Betting Methods Search Results

How To: Train for boxing with a speedball

Simone Harvey's training for boxing is really an eye catcher. She teaches about the hand-eye coordination, speed and shoulder balancing. The pace of speed she maintains while kicking the speed ball is perfect. For the beginners, usage of one hand to kick the speed ball is a good method of training. This automatically leads in kicking the ball at a greater speed by using two hands. The training induces the viewers, who have less knowledge about boxing, to get trained with Simone. This is a ben...

How To: Do long division problems

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to perform a long division through an example. He gives a simple method where takes the first left most number, with minimum possible digits that can be divided by the divisor, and tries to divide it by the divisor and this gives the quotient. Now he shows how to multiply the quotient with the divisor to get a value which is to be subtracted from the original divided number. Now in the third step he shows how to bring down the next digits and asks to ...

How To: Solve & find the least common multiple

This is a mathematical instructional video on how to find the least common multiple. Let us now find the least common multiple for 25, 100, 18. This can be written as 5 square, 2 square multiplied by 5 square, 2 multiplied by 3 square. The highest factor in these numbers are, 5 square, 2 square and square. If you multiply 5 square with 2 square and 3 square you will get the final answer as 900. This is the least common multiple of 25, 100, and 18. This method is explained very clearly in this...

How To: Do long division with different approaches

Taking equal groups, in our case, 7 out of the whole number, in this case 364 involves guessing. A shorter method involves taking groups, in our case, 7 out of each individual number 3, 6 and 4. If you cannot take 7 out of a number, you will subtract 0 from that number and carry down the next number. For example, you cannot take 7 from 3, so you will subtract 3-0 with the answer being 3 and carry down the next number, 6, giving you 36. You can take 5 groups of 7 out. 5 groups of 7 equals 35, ...

How To: Use the Simple Trinomial factoring method

In this video, you will learn how to factor a simple trinomial. You will learn how to recognize a simple trinomial, and how to completely factor the trinomial. Also, it shows you how to factor square variables. The last example in the video explains how to factor out a negative first term. You can't just drop the negative and forget it is there. The instructor teaches you how to remove this negative, then reminds you not to forget to put the negative into your final answer.

How To: Figure out the price of something at a discount

In this tutorial the tutor shows how to work around with discounts. He shows how to find out the price of an item after discount is applied to it. He says that this is a regular situation faced by us when we visit shopping malls etc., Now he says that we need to multiply the original price with the discount percentage and divide it by hundred. This gives us the discount amount. Now he instructs us to subtract this discount amount from the original price to get the final discounted price. He f...

How To: Solve one-step inequalities

The one step inequalities are one of the easiest method in mathematics that you can add or subtracting the values in an equation. Consider the equation M+7=-3(Assume M+7 as left side & -3 as right side), in this you should add -7 on both sides of the equation. In the next step on the left side +7 and -7 get cancel each other and in the right side -3 and -7 will become -10 (since minus multiplied with minus gives minus symbol by adding the values). In the next step value of M=-10, this can be ...

How To: Add & subtract fractions

This is a video that teaches how to add and subtract fractions. For fractions that have like denominators, you simply add the numerator and keep the denominator. Next, you reduce the fraction to its lowest term.

How To: Connect a laptop to a TV using an S-video cable

Have a laptop and a TV? Want to use your laptop on the bigger screen? Well, here's how. This video offers the viewers a detailed step by step explanation on how to connect their laptop to their TV and to use their TV as their new laptop screen. More specifically, this video offers the method for anyone with an S video cable and HDMI connection. The instructions are clear and precise, and viewers should have no problem connecting their devices after this.

How To: Subtract mixed numbers with common demoninators

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to subtract mixed numbers with common denominators. He explains the method using an example. He does this by subtracting the whole numbers separately and also subtracts the fraction parts separately. Now he finally puts both those results side by side and if the obtained result is not further deductible, it gives us a new whole number which is our desired result. If you want to learn how to subtract mixed numbers with common denominators watch this tu...

How To: Graph an inequality on a number line in Algebra

The video described here from [free math tutoring Freemathtutoring] teaches how to plot natural number on a number line in different situations. First, the author defines natural numbers, integers and real numbers. He then teaches different methods on how to plot natural numbers on a number line. The most important fact to remember is that natural numbers are greater than 0; they do not include negative numbers. Like wise, he explains different situations to plot natural numbers on a number l...

How To: Use ">" (greater than) and "<" (less than) symbols

In this video the author explains how to identify the less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols and when to use them. She explains to us to relate the numbers to animals stating that the smaller numbers are smaller animals and bigger numbers are bigger animals. Now she tells us to imagine that smaller animals are eaten up by the larger animals. So she shows a smaller number comes on the left side of '<' sign and bigger number comes on the right side of '<' sign stating that the bigger number...

How To: Multiply and divide fractions in math

One can learn, from watching this video, how to multiply and divide fractions. Prof. Alexander gives a discourse on multiplication and division of fractions in a simple, easy way. For multiplication, one should first look for highest common factor in the numerator of one fraction and the denominator of the other, and vice versa, and if found, carry out the reduction by that factor. Then the numerator of one fraction is multiplied by that of the other fraction, the same operation is carried ou...

