Brand Identify Medicines Search Results

How To: Give your dog medication

Giving your dog any oral medication is never easy! This video will give you the hints and tips necessary to help make giving tablets or liquid medication easier. Such suggestions include making sure you are ready to give the medication before starting by taking the top off liquid medicine or removing the tablet from its wrapping. Then, hold your dog around the muzzle and place the medicine as far back on his tongue as possible. Encourage him to swallow by massaging his throat. Also, try hidin...

How To: Alleviate menstrual pain naturally

Youtipis4u has come up with a few tips to reduce your menstrual pain in a natural way. Many of us ladies opt for painkillers or other medicines to reduce menstrual discomfort. Here is a way that is natural and has no side-effects. One of them is raspberry tea leaves. During the menstrual days, we can opt for a raspberry leaf tea instead of a normal one. Raspberry leaves relax uterine muscles. That way, uterine contractions reduce and hence the pain decreases. This tea is perfectly harmless, h...

How To: Insert a peripheral IV catheter to administer fluids

IV's are used on patients to either administer fluids or medicines, and for a nurse, it's the number one task performed on the job in a hospital. Knowing the proper procedure for peripheral intravenous catheter insertion is a must. This interactive video module will help familiarize you with the medical procedure, but is not meant to be your sole method of instruction— always ask for supervision in performing a procedure if you've never done one before, or have little experience.

How To: Identify the constraints & function to be optimized

In this tutorial, we learn how to identify the constraints & function to be optimized. When you are asked for the elements of constraints, you are being asked for the plain English version. If you are told you only have so much of something inside of a written problem, then take into account all of the limits that are listed. Once you have these, write them down so you have them in one place. After this, write down the number for the unrestricted part of the problem. After this, you will be a...

How To: Identify if you are using too mcuh fertilizer

In this video, we learn how to identify common tree problems. If you use too much fertilizer you can find a burn scar that is left on the bark of the tree. You can avoid this by making sure fertilizer spikes are placed away from the tree. Tree splitting is also an obvious sign that a tree is in bad shape and needs to be cut and taken down. A common leaf problem is Pear Slug Damage. A great way to help this to use wood ash on the tree, which will kill the insects that cause this and it's safe ...

How To: Identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants. John White presents this video along with Virginia Owens. Spittle bug on rosemary can be removed with a strong blast of water. You can also add a little bit of soap to it. You also have to be persistent with this. Scale is a kind of insect that forms carnication on Spanish Broom. This can be treated with dormant oil in the summer. Ivy gets burnt when exposed to hot sun. So, you go...

How To: Identify problems squash, melons, & chile plants

This video answers some questions on how to identify some of the problems that occur in vegetable gardens: for example, if there are missing leaves on your tomato plant, then it is an indication that they are being eaten by something. In some cases, this pest is the Tomato Hornworm. The Mosaic Virus and Curly Top and Tomato Spotted Wilt also attacks tomato