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How To: Tie a Padlock style decorative Knot

In this Arts & Crafts video tutorial you will learn how to tie a Padlock style decorative knot. Padlock knot is a clever way to achieve the look and function of a padlock without having to bother about the key. Take a piece of rope, bend it in the center and make two loops on either side of the rope. Ensure the working end is over the rope in the left side loop and under the rope in the right side loop. Now overlap both the loops so that the left side loop is over the other loop. Now pass the...

How To: Make an animated GIF banner in Photoshop & ImageReady

An animated GIF is a great idea for a banner to advertise your website or services. In this tutorial, you will see just how easy it is to make one of these moving objects using Photoshop CS or Adobe ImageReady. Animations draw the eye to your logo much more than an image that is standing still, so if you are looking to get noticed - this is the way to go.

How To: Study effectively in college

In this video, we learn how to study effectively in college. First of all, make sure you don't have an distractions around you. Find a place where you can study quietly where nobody will bother you and where you won't break your concentration. Find a way to study that works for you, study something that you don't know and write it down to help you remember it better. Try studying alone or with another person, whichever works better for you. Make sure to get enough sleep and eat something befo...

How To: Prevent bad dog behavior with a kong toy popsicle

Are you sick of your dogs bad behavior? Such as chewing your furniture, bothering you while eating dinner, barking incessantly, and even stealing your slippers! Dee Hoult shows us how to properly use the 'Kong' toy to prevent all this undesirable behavior. It's simple, you just fill the toy with your dogs regular dog food, soak it with water, and put it in the freezer for 1 hour! Then you give your "Kong Pupsicle" to your dog, who will play with it for 30-45 minutes, getting the food out of t...

How To: Know why your partner gets frustrated & yells

Most of the time when a partner is quick to yell at you or wants to control you, it is because that person is upset with themselves. It also seems that maybe the partner is overly stressed due to new situations. Tell your partner how you feel. You need to find out what is bothering him/her or else the relationship might be over. When you express how you feel, talk about your feelings, it helps the relationship. It is not helpful if you accuse your partner. Accusations are only going to create...

How To: Install Iphone theme on LG Cookie

Watch this video to learn how to install the iPhone theme on your LG Cookie. If done incorrectly, you may encounter some errors. Always make sure your battery and sim card are out of your iPhone to prevent damage or confusion. You will need to obtain the following file, found at The second file you will need is found at Do not bother with LG Utilities as this is riddled with problems, instead f...

How To: Soothe shin splints with massage

Shin splints are a form of inflammation and they come when you are probably running or doing some kind of physical activity too aggressively. So really, truly, the best thing for shin splints is rest. Ice is also another good way to get some relief from shin splints. And usually it is this area of the shin that is going to be bothering you the most. If you do want to try some massage techniques that can really help as well. Get expert tips and advice on massage and other treatments in this ho...

How To: Delete Security Tool from your computer

In this tutorial, we learn how to delete Security Tool from your computer. First, you will need to restart your computer. After this, go to your documents on your computer. Then, type in "Type C:/Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data". After this, delete the file with all of the numbers. If you now get an error that says "access denied" then restart your computer again. Once the starting screen appears, press "F8", then select safe mode and redo the steps that you just took. After...

How To: Remove pop up screen when Avira Antivirus updates

In this tutorial, we learn how to remove pop up screens when Avira Antivirus updates. First, locate the installation folder for Avira, this should be in your computer programs. After this, locate the file "avnotify.exe". Next, right click this and go to the preferences option. Now, go to security, then edit, then click on the system option. Click "deny" on all the boxes in the bottom section, then save these. Now, the next time your Avira updates, you will not get a pop up box that tells you ...

How To: Beautify Your Twitter Account with Profile, Header, and Background Images

This goes out to all of the Tweeters out there looking to get a little more creative with their Twitter accounts. My page has always been extremely basic, because I just never bothered to pretty it up. I just had one of the stock backgrounds and the good ole Sacramento Kings logo for my profile pic. So, if you want to add your own cool photos and backgrounds to your account, the folks over at Twitter made this funny cartoon video just for you. It's not the most complicated of tasks, and every...

How To: Block Contact Request Spam on Skype Automatically

Skype is one of the most popular messaging and video chat services for a good reason—it's packed to the brim with tons of cool features. But one bit of functionality that Microsoft left out is the ability to block friend requests from people that aren't in your contacts, which can lead to a lot of unwanted notifications from spammers and bots.

