blocks do the mob killing for them. More recently, with the addition of redstone, these mechanisms for resource collection have gotten rather complex.

How To: Three More Ways To Open A Wine Without A Corkscrew

Don't let a missing corkscrew deter you from uncorking your bottle of wine at your next party, picnic or romantic dinner at home. Following up on a previous post on how to open a bottle of wine using just a towel and a flat, vertical surface (a wall or a wide tree trunk), listed below are three more handy ways you can open a bottle of wine using common household objects or tools. And what better way to impress your date than taking off your shoe, placing a wine bottle between your knees, and ...

News: The Perfect Hack for Enabling NFC Credit Card Payments on Your iPhone 4

Remember the good ol' days when you actually had to swipe your credit or debit card to make a payment at the store? Now all it takes is a flick of the wrist to purchase goods with your card, thanks to RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology from Chase (blink), Visa (payWave) and MasterCard (PayPass). But soon "contactless" payments will be made by an entirely different beast—NFC, which stands for near field communication.

Font-Face: Design a Typeface with Your Mug

If you've ever used a font editing program to create a font, you know that one generally shapes the various forms by arranging points on a screen with a mouse. But what if those points were controlled by something other than fine motor skills? Andy Clymer of high profile type foundry Hoefler & Frere-Jones was interested in exploring alternative methods for how a typeface is developed; hence, "font-face" was born. Font-face employs facial recognition to control the design parameters of a font....

News: Google Bets $20K You Can't Hack Chrome

Since its inception in 2007, the Pwn2Own computer hacking contest has been challenging the vulnerability of mobile phones and web-related software. In 2010, the fruit of two full days of hacking came down to the exploitation of the following web browsers: Safari 4 on Mac OS X, Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, and Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7. The winners walked away with the successfully hacked computer, plus a cash prize, but they left one Godly browser intact: Google Chrome. Even the savviest ...

Brilliant Business Idea: Sell Cookies Like a Crack Dealer

Sometimes entrepreneurial inspiration comes from the oddest of places— such as, say, down-and-out crack dealer delivery methods. Inspired by HBO's The Wire, Kathleen and Clem of Fat Cookies are attracting a crowd with an atypical model for vending baked goods: oven fresh cookies are lowered via string in exchange for one hoisted dollar (1. pull a string, 2. attach a dollar, 3. get a cookie).

News: Seeing 3D with the Aid of Epileptic Eye Movement

Do 3D glasses give you a headache? This might hurt more. As in, I think I'm going to hurl just watching. Below, Francois Vogel demonstrates his rapid eye blinking method for 3D viewing. if the electrodes on his temples could stimulate his eyelids to open and close in alternating synchronization with the refresh rate of the monitor! View more vomit-inducing 3D viewing, sans the glasses.

News: HI-YA! DIY Karate Chop Bottle Opener

There are many ways to open a bottle, but you have to admire the simplicity and karate-esque action required in Instructable member Carleyy's scrap wood method. Don't be deterred by the use of power tools in the video below. All you really need is a piece of scrap wood, one nut, and one bolt.

News: The BEER Trick