Body Pumped Search Results

News: Green Tea For Weight Loss And Cleansing

I'm sure a lot of you like to find inspirational stories of people who by adding something to their diet lost weight or bettered their health. I know I love to search stories like that because it helps me see if I'm doing everything I can to be healthy and happy. It helps me stay motivated if I'm doing everything I should and it helps me tweak my diet if needed to get on the right track. Once in a while I experience one of those for myself, and I love to share those successes with everyone, h...

News: Wake Up! Anti Sleep Pilot for iPhone Helps Curb Tiredness Behind the Wheel

Always falling asleep behind the wheel? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that there are over 56,000 sleep-related accidents each year, resulting in 40,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths annually in the United States. Don't want to be a statistic? Then you may want to try out ASP Technology's mobile application which aims to keep you awake when you're fatigued on the road.

How To: Have Fun in Iceland!

Iceland Adventure Travel Are you an "adventure traveler?" That's right an adventurer traveler! Adventure tourism is becoming a popular travel niche all over the world for adventure seekers. These are people who don't necessarily want to sit on the beach with a cocktail with a tiny little umbrella in it, but rather experience the great outdoors through participating in activities.

How To: Measure Radiation in Japan, Plus Other Sources of Common, Everyday Intake

In the wake of the recent tragedy in Japan, Southern Californians have been hyper alert to any news regarding dangerous levels of nuclear radiation drifting over from Fukushima. At this time, official statements from the California Department of Public Health and the EPA are assuaging the population that there is nothing to fear. While there has been some detection of radiation in the air, the current levels recorded are "thousands of times below any conservative level of concern". But despit...

Surviving the Stress: 5 Tips for Avoiding the Morgue

So, at this time of the year, everyone seems to be going through a lot of stress - and by “everyone,” I mean, “anyone who has any contact with people who are in schools of any kind.” Still, stress can hit you at any time of the year, whether it’s right before Christmas, or when you’ve let all those little chores pile up, or when omigod all those bills are due tomorrow. When you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions, it’s easy to want to murder everyone or plan an elaborate esc...

Dressing Without Undressing: Tips & Tricks for a Family-friendly Summer Wardrobe

People get excited when summer comes around: it gets warmer, there’s sunshine, and the seasonal affected disorder that persists through those long, dark, grey winters starts to lift. This is pretty exciting, especially in my part of the world, where winter is VERY long and cold. Since we have such a long winter, people don’t have very large summer wardrobes, or much practice dressing for the heat. It’s important, even when it’s really hot outside, to look like a person in clothes, and not a p...

News: Tips on recording a kick drum

There are a lot of important things to keep in mind when you’re recording a kick drum. It seems like it’d be as simple as putting a mic in front of the drum, but there is so much more! Here are some quick tips on recording and mixing a good kick drum.

How To: String an Electric Guitar

A First Timer's Guide When some new guitarists break their first string they stash it in the closet and forget about it. Me, I put the sweaty axe back in its case and asked my parents to take me to the local music store. After a morning full of senseless racket emanating from my bedroom, my mom welcomed the drive.

How To: Keep Fit While On Vacation

It’s that time of the year when everyone feels like taking a long vacation from the hustles of life and bend most of the rules. This is especially with regards to eating habits. Most people tend to forget the importance of eating a healthy diet. However, there are the few of us who still want to keep fit even while on vacation. These are the few fitness fanatics.

News: Fake death on my family

Ok, I dont care what prank we pull on my family. If they think I'm dead for a day or two, I think that would be great! My original idea for this I think was going too far or actually would have taken too much time and probably would have cost too much money. Hopefully this wouldnt cost too much, 'cause I think this would be funny as fuck! ha. Ok, well my family will know you're gonna be flying me out to L.A.. What if we make a plane crash and call my family and tell them that thats the plane ...

Abstinence: The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances.

How To: It's How You Play The Game

"Life is difficult." That's how Scott Peck's best-selling book, "The Road Less Travelled", begins. That life is difficult is not news. Over two-thousand years ago the Buddha said it too: Life is suffering. The sanskrit word the Buddha used for suffering is dukkha. Dukkha doesn't refer to physical pain, necessarily. It refers to something more akin to our English word 'dissatisfaction'. Adages abound in our language which attest to the universality of dissatisfaction in our daily lives. "The g...

