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How To: Perform a brief neurological exam on a patient

A brief neurologic examination includes six sections: 1) mental status exam, 2) testing cranial nerves, 3) sensation exam, 4) testing strength, 5) deep tendon reflexes exam, and 6) coordination exam. Eve Bargmann, M.D., shows doctors how to perform this neurological examination on a patient. You will need to do a full neuralgic exam (not in video) if any abnormalities are found. But this is just a brief screening exam during a general physical exam.

How To: Perform a full abdomen exam on a patient

This video will teach doctor and medical students how to perform a full abdomen examination. John D. Gazewood, MD, MSPH, will show you the whole process, from the first steps of inspecting the abdomen, looking for abdominal contour and symmetry, to auscultation, percussion, and palpation of the abdomen. Some common findings during the inspection phase of the exam could be scars, striae, colors, jaundice, and prominent veins.

How To: Do a urinary catheterization procedure on a male

One of the hardest things a man can go through in life is a trip to the hospital, especially when he knows he's going to need a catheter. It's every man's worst fear. But for a nurse, it's necessary knowledge. Learning the male urinary catheterization procedure hands-on is difficult due to the urgency involved in patient care, so this video aims to prepare nurses so they can learn and stay fluent with the proper urinary catheterization technique of a male patient.

How To: Make Abstract Faces Using Ink Pads

This video shows how to paint abstract-looking faces using ink pads. The ink pads I use are Tsukineko Brillance Ink Pads but there are other brands that do pointy-ended ink pads that will work just as well. They are great for quick and easy faces to use in your art journaling.

News: The Best Touchscreen Gloves to Get You Through the Winter

Not that long ago, touchscreen-friendly gloves were an outlier accessory, something you had to track down at a specialty brick-and-mortar store or solely online. But as the smartphone has become an integral part of our lives, so, too, has the need for fashion accessories that cater to our desire to be always connected. So now, touchscreen gloves are everywhere.

How To: There's an Easy Way to Stop Random Popup Ads on Android

"Why do I keep getting popups on my phone when I'm not even doing anything?" I see this question asked all the time. The answer? You have a shady app on your phone and it started showing full screen ads. But people either don't know this (so they don't know they just need to find and uninstall the problematic app), or if they do know it's a bad app, they don't know which app is causing it.

How To: Open Third-Party Apps from Unidentified Developers in macOS

Apple has a built-in way to protect you from opening up potentially malicious apps on your computer in Mac OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, and macOS Sierra. This setting, named Gatekeeper, will never stop you from installing apps from the Mac App Store, but it could from anywhere else. If it's an app you're sure you want to install on your system, here's how to do it.

How To: Use YouTube

The trend of online video sharing came to the mainstream with popularization of YouTube, which let users view, submit and share video clips. YouTube started off in the year 2005, and quickly became one of the most visited websites on the internet. Sensing the emerging trend, large companies like Google joined the trail and launched their own video sharing sites (Google later bought YouTube).

How To: Buy/select a camera tripod

In Part 8 on the series about Selecting a Tripod, ClickHerePhotography talks about main questions to ask when buying a tripod. First is to ask the dealer what tripod is recommended for the specific brand of camera that you will be using. Then probe further as to why the particular tripod is recommended. Details about the cost of the tripod should be inquired in relation to type of pictures that will be taken. Clarification should be sought on the functions of the tripod - how to adjust it, or...

How To: Give your dog ear drops

Even the best pet owners struggle to give their dogs medicine. Pet medication is often difficult to administer. Sometimes it can even feel like a chore. Keep your dog healthy! Learn the best way to hold your dog and keep him still enough to give him the medication he needs to make an ear infection go away. Give your dog ear drops.

How To: Give your cat ear drops

To keep your pet healthy you have to be able to apply the medicine it needs. Learn how to safely and easily give your cat ear drops or ointment, with advice from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in London. Tips include: wrap your cat in a towel to prevent her from scratching you and massaging her head, a technique that helps the medication move down the ear canal. Give your cat ear drops.

How To: Identify the first occurrence of a value in a column in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 697th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create a column of 1s and 0s (ones and zeroes) where 1 indicates the first occurrence and 0 indicates any remaining duplicates.

How To: Choose a wedding dress neckline for your body type

Spring and summer are the prime seasons for weddings, which in turn means loads of brides searching for the perfect flattering wedding dress. But while some designer wedding dresses look great on the rack and maybe on pin-thin models, finding the right wedding dress for you means taking into account your body shape.

How To: Find edible wild food to stay alive in the wilderness

If you were on the hit show "Lost," would you be able to survive? While most of the main castmembers on the show tough it out through learning how to eat the island's vegetation, we know that most of you probably would have no clue as to how to distinguish between a poisonous mushroom and a non-poisonous one, and which plant growths are edible and which aren't.

How To: Use a fertility microscope to determine ovulation

Another way to track your ovulation cycle is with a fertility microscope. A fertility microscope allows women to identify their most fertile days by testing and viewing the visual changes that take place in saliva throughout the monthly cycle. This method is reliable and effective, and can greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant. All this requires is saliva, so it is not invasive and doesn't use needles. So, check out this tutorial for advice and instructions on how to use one of th...

