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How To: Grow wheatgrass yourself easy and quick

Wheatgrass juice is an elixir like no other. If you want to know how to grow wheatgrass - this video will teach you. Remarkably easy to grow, and 9 days we go from dormant wheat berries, to grass that's several inches tall. During those 9 days we expend about 2 minutes of labor. It is truly that easy, Why bother with machinery when it's this easy?

How To: Make a perfectly thin & crispy pizza pie

In this clip, learn how to make a perfectly thin, crispy Italian style pizza with Food Mob. You will also learn how to top those beautiful bases with the best ingredients so absolutely everyone at the table will be happy. Don't bother with delivery or one of those store bought pizzas - make your own! It's worth it.

How To: Treat a bullet wound at home

If you've just been shot but can't be bothered with a trip to the hospital you may want to know how to remove a bullet yourself. Learn how to remove the bullet as well as clean and cauterize, and bandage the wound.

How To: Remove and replace the screen on an Apple iPad

If you have cracked or smashed your iPad screen, don't worry! This tutorial will show you how to take it all apart and start over with a brand new touchscreen. Don't waste money on a repair man or bother having the "Genius Bar" tell you it's all your fault - take matters into your own hands with these relatively simple steps.

How To: Do hot pink butterfly nails

In this video, JulieG shows you how to create a unique and artsy nail look. Why bother with plain old red nails when you can get a unique nail look with hot pink butterflies? Bring your childhood back and bring out the art supplies. JulieG will walk you through each step of the way, until you have gorgeous nails to show off!

How To: Manage and calm down eczema with tips

Eczema sucks. It's a skin condition characterized by dryness, redness, and itching. Often this dryness leads to patches of dry skin that, if bothered excessively, can lead to pus. Those who suffer from eczema have extremely sensitive skin that needs to be treated professionally.

How To: Mute the vuvuzela sound on your TV with an equalizer

There will never be as many ways to quiet the vuvuzela sounds that buzz out of your TV constantly while you watch this World Cup as there are people bothered by the noise, but there are still quite a few. This video will show you how to use a hardware equalizer to cut out certain frequency ranges, largely muting the sound of the reviled horns. If you have a hardware EQ or are willing to buy one just for this, try it!

How To: Sweat solder copper water tubing for plumbing repair

This is an instructional video to help demonstrate how to sweat solder copper water tubing in plumbing repair. If you can't be bothered to hire a professional plumber for all plumbing repairs, this video guide shows you how to do the work yourself. You will need a gas or propane torch, copper or brass fittings, copper tubing, gloves, solder paste, solder, pipe cleaner, and a pipe cutter. Learn how to sweat solder copper water tubing for plumbing repair.

How To: Pull some college dorm room pranks

The college experience is just not complete without utter humiliation. These practical jokes are funny enough to bother pulling on friends, without being so mean as to lose the friends. Learn how to execute these tricks by watching this prank-making video tutorial. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Set Google Online Timer

This video will describe you how to set Google online timer. Now you don't have to bother about the timer or stopwatch. You can bring a timer in your home page. You have to type a command "Google timer 50 seconds" and a timer will start automatically. You can stop and reset the timer whenever you want. Watch the video and employ it yourself.

How To: Use Vonage anonymous call blocking feature

If you are looking for a way to prevent telemarketers and nothing else is working, consider signing up for Vonage's call blocking feature. In this tutorial, brought to you straight from the professionals at Vonage, learn how to set your phone to block any incoming call without a number attached to it.

How To: Double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, detox

Sadie teaches us how to double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, and detox. A great place to go is to your bathroom, people won't bother you for at least five minutes while you're in here, allowing you to calm down. This will help bring yourself back to center and cleanse your mind, calming down your brain waves. Start by breathing in for four counts through the notes, allowing the ribs to flair wide. Hold this for a moment, then exhale on eight counts from your mouth. Squeeze the belly...

How To: Stop procrastinating by rewarding yourself

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating by rewarding yourself. To do this, you should first select one task you've been putting off for a long time. Then, time yourself and give the task one full hour of your time. Ignore everything else you have to do during this time, don't take breaks and let anything bother you. When you are finished with the task, give yourself a reward for completing this job! This will help you finish your task at hand and get things done more effectivel...

How To: Play "Rock Lobster" lick by B 52's on electric guitar

In this video, we learn how to play "Rock Lobster" lick by B 52's on electric guitar with Marty. This is a very easy and simple lick that you can bother people with and learn in just a few minutes. First, play 0 on the low E string, then use your middle finger on 2 and ring finger on 3. After this, do 2-o and practice alternating your picky and doing downward flicks. Practice doing this slowly so your fingers can get accustomed to the movements, then start doing it faster and faster. Once you...

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