Bone Mass Search Results

News: iOS 11.2 Released to the Masses with Bug Fixes, Apple Pay Cash & More New Features

It's been a busy week for Apple. After two beta updates in one week, iOS 11.2 was released to the public around 1:30 a.m. PT on Saturday, Dec. 2. Usually, Apple releases updates around 10 a.m. PT, but this one was rushed in the wake of a huge time/date bug that was causing some iPhones to crash on Dec. 2 once 12:15 a.m. local time hit. But bug fixes aren't the only thing in this new iOS version.

Apple AR: You'll Never Have Trouble with Hard-to-Locate Groceries Again

We've all been there. Lost in the supermarket for what feels like hours trying to figure out where the hell the macaroni and cheese is and why it isn't with the rest of the pasta items. The labels at the top of the aisles aren't always helpful or accurate, and items often get misplaced or lost in the masses of food on each shelf. Thankfully, the augmented reality gods have answered our prayers as a new demo shows the future of finding the items you need using Apple's ARKit.

News: Apple's Really Testing Our Patience with Rumored iPhone 8 Delay

At this point, I'm ready to give Apple CEO Tim Cook a piece of my mind. The hype surrounding the iPhone 8 is crazy, and rumors are circulating constantly. So many different things have been said about its release date that no one can even keep track anymore. If Cook could throw us all a bone and give us a hint, it would quiet the speculation. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon, but — in the meantime — a new report allegedly has the inside scoop. Recent rumors surr...

News: Honda Sets 2025 Target for Level 4

Honda president Takahiro Hachigo has just announced that Honda will complete development of fully self-driving cars by 2025. While the company aims to have level 3 — or conditionally autonomous cars requiring human intervention only in emergencies — on the road in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, these level 4 cars would require no intervention in most environments and thus bring Honda one step closer to producing fully driverless cars.

News: Essential Phone Comes with an LED Notification Light — And It Better for That Price

Essential — the smartphone company started by Android co-founder Andy Rubin — is set to release its bezel-less smartphone before the end of June. The highly-anticipated phone is set to be stocked full of features, including an edge-to-edge display, magnetically-connecting 360-degree camera, rear fingerprint reader, and much, much more. One feature fans have been hoping for is an LED notification light. Today, we finally have confirmation via Twitter. For $700, the Essential Phone — LED notifi...

News: Predictions for the New Year

infosecinstitute posted a handy article about what to expect in the new year for cyber security, along with highlighting major game changers from 2015; 2016 Cyber Security Predictions: From Extortion to Nation-state Attacks - InfoSec Resources.

How To: Add Chrome Custom Tabs to Every App on Android

Android has a built-in browser called WebView that any app can use, which makes it easy for developers to display webpages without actually having to build an internet browser into their apps. But WebView is a stripped-down, bare bones browser with no ties to Android's default browser, Chrome, so none of your synced data like bookmarks, passwords, and history is available when an app is using WebView to display a page.

How To: Why 'Whipping' Cooked Pasta in Sauce Creates a Perfect Dish

Most cooks know they should stir pasta a few times while it's cooking, for obvious reasons: as the noodles cook, they release a glue-like starch that makes them stick to one another. Stirring prevents them from clumping together in an unwieldy, inedible mass. Now Mark Bittman in The New York Times discusses a great technique from Italy that helps you produce a plate of tender, toothsome pasta evenly coated in rich sauce every time, but it involves stirring the pasta at the end of its cooking ...