Blueberry Plants Search Results

How To: Water seedlings from the bottom up

This Survival Podcast teaches how to water seedings from the bottom up. After you have transfered your plants to new pots, preferably sterilized bins, you put holes in the bottom of the pots. If they are too high, the watering technique will not work. The plants in the pot are placed into a larger bucket. You just add water to the outter bin and allow the plants to "draw up" the moisture through the soil. You want to make sure not to add too much water or the plants will "over-draw". About on...

How To: Design an asian quince design for your home

TheFlowergod teaches you how to design an Asian quince design for your home. You start with an empty vase for this flower arrangement. You will need four types of plants for this: one with lots of small leaves and no flowers, one with red or pink flowers, one with only one large leave and one with a long stem and only branches. For the design to work, you have to layer the plants according to length. Add the plant with the long leaves, then the one with lots of small ones. Below that make you...

How To: Identify & remove clearweed

Clearweed is a member of the nettle family and it comes up all over the country. The easiest way to identify the plant is by the little white flowers that grow along its stem. There really isn't anything wrong with the plant but it is a weed that covers up other stuff in the garden. An interesting point about it is that it pollinates by the wind. So when the wind blows the seeds of the plant are blown about. You will typically find it growing in clusters because it is blown by the wind. Four ...

How To: Make nitrogen enriched manure tea for garden plants

Are your plants dying? Are they in dire need of some fertilizer? Is your compost not cutting it anymore? Well, save your garden plants with this recipe for nitrogen rich manure tea fertilizer. It's a really easy all natural fertilizer anyone can make. You can collect manure in your pasture or buy it by the bag at a garden center. You can also reuse the manure over and over again. Keep chemicals out of your garden and go green!

How To: Plant garlic in your garden for a plentiful harvest

David Epstein provides tips and shows garlic lovers how to plant garlic in their very own garden. It is best to grow garlic in the fall season from the months of September to November when the temperatures are cooler. Some people grow garlic in the spring, but it’s been found that growing garlic in the fall time will give a better crop. To begin, gather some plantable garlic bulbs making sure that you find ones that are either organic or from a seed catalog. At all cost, avoid conventional ...

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Identify if you have aphids and webworms on mesquites

The video shows how to effectively be aware and get rid of possible webworms or aphids on your mesquites so they won't get damaged later. Here, John White invited Annete Peterson to show how to do so. She starts by informing from what she saw that many mesquites from her neighborhood have deformed leaves and mainly several of them have stripped branches at the tips of the trees. He explains that one of the problems is a webworm on the leaf of the mesquite, and it eats the leaves of the plant ...

How To: Grow lavender provence in a container

We know that spring seems ions away, but if you're a gardener then it's time to begin thinking about what flowers you'll be planting to bloom during the spring. If you don't have much garden space but would love a very fragrant bloom, check out this video to learn how to grow lavendr provence in a container.

How To: Make a 'manly' smoothie

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a manly smoothie. First, start with orange juice that is freshly juiced, then pour into a glass. Next, add in some strawberries to the glass. After this, cut some pineapple into small pieces, then place those inside of the glass on top of the strawberries. Next, add grapes to the glass as well. You can also add in blueberries with juice into the glass after this. Push the ingredients down with a spoon to get them to all fit. After this, pour everything i...

How To: Mulch your garden

Mulching is an essential part of good garden practices. And if you've ever done any landscaping around your home, you know that a generous layer of mulch around your plants can give your garden a nice finished look. In this tutorial you will learn how to mulch for a more beautiful garden and healthier plants.

How To: Make a thyme seat

By combining plants and a garden seat together you can create a lovely living seat that will look good all year round and if you use herbs to make the seat it will also smell good. In this how to video we are making a seat using thyme, but you could also use chamomile, pennyroyal or any low growing, fairly tough plants. This type of seat is mainly decorative because for much of the time the plants or compost will be damp, but if you use a cushion when sitting on the herbs you will get a wonde...

How To: Prune tomato plants

Pruning tomatoes is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to increase fruit size and help lessen the chances of disease. The basic method of pruning is to remove the suckers from the leaf axils of the tomato plant. If you remove the suckers you will have larger, sweeter, and healthier tomatoes. If you leave them you will get more tomatoes, but the plant is more susceptible to disease and other health issues. This how to video gives you pruning tips and tricks so you can hav...

How To: Make fertilizer

The one thing that can make your home garden flourish is by taking care of it and meeting the needs of your plants. One of those needs is great fertilizer. And the best fertilizer comes from the heart, not the store. Get great results in your garden by making your own fertilizer and compost at home.

How To: Plant and grow pumpkins

In this how to video, you will learn how to grow pumpkins. First, you must pick an area with plenty of sunshine to place your seeds in. Make sure there is enough room for vine and pumpkin growth, and that the area will not freeze. Build a mound of dirt about three fit in diameter with compost and soil. Next, plant two seeds per mound. Plant them in the middle about 8 inches apart. Cover the seeds with an inch of soil. Give them plenty of water once you have planted them. The pumpkin vines gro...

How To: Process southwestern desert plants for eating

In this video, Ruth Greenhouse teaches us how to process native plants for eating. The Mesquite desert plant is a great fuel as well as good for beans in the summer months. One way to use the beans is to pick the dry beans when they are ripe (they will be tan) and you can grind the pod into a fine powder, which will make a flour that is healthy. You can mix this flour with water and it can be a healthy beverage. It can also be added to cookies and breads to make them sweeter. Another plant is...

How To: Prepare soil for planting irises

Southwest Yard and Garden shows viewers how to prepare the soil in order to plant Irises. You can see if your oil needs to be prepared because it would look like it need nutrients. Irises deplete the oil they are in so you need to restore their nutrients to the soil. First, you should get your soil tested to see what nutrient should be added to the soil. First loosen the soil. Next, add in the nutrients. Start with alfalfa pellets to add Nitrogen. Add a little bit of sand to loosen soil - don...