Blocked Site Search Results

How To: Your Phone's Biggest Security Weakness Is Its Data Connection — Here's How to Lock It Down

After numerous scandals like the Equifax data breach and the 2016 US election, cybersecurity has become a significant issue for Americans. Unfortunately, anytime we use our devices, we're open to a cyber attack — especially when we browse the web. However, there are ways that we can make it harder for hackers and data miners.

News: Facebook Is Going All in on Live Video Streaming on Your Phone

It looks like Facebook is adding a "Live" tab to the navigation bar for its Android app, and the feature has already been turned on for at least one user. A screenshot uploaded by Niko Steele shows the new feature, which lets you search for and watch live video directly on the Facebook app. Right now, you need to already be friends with a person who is streaming or be following a page or personality to receive a notification that live video has started. Some pages will post about an upcoming ...

How To: Make a wood ring

A wooden ring can be a beautiful, handcrafted item of jewelry, rare and unquiet. This excellent how to will show you the steps necessary to turn your own wooden ring on a lathe and then finish it for wearing. The wood used in this video is Cocobolo, a lovely hardwood that will weather nicely over time. Check it out! You'll need a block of hardwood, a lathe, lathe tools, sand paper, bees wax and mineral oil. You'll also want to wear protective eye wear as well.

How To: Configure an ASP.Net site for a .Net Framework version

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels will show how to configure an ASP.NET web site to use a specific version of ASP.NET/.NET Framework. First see how to identify what version of the .NET Framework a web site is associated with by viewing the script map in Internet Information Server (IIS). See how a script map is associated with the root in IIS and then with individual web sites. Next learn about the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool (aspnet_regiis.exe) used to configure IIS or an ASP.NET web site...

How To: Use Google sites to create & manage secure group sites

Google Sites makes it easy for anyone to create and manage simple, secure group websites. You can create and publish new pages with the click of a button, edit web pages like documents, and move content and pages around as you please. Information is stored securely online, and you decide who can edit or view the site. Google Sites is powerful enough for a company intranet, yet simple enough for a family website.

How To: Use Face ID with Sunglasses On

The iPhone X introduced the world to Face ID in 2017, and now, every new iPhone uses Apple's biometric security system instead of the old Touch ID. It's more secure than fingerprint scanners and it's even more user-friendly. True, it's not without its faults, but at least one of the biggest problems can be fixed.

How To: Kill boredom with weird and random websites

This is a video tutorial in the Computers & Programming category where you are going to learn how to kill boredom with weird and random websites. This video lists 11 such websites and explains what each one does. The 1st one is Zigzagphilosophy. This site allows you to make a lot of zig zag lines on the screen by moving your mouse. #2 omglasergunspewpewpew. On this site you use the mouse to control a squirrel on the screen and use the left click to shoot a laser. The #3 site is allemande and ...

How To: Use Actionscript 3 to hide secret objects on your site

Web users are for the large part nosy, spoiler-loving folks who refuse to let websites and other users keep secrets from them. Thwart these trolls! This video will teach you how to use Actionscript 3 to hide the context menu from your site's users, preventing them from skipping to further parts of your slideshow or game and ruining the continuity of your work. You will also learn how to create a link that will show up in user's context menus when they right-click on objects. These two tools w...

How To: Create standard content layouts by nested master pages

In this ASP.Net video tutorial, Chris Pels will show how to use nested master pages to create individual master pages that represent different standard content layouts for a web site. First, see how several major commercial web sites use a standard set of content layouts. Next, see how to nest a master page within another master page, and use the design time support in Visual Studio 2008. Then, learn the considerations for establishing a “page architecture” which represents the major types of...

How To: Publish your site using iWeb

Once you've designed your first couple of pages how you want, it's time to share your new site with your friends and family. To publish your site to .Mac, you must have at least a trial .Mac membership. When you're ready, just hit the Upload button in the toolbar.

How To: Create an Acapella track in Audacity

OK, your recording session is done and it went great! Well, except for the guitar. And bass. And drums. Oh, the trumpet was off. Tamborine was "meh", the harmonica was off key, the wood block was off time... you get it. The music was all wrong. BUT, the vocals were great. So, this tutorial shows you how to create an acapella track using the popular audio recording/editing software Audacity. This method is a little different than others out there on the web so check this one out and see how it...

How To: Set up an FTP connection using Firezilla

This video tutorial is in the Computers & Programming category where you will learn how to set up an FTP connection using Firezilla. Open up your filezilla program. On the top left, click on the file menu button, and select 'site manager'. In the window that opens up, select 'new folder' and give it a name. Now create a site to store in this new folder. Click on 'new site' and name it. Now on the right hand side, enter the host and the port. The default port is 21. Under server type, select F...

How To: Fight the Shiva Sisters in Final Fantasy XIII

The Shiva sisters fight in Final Fantasy XIII is more to prove yourself to the sisters so you may summon them than to actually fight them. To win the battle, you must fill up the gestalt meter which appears over the sisters' heads. No one will die, one sister will actually heal you throughout the battle, but you do have a timer over your head which will give you a game over if it runs out. To begin, use Libra on the sisters to determine their weaknesses, which will make you realize that physi...

How To: Use a proxy with Firefox to hide your IP address

The video shows us how to use a proxy server with Firefox to hide your IP address. you can actually use this to avoid the hacking and various things that are blocking you from websites. Firefox is one of the easiest way to do this and for doing this you need to Google search the free proxylist and then you can select a proxy from the one which is related to the country you are residing in. Then copy that proxy server and then go to tools and click on options and under advanced tab click on ne...

How To: Buy a home online

Looking to buy a home? Why leave your current digs? Using technology has made it easier than ever before to find the home of your dreams. Learn how to buy a home online with help from this how-to video.