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 2, M23: Dark Reign

Prepare for one hell of a shootout in this mission in The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. The twenty-third mission in Act 2: Dark Reign happens after dropping everyone off, this Bryman mission becomes available. Head to the point and climb up. Stealth-kill the first guard. Grab his sniper rifle, too Don't bother disguising yourself, you're going to end up fighting most likely. When you flip the first switch, the timer starts. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How To: Stop snoring

It may not bother you so much, but think about your significant other, or your children, your mother… your dog. You may be keeping them all up with your noisy nose. Snoring is no joke, especially if you're the one trying to sleep on the other side of the bed. Here's author and leading ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Jordan Josephson with some tips to stop snoring. If you want to stop snoring, these tips are your best best. Get more information at Howdini.

How To: Get a free drink from a bartender

Everyone likes free things, and everyone likes drinking. Combine the two and you've got one happy hour. You will need no expectations, a smile on your face, basic common courtesy, and some money. Never ask for a freebie. It doesn’t work, and since most bartenders have good memories, you’ll always be known as the cheapskate. Be polite

How To: Use Hair Removal Creams

It's just a fact that hairy legs on women are not the most attractive. From razors to lasers, hairy legs can be a thing of the past. Hairy legs are some of the hardest parts to deal with because they're so visible all the time. Whether you want to rid yourself of prickly leg hair or just simply hide it, there are always solutions for your hairy legs. Shaving is of course the most common way of removing leg hair. It's relatively quick and easy, and once it's built into your routine you don't e...

How To: Recognize poison ivy

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are a problem throughout the United States. The resin on the leaves is what bothers us, causing acute dermatitis (a bad rash). If you happen to come in contact with it, quickly wash with hot soapy water, that should at least reduce the amount of irritation. Poison Ivy has three leaves and a little bit of red where the leaf merges with the stem. There is a new product made especially for eradicating Poison Ivy and tough brush. To use this product, spray the leaves tho...

News: How Skittles Shots Changed the Way I Think About Alcohol

A couple months ago, I attended a Pokémon-themed party. Everyone dressed as their favorite Pokémon or trainer, Poké balls flew around the backyard, and more importantly, there was a lot of Poké booze. My friend who created the colorful drinks you see below informed me that they were infused with Skittles. This, my humble readers, was a defining moment in my life.

How To: Turn Your Samsung Galaxy's Rear Flash into a Notification LED

Even though Samsung has features like the always-on display, you still might miss some notifications now that the alert LED is gone. But baked in One UI is the ability to turn the rear camera flash into a notification LED. Any incoming alerts or calls will cause the camera LED to blink, so you won't miss a thing.

News: Jailbreaking iOS 9

As many of you may have heard, Apple's new iOS 9 is "rootless", which supposedly would make jailbreaking much more difficult. However, it has been shown to be possible. ih8sn0w posted a youtube video of his jailbroken iphone running iOS 9 and even gave some hints about it in the video description section. However, he also stated that he will NOT be releasing it to the public. So it would be quite the feat and adventure to take his hints and comments and use that to figure out how to jailbreak...

How To: Fast Search Gives You Quick Access to Everything on Your Android

Google Now is great for looking up movie times or finding your parking spot, but if you need to track down a file you downloaded, you're relegated to using a file explorer and, depending on your organizational skills, this can either be extremely easy or a huge pain in the ass. Unfortunately I land in the latter category, which is why I started using Fast Search by developer Mohamad Amin.

How To: Add a Full "Reboot" Menu to Android 5.0 Lollipop

If you're someone who likes to customize their user experience, stock Android is a lot like a blank canvas. The firmware that comes preinstalled on Nexus devices is just Android—no manufacturer skins or carrier bloat involved. This simplicity opens up the door for many root mods and flashable ZIPs that can be installed in a custom recovery.

How To: Silence Notifications for Specific Message Threads in iOS 8

As hilarious and fun as group messages can be on your iPad or iPhone, they can also be equally annoying. You may not necessarily want to leave a group message thread, but you don't want to be bothered by notification after notification as participants in the conversation continue to send out rapid-fire texts. Thankfully, one of iOS 8's new features now makes it extremely easy to mute notifications from specified conversation threads, single or group.