How To: Multiply rational expressions in two "easy" steps

In this Math Made Easy tutorial the instructor shows how to multiply rational equations. He states that multiplying rational equations is simply a process of simplifying equations, in which he says that first the polynomial equations should be factorized. He further shows how to factorize the equations by solving an example. After factorizing them he reduces the common terms on the numerator and the denominator and finally arrives at the new simplified equation. This video clearly shows the m...

How To: Cut a pomegranate open

Ever wanted to enjoy the sweet taste of pomegranate but were confused about how to actually get to the fruit? Use this simple method to cut open your fruit. Take a small, sharp knife such as a paring knife or pocketknife. Slice a thin round off the top, stem end. This will leave several tops of fruit sections visible. Cut a small cone shape out of the center about 3/4 of an inch deep. Use the knife to slice from one end of the fruit to the other along the white pith dividing the segments of t...

How To: Kill fruit flies

Profisher has a rather unique method of ridding your kitchen of fruit flies. Make sure you start this after you have cleared your countertops of all food. Place any kind of juicy fruit on foil on the open rack of your oven. Leave open overnight. In the morning, close the oven door, set the temperature to 400 degrees and flies will be no more! This can, additionally, be performed in the microwave oven. Set plate of fresh fruit in the open microwave for about an hour. Close the door and set tim...

How To: Convert units

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to convert lengths between different units. He show a two step approach where in the first step he setups a relation between centimeters and meters showing that 100 cm equals 1 meter. Now he writes it down in a fraction form and equates it to another similar centimeter upon meter fraction where the value in meters in unknown. Now he cross multiplies and solves the fractions giving the result of the unknown meters. This video clearly explains how to co...

How To: Calculate average acceleration

In this video the author explains how to calculate average acceleration along with some real world examples. Now if we subtract the starting speed of a moving vehicle from its maximum speed and divide it by the time taken to reach the maximum speed from the initial speed you will obtain the average acceleration of the vehicle. The author shows this with a racing video example. If you want compute the average acceleration of a moving object watch this video and use the simple method explained ...

How To: Multiply two fractions together

This video demonstrates the simplest method for multiplying fractions. According to the tutor, one should first identify the highest common factor with which to reduce the two fractions, by themselves, and in relation to each other. The numerators of the two fractions are multiplied and the product is written down as the numerator of the resultant. The same operation is carried out on the denominators of the two fractions, resulting in the denominator of the resultant fraction. The final answ...

How To: Grow naturally taller through exercise

Almost everyone wants to be a little bit taller. By following the simple stretches and exercises outlined in this video we learn that it's possible to gain that inch or two simply through straightening your spine and posture, and through overall muscle health. Listing a dozen mostly yoga related positions, ranging from the Cobra position to the Yawn stretch to the Downhill, along with supplying health diagrams for each and every one, this video shows you how to get the most out of your body's...

How To: Solve for fractions with common denominators

This a simple video illustrating the process of addition involving fractions which have common denominators. The method is really quite easy and straightforward, as demonstrated by this video. One has to simply take the denominator of the sum as the same which is the common denominator of the two fractions being added. Then, one has to take the two numerators, add the, and write their sum as the numerator of the fraction which forms the sum. Finally, the resultant fraction should be reduced b...

How To: Draw a western cowboy boot

This video demonstrates very clearly and hence you can easily learn the method quickly. The materials needed for making rose bouquet are a square paper and glue. The square paper should be pink in color. Now fold a triangle and then fold in 2 outer edges. Create a petal fold and paste the two sides together. Now you need to repeat this process six times so that you will get six petals. Now paste the six petals and make a bouquet.

How To: Make soap with the melt and pour method

To make the soap you will need some soap base cut into little bricks so it's easier to melt, a color brick, scent, a knife, a ladle, and some molds. Take some of the soap base blocks and put them in your crock pot. Let it cook for a hour or until it turns into soup. Put in one of the dye color bricks so that you get some color. Put in one cap full of the fragrance. Mix it all up with the ladle. Let the dye brick melt until you have the color you desire and then take it out. Take some of the s...

How To: Factor & simplify different algebraic expressions

Math Made Easy offers some great SAT Test Prep. It helps you master the factoring and simplification of any kind of algebraic equation or expression. An expert math instructor provides easy to follow real-time chalkboard examples to help you work your way through step-by-step. It discusses when and when not to use the FOIL method. It demonstrates some of the most common factoring problems that you are likely to see on the SAT. With Math Made Easy, you don't have to let those trinomials scare ...

How To: Derive a quadratic equation, given the roots

This video shows you how to get the quadratic equation for the quadratic function with roots; (5,0), (12,0) which passes through the point(8,6). It shows a man solving this problem using a black board and chalk to clearly demonstrate the method of plugging in the respective coordinates to arrive at an answer. After watching this video, any person over the age of twelve will know how to use quadratic functions to derive quadratic equations and solve mathematical problems with this particular m...

How To: Graph inequalities

Learn the correct method for graphing inequalities on a number line. Inequalities are, simply, mathematical comparisons between numbers or expressions. Numbers and other expressions can be greater than, less than, and/or equal to other numbers or expressions. Typically, this is indicated in mathematics through the use of the less-than (<) and greater-than (>) signs, along with the greater-than-/less-than-or-equal-to signs. Using other special notations, which you will learn in this video, the...

How To: Find the volume of a cube easily

In this tutorial the author shows how to find out the volume of a cube. The author shows first to mark the length of the cube and substitute it in the formula for volume of the cube which is s*s*s, where s is the length of the cube. Therefore the volume of a cube is nothing but the length of the cube multiplied to it self three times. By following the method given in this tutorial you can easily compute the volume of a cube with a given length.

How To: Draw a Victorian house

Michael Weisner demonstrates his method of drawing a Victorian house. He uses a pencil or Sharpie marker, paper, and a T-square to get perfectly straight lines. First he draws the base of the house, and then marks the roof lines. He draws double lines to create the look of crown moldings. He details the first floor first with different widths of markers to show the architectural details. He then adds details to the roofs and crown moldings, and adds a tower with more details. This demonstrati...

How To: Unlock your iPhone 3g with yellowsn0w

This is a really helpful video to teach you how to unlock an iPhone 3g. Widely appreciated, this video makes it very fun to unlock the iPhone. With the help of this video, even a novice can unlock the iPhone. Also, it is a very safe and tested method for unlocking; thus, there is no risk in giving it a try. This type of video is really helpful for the tech-savvy youths who spend a lot of money to get their devices unlocked or repaired. At last, a very, very helpful video.

How To: Make a six sided paper snowflake

Most paper snowflakes are not representative of the proper 6-sided shape of snowflakes. This tutorial will show you a method which will allow you to make a beautiful and symmetrical realistic six sided paper snowflake. You will need to start with a square piece of paper, which you will then fold over diagonally to make a triangle shape. Taking the inner edge towards yourself, you will then need to fold the paper over into thirds and cut off the excess on an angle. After this, proceed as you w...

How To: Calculate acceleration with a practical application

This academic tutoring video, made by BrainKindle, defines acceleration in simple to understand terms and shows how to measure acceleration. He shows how a plain cardboard box, pencil and string are used to make a simple pendulum, which moves as the car accelerates. Using data from the arc of the pendulum, he shows how to calculate acceleration. This is an easy method to use if you do not have an iPhone with an application to measure acceleration. A great trick for a budding scientist or phys...

How To: Get rid of fleas

In this video the instructor shows how to get rid of fleas. He starts telling about how infectious the fleas can be and how much trouble they can cause. He gives a step by step procedure on how to get rid of them. He says that you should eliminate the threat first by removing eggs, larvae and other germs from the area. He shows how to quarantine the infected area and how to wash them in warm water to kill them. He shows how to use vacuum cleaner to clean all the carpets and other furniture. N...

How To: Make money fast in Runescape

This how to video describes how to make fast money in the online MMO game "RuneScape." This video involves completing a quest and acquiring specialized gear that will help you grind gold as fast as possible. This video is perfect for any friend who is a RuneScape addict or for anyone who needs to make gold as fast as possible. However the method in the video though being relatively fast will take some time to earn large amounts of money and may not be suitable for those opposed to grinding.

How To: Find a number given Its percent

This how-to video is about how to find a number when its percent is given. This video is really helpful and effective in finding the number when the percent is given, the following steps are explained in the video to find the number when its percent is given:

How To: Weave in ends on ribbing

This video demonstrates a very simple method of weaving in the ends of the yarn that are hanging out after you have finished knitting your garment. With the end piece threaded into a needle, bring it in one or two rows so it's not right on the edge. Then working up the row, weave the thread in and out of each knit stitch for an inch or so. Pull the yarn tight, then go one stitch over and work the yarn down the other side in the same manner, weaving in and out of each knit stitch. This creates...

Make friendship bracelets: Flip flop candy stripe

This video describes the method of creating a "Flip Flop Candy Stripe" friendship bracelet using 4-8 strands of string and a clipboard. It is a step by step tutorial made by a young female with both visual and verbal instructions on the process of making the "knots". Throughout the video the girl narrates some aspects of her recent activities and keeps the attention of the viewer making the lesson more entertaining and enjoyable. After watching this video you should have a good understanding ...

How To: Peel ginger without using a knife

Gourmet Magazine's food editor Lillian Chou introduces cooking enthusiasts to a little-known method to peeling a ginger. She addresses the problem of cooks taking too much of the ginger off with the skin when peeling with a knife. To reduce this wasteful practice and get dependable results every time, she encourages the use of a spoon! This simple tool can take the skin (and only the skin!) off ginger without any hassle. It also is apparently very good at getting the hard-to-peel spots on gin...

How To: Use quotes in academic writing

The producer of this video is Chaya Radin from the Massbay Community College, Academic achievement center and her video is titled "The effective use of quotes in academic writing". It teaches students how to learn effectively, the topic that is focused in this video is very useful for college students especially for those who write a lot of college paper. When writing college papers and if most of the ideas in the paper are derived from another source, it is always useful to use quotes so you...