How To: Identify problems with container plant roots

The problems with container plant roots. when purchasing a container plant be sure to check the root system. Wholesale plant sellers tend to leave the plants in small pots for to long. This can lead to problems with the root system. What you have to look for is to make sure the roots are not coming back up and around the base of the plant thereby choking it. When you are replanting be sure to make the hole in the ground 1and 1/2 to 2 times up to 5 times the size of the root ball. This is how ...

How To: Identify willow tree damage caused by a borer

Weeping willows, globe willows, corkscrew willow, cotton wood are all prone to bores than other diseases. They grow in fertile soil with lots of moisture. Never treat tree chemical. Prune as necessary, take out dead diseased limbs, water and fertilize regular. This ensures the tree lasts longer and that the tree is less attractive to insects. Where tomatoes are concerned to avoid sunburn ensure that they are slightly covered with the folding of the plant. High salt level of water or chemicals...

How To: Identify fall web worms in trees

Curtis Smith (Extension Horticulturist) and Rick Daniell (Bernalillo Co. Horticulture Agent) examine the bark of a poplar tree. The young bark is smooth and will furrow as it grows older. There are straight horizontal lines on the bark that look like sap-sucker damage but in this case, the markings on the poplar is the normal bark development of the poplar. They also look at and discuss Fall Web Worm cocoons which look like bird nests on a tree. Web worms do not do as much damage to the tree ...

How To: Choose cool weather veggies & flowers for your garden

The presenter, John White, explains how to choose and transplant cold weather vegetables and flowers in this video. The first vegetable he identifies is spinach. He suggests ensuring that the plant has been "hardened off" when buying transplants from the nursery. Next John presents leaf lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and Swiss chard as some additional vegetables. He does remind the watcher to consult the plant labels for all the spacing information they may need. Moving on to flowers, J...

How To: Identify problems with poinsettia, ligustrum & pecans

Some of the new poinsettia plants will continue to "bloom" year round, but others need a little encouragement. The blooming is actually leaves of the plant itself. One way of forcing it to change color is to withhold fertilizer and/or light for a time, then put it back into a sunny location and it will begin to bloom. The video also addresses spots on Ligustrum plants. It has to do with cold weather in the winter and lack of nitrogen. There's not much you can do about winter damage, but ferti...

How To: Sing high notes for men

The focus of this video is on singing high notes for men. The first step is to identify which mode your high note are sung in: classical, contemporary, or falsetto. For most men around the E flat note of the range determines which of these three routes is natural to the singer. For classical singers there is a distinct throttling around this pitch change into higher notes, a region known as the passagio. Contemporary singers have a more gradually ramping up as they pass over this transition o...

How To: Kill gnats

In this video, Sbirdboi will explain how you can get rid of a gnat infestation. First, you must identify what kind of gnats they are, as this determines the best ways in dealing with them. He will explain three common types of gnats, their habits and where they tend to lay their eggs. After teaching you about the kinds of gnats, you will learn what steps to take to kill the gnats, and prevent them from coming back. You will also learn tips of ways you can attract gnats and subsequently kill t...

How To: Fix a zipper and bring new life to your backpack

There are many instances where a zipper on a bag, purse, coat, etc. will fail to function or jam. It may be that the zipper needs replacement, but oftentimes it can be fixed using a simple technique. YouTube user MediaMason shows how many zipper problems result from a simple change in the slider's structure, as well as how to fix this. He identifies the zipper (the "teeth") and the slider (the pulley). Normally, when the slider is pulled through the zipper, it closes the zipper together. Some...

How To: Use the sparkline function in Microsoft Excel 2010

There is a new function in MS Excel 2010 called ‘Sparkline’ which helps you quickly find trends associated with a set of data. To create Sparkline, you can go to ‘Insert’ tab and then select ‘Sparkline’ section and then select the graph type. After you enter the data range and location range, the Sparkline will show up indicating the trend based on the data range you identified earlier. You can change the types and styles of your Sparkline easily. As the video demonstrates, whenever you use E...

How To: Identify symptoms of recent HIV contraction

It's sometimes possible to recognize when you've recently contracted HIV from signs and symptoms such as fever, rash, or swollen lymph nodes. This video will teach you how to recognize signs and symptoms of primary HIV infection that are experienced by between 40 and 90% of individuals after they are first infected with HIV. Primary HIV infection occurs during the first few weeks or months after a person first becomes infected with HIV. Symptoms include rash and/or fevers, possibly in combina...

How To: Fix the Missing Tags in Your MP3 Files

How to easily fix the missing tags in your MP3 collection using free software called Fixtunes. The tags on an MP3 file identify things like the Song Title, Recording Artist, Album Name, Genre, Track Number, etc. When you buy songs from places like the iTunes Music Store or these tags are complete. Some of the songs in your iTunes library may have incomplete tags. This is how you fix them.

How To: Do a pullover back exercise with a medicine ball

If you are looking for a different exercise to work the back muscles, try the med ball pullover. The largest muscle in the back is scientifically known as the latissimus dorsi. You might see it referred to as the "lats" or "wings." The lats are used any time you pull something. For example, when you open a fridge or a car door, you are primarily using your lat muscles.