Blue Angels Search Results

How To: Nursery Breeding Guide

Here is a chart I created which indicates what each baby will grow up into when it is placed in the Nursery Barn. Be forewarned that the foal or calf you put into the Nursery will NOT usually grow up into the large version. This was done to keep it fair for those who bought special horses with farm cash.

News: Often Under Appreciated

Meg White is often not fully respected as a drummer and just seen as more of a background to Jack Whites stage act. But i really respect what shes doing and her style. I think she's really just sticking to the rock and roll roots and not trying to go for anything too fancy. Is a good reminder of how key simplicity can be. I thinks she's in the pocket. Here is another video from "From the Basement" of The White Stripes, Blue Orchid.

News: Levon Helm Bustin' Out the Nitty-Gritty Mud Beats

Levon Helm... The longtime drummer for The Band , Levon Helm wore many musical hats throughout his long career, including multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, singer, impressario, studio owner, studio engineer and producer. He grew up working on a farm in Arkansas; his first instrument was guitar, which he began playing at ag eight, but after seeing the F.S. Walcott Rabbits Foot Minstrels, he decided to ...

How To: Grill steaks and tell when they're done

Over a hot grill, steaks will cook quickly, going from very soft (very rare) to somewhat soft with a bit of a spring (medium) to quite firm (well done). Steve Johnson, chef-owner of The Blue Room, recommends touching the steaks often and cutting into them when you think they’re done, erring on the side of under-cooking since you can always cook the steaks longer, if necessary. In this video he demonstrates the how to grill steak and tell what stage it's cooked to. Grill steaks and tell when t...

How To: Make a Super Simple Toothbrush Holder and Declutter Your Bathroom Sink

If you don't have a lot of counter space in your bathroom, even something as small as a toothbrush can seem like it takes up a lot of room. Hanging a toothbrush holder on the wall helps to declutter your counter, or you can hang it inside the cabinet to hide them from sight. Photographer and Instructables user Andrea Biffi used one mini-pack of Sugru to make a really simple wall-mounted toothbrush holder. All you have to do is roll the Sugru into a cylinder, then press the toothbrushes into i...

News: Playin' with Colors; I Call It Blue Sunday

I used, I think 4 images for this one. They were mostly partial works begun for making masks. I tinted them using others filters in different ranges and then sandwiched them together as transparencies. From there I worked the colors and transparencies together to get close to my desired effect. After that I hand colored some areas of some of the layers to finish it off.

News: Ignite Prey and Light Cigarettes With a Laser Burner

Looking for an (explosively) fun Thanksgiving project this week? Something that involves fire and lasers? Check it out. YouTube creator StyroPyro lights ten matches in 9 seconds with a modded laser. One word: Awesome. Luckily both StyroPyro and Kipkay provide HowTo's. First, How to building a burning blue/violet laser. Below, Kipkay demonstrates how to build one with a cheap Bic lighter casing (as well as store bought parts). Have fun.

How To: Photoshop the Universe (Just Like NASA Does)

NASA just released this beautiful image of what's leftover from a supernova explosion. The red cloud is expanding cosmic debris, the blue is a blast wave of electrons, and the stripes at the edge tell of a high energy burst of x-rays that may be bound for earth. This image was enhanced—Photoshopped—so that scientists can have an easier time interpreting the picture and so that the public can have an easier time appreciating the beauty of nature.

News: Snow Car

in a hot area have everyone dressed in snow cloths and pick a random car parked on the street and get a snow blower and start blowing snow all over it and around it and have everyone start playing in the snow in the middle of the streat and dont move for any cars passing on the streat and start building snow men in the street and having snow ball fights and making snow angels in the street and gerneraly just start fu**ing with people. and if and when they get pissed enough to drive through th...

How To: Choose & Buy a Guitar

Choose and buy a Guitar - A beginners guide to the Guitar. The guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments there is, appealing to both the young and the not so young and spanning different musical genre's such as blues, pop, rock, classical and many more.

How To: Play rhythm guitar like Albert Lee

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Use chicken pickin' on the guitar like Albert Lee

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Play banjo-style rolls on the guitar like Albert Lee

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Auto Accept Facebook Game Requests With GiftAuto

Auto accept facebook requests and gift back to your friends! In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can auto accept Facebook requests and gift back to your friends. If you're like me and get hundreds of Facebook requests each day - this will be a life saver. You'll be able to focus on playing the Facebook games - and let GiftAuto handle the rest.

How To: Make spicy honey wings

Need some wings to spice up the afternoon barbecue? Make some spicy honey wings, which are perfect for any football game. This is definitely a gooey and finger-licking good recipe. Try them out for yourself and see if you don't think they're the best ever.

How To: Draw a happy clown cartoon

Draw along with Bruce Blitz as he shows you how to create the happiest clown around. All you need is paper, a pencil, a marker, colored chalks or colored pencils, and an eraser. Write the letter “h” – lowercase. Put a circle for his nose inside the curve. Draw in a big smile and make a lighter line for his makeup. Use vertical dashes for his eyes and draw 2 lines going across the center. Use upside down “V’s” for eyebrows. Connect the bottom of the “H” for his chin. Make really big floppy ear...

How To: Make Crop Circles or Are Aliens Among Us?

Does this video prove that otherworldly intelligent life has visited Earth? No. It does not prove anything other than there are designs ‘etched’ onto the surface of a field. Does the video immediately above prove that otherworldly intelligent life hasn’t visited Earth? Yeah, you saw it coming; no, it proves nothing more than humans are able to ‘etch’ designs in a field of grain.

Understanding Electricity: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla In my opinion, one of the most neglected inventors of all time. The names Edison and Marconi come to mind as familiar, but Tesla? Most think of a car. Few know that Tesla is responsible for alternating current, florescent lights, radar, remote control, generators that preform efficiently, the spark plug, and many others. The U.S Supreme Court declared in 1943 that Tesla, not Marconi, was the true inventor of the radio.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: GRUYERE

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: GRUYERE [n] One of the most famous types of cheeses made in Switzerland, made from the milk of a cow. It's a hard yellow cheese named from its town of origin, Gruyère. The cheese can be spelled with or without the grave accent (`) on the è, though in the United States it's usually without.

How To: Have Fun in Iceland!

Iceland Adventure Travel Are you an "adventure traveler?" That's right an adventurer traveler! Adventure tourism is becoming a popular travel niche all over the world for adventure seekers. These are people who don't necessarily want to sit on the beach with a cocktail with a tiny little umbrella in it, but rather experience the great outdoors through participating in activities.