News: There's No Such Thing As Perfection... But I Am Expecting It???

What Am I Doing???? Last night, I was reminded on the negative impacts of striving for perfection. It's not possible to be perfect. We describe many things as being perfect. IE, an afghan, a hat, a tablecloth and more over, there is always something better... a different colour, a slightly different pattern, and so on. As time progesses, the colours we choose this fall might be the OUT colours of next fall. 

L4D2: The Port Finale

L4D2: The Port Finale The Third Chapter in The Passing is the Port Finale. It's similar to the Dead Center finale, where you have to gather gas cans spread throughout the map and fuel the generator to lower the bridge.

Eyeliner For Dummies: All the FYI You'll Ever Need

Ah, the art of applying eyeliner. Bad habit of going just a weee bit too heavy? Having a hard time keeping your line nice and steady? Is it really supposed to go INSIDE the outer edge of your eye? Jezebel received a flood of woes such as these, and therefore asked their readers to send in all of their best eyeliner tips.


Get lots of fake blood, put it in little packets that can be broken easily. Strap someone up with rollerblades and knee pads helmet etc. Put the fake blood pouches on your body, tape them ore something, then go to a area where there's stairs and lots of people and attempt to jump them or roll down them. You fall on purpose and make sure you pop all the fake blood packs (have some in your mouth and helmet). act like your in serious pain and get up all dazed and confused. Quickly stumble or bla...

Swim Better, Swim Faster: Lessons from the Gay Army Tri Swim Coach

By Louis Tharp is pleased to present this first in a series of articles on improving your swimming form and performance from Louis Tharp, out gay man, swim coach for the Army Triathlon Team at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and author of the new book Overachiever's Diary: How the Army Triathlon Team Became World Contenders. Tharp is the first out gay coach in the history of West Point.

How To: Make Art Out of Everyday Objects

After taking a beginner’s art class at my local community college I realized two things: one, art supplies are extremely expensive, and two, I am not talented at painting. Although my painting skills are comparable to those of a five year old, I still enjoy art and being creative. Therefore, I began to look for ways to be creative that didn’t require much skill or too much money.

News: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

a dude with a man thong and cat whiskers and a painted on cat nose and cat ears will stand on a marked space with big rubber bands stretched all around and all over his body like hes standin in a circle.the rubber bands will be stretched all over him and then they will be let go and snapped onto him and it will hurt like shit and it will leave red tiger stripe lines all over him and then right after hes like AHH FUCKKK!!! a big like fake dragon head will pop up and spit boiling hot water all ...

How To: Make a Tasty Walnut Spread

I would like to encourage you all to try something new in the kitchen area. Do you like the taste of sweet or sour? Or the delicious combination of both? You can make your own healthy walnut spread in just a few minutes and with the usage of only three ingredients. The spread can be used on a few slices of bread for a tasty sandwich.

How To: Be Amazing at Improv Acting

Have you ever seen Whose Line Is It Anyway? Many people enjoy watching this show, where they can see people do comedy off the top of their heads. There's no prior thought involved and it can be a lot of fun to participate in.

News: The Shock Maze

Make a maze out of invisible dog fence. Have a bunch of people wear many collars on their bodies and tell them they need to navigate their way to the end of the maze. They can see the end of the maze, but if they take the wrong path, they will get shocked. Also either have them wear the barking dog shock collars so that if they leave the boundary they will scream and keep getting shocked until they return to the maze path, or have another method to get them to return inside the boundaries. Bu...

News: Pregnant Lady in a Car

Go to a car dealership dressed as a pregnant woman and ask to test drive a nice car. Once in the car start chatting with the car salesman and suddenly pretend to feel pain and start fake contractions. Pull over the car and start screaming. Make the salesman feel scared and worry about the car. Start having fake blood squirt everywhere and complain about how it feels like you are being eaten. Eventually have a fake devil baby come out of a dress or skirt (could just be a doll). Pretend that yo...

News: going on a trip

first you have a member of jackass suit up in an old mans out fit. prefferably johnny knoxville. and in a busy area of town where there is a decent amount of steps. have the old man aproach the steps while reading a news paper or magazine and have him trip and fall down the stairs in a safe way but looks harmful to the people watching this horific accident. once at the bottom landing of the staircase groan in pain and agony as for you have broken your hip or some other part of the body. and t...