Biological Proof Search Results

How To: Get Free Food and Discounted Deals on Veterans Day 2011

This coming Friday, November 11th, 2011 is Veterans Day and everybody's celebrating! But only veterans and active military personnel can get the great deals being offered at restaurants and retail outlets across the country. If you need help locating some of those deals, below are all of the nationwide and local deals found across the Web. If you know of any more, share the spots in the comments below!

How To: Make un-deadly "zombie" drinks with juice, rum, apricot brandy and BRAINS

Make your Halloween party the best ever with this "zombie" drink sure to keep the living dead coming back for more! This zombie-style drink is complete with brains, but more importantly, it packs a wallop with three different kinds of rum (!!!) and apricot brandy. This mixed punch also has orange, pineapple and lime juice. Don't forget to make your citrus ice the night before, either in brain molds or a nice big block. Party on!

How To: Write a revealing cover letter

In order to write a revealing cover letter, you will need to freshen up your resume. Try re-writing it. Change your format. The most common form is chronological. Remove all the empty words and vague phrases. Remove all clichŽs. Highlight your achievements not just the duties you performed in past jobs. Try to quantify your achievements. Create a clear career summary. This will help the employer to see how you will be able to fit in and help prospective employers. Fill in all of the gaps. Don...

How To: A Beginner's Guide to Appreciating Bourbon Whiskey

Bourbon is the ultimate American spirit, considering the barrel-aged distilled spirit was originally produced in an area known as Bourbon County, Kentucky. To meet the legal definition of bourbon, it must be produced in the United States, must be created with at least 51% corn, and aged in new oak barrels. There are two types of bourbon whiskeys—straight and blended. Straight bourbon means that the bourbon has been aged for a minimum of 2 years, and has no other coloring or flavoring added. B...

How To: Replace Pentalobe Screws on an iPhone 4 with a Pentalobular Screwdriver

You've all probably heard about Apple's attempts to thwart iPhone 4 users from opening up their own devices, thanks to their sly maneuvers in switching out everyone's screws with those funky pentalobular screws. But one thing Apple will never learn— they will never have complete control. Where there's a will, there's a way. And if someone wants to fix their own iPhone or modify it slightly, they're going to do it, regardless of what screws bind it together.

How To: Sneak Past Web Filters and Proxy Blockers with Google Translate

Do you need proxy access, but cannot have it for some reason? The most common perpetrator behind the issue is the network you're trying to access the pages from. Some networks will block websites, then go as far as filtering out all of the web queries for terms like "proxy" because it can get around their filter. Quick web proxies can be used for tons of other things, though.

News: Proof of Water on Mars

Since the first time we've been to Mars, the question was 'Did there used to be life here?'. That all changed for the better when NASA told us that the Opportunity rover found signs of water- the essential part to life. NASA officials on Wednesday said the rover discovered a mineral vein of gypsum running along the rim of a crater called Endeavor. The gypsum was deposited by flowing water billions of years ago. The vein is about 20 inches long. They found it while studying a rock called Tisda...

Receipt Racer: A Paper and Laser Tangible Video Game

Video games have been a purely digital medium for some decades now. They exist in the electronic nether, embedded on discs and projected on screens. Since digital distribution has gained popularity, even the physical manifestation of the game disc is going away, leaving games (especially digitally distributed indie games) more ethereal than ever before. It is unclear whether this slightly unsettling fact was on the minds of the three people who made Receipt Racer, but regardless, it stands as...

Do Not Try This At Home: The Human Torch

PopSci's Gray Matter demonstrates again and again what the layman should absolutely Not Try at Home. Which is precisely what makes Gray's experiments so fun. Remember when the mad scientist fully submerged his hand in liquid nitrogen? Today's demonstration also plays with what is (quite reasonably) assumed to be extremely dangerous and painful: torching the human hand.

How To: Make Caribbean-style barbecue spare ribs

Treat yourself to some authentic Caribbean-style BBQ ribs, but don't run to your Caribbean restaurant just yet! You can make some sweet Caribbean barbecue spare ribs in your own kitchen. Try out this recipe from Wilma Browne Yarde and learn her enticing marinade for pork spare ribs that's remarkably easy to assemble. Eleven cloves of garlic go into the Caribbean-inspired green seasoning in the marinade, well known to islanders as simply "seasoning," and includes habañero pepper, cilantro, gin...

News: Apple iTravel to Eliminate Airport Torture

The folks over at Patently Apple have uncovered some very promising looking plans for a future iPhone app called iTravel. iTravel plans to cover ticket-buying, electronic check-in, car rentals, and possibly even Apple designed airport kiosks. Fingers crossed it comes out soon. Apple excels at making dummy-proof, intuitive, easy-as-pie user interfaces, and man, the airline travel process sure could use a little streamlining.

How To: Trick Your Twitter Followers into Thinking You're Somewhere Besides Where You Really Are

There are plenty of reasons not to use location information when you tweet, whether you're trying to stay safe or just don't want your crazy ex showing up while you're in line at the grocery store. But a new website called 'Please Don't Stalk Me' could actually make broadcasting your location work to your advantage—it lets you tag your tweets with any location you choose, anywhere in the world. Playing hooky? Send a tweet from 'home' to take care of any suspicion from your boss and coworkers....

How To: Be a Navy SEAL

There's no doubt about it—the most elite military force in the United States is hands down, the Navy SEALs. They can operate at sea, in the air and on land, and their ability to conduct missions underwater separates them from most other military units in the world. They've fought in World War II, Vietnam, Granada, Afghanistan and Iraq, but have gained some serious hype in recent years thanks to SEAL Team Six, aka DEVGRU, aka NSWDG, who saved Captain Richard Phillips from Somali Pirates in 200...

How To: Make a Bourbon Berry Cocktail

Who says bourbon can't be a ladies' liquor? Next time you're hosting a dinner party, pick up a mix of berries at your local grocery store. The delicious fruit will highlight the earthy flavors of your favorite bourbon whiskey, resulting in a wonderfully tart and smooth aperitif for your guests. In the below recipe, I opted for Wild Turkey 81 proof.


There is a wonderful site that just launched with the youth sports community in mind. The site is , a collaboration of youth sports coaches and a major online travel brand. They offer arguably the best prices on hotel and motel rooms anywhere. For proof, I tested a number of locations with, Expedia and Travelocity in comparison with YouthSportTravel and in each case; YouthSportTravel was equal to or cheaper than the competition. But this is not all th...

News: OCD Iron Man Nut Builds SPECTACULAR Suit Replica

25-year-old Anthony Le, of Colorado is THE ultimate Iron Man fan. A cosplay fan, Anthony decided to try his hand at building a super realistic Iron Man suit, just in time for the release of Iron Man 2. The incredibly talented fitness consultant did above and beyond what you might expect. Check out the two videos below. Le's insane suit features the following: a dent-proof exterior, a motorized faceplate, and a spinning mock Gatling gun. He spent one month and approximately $4k building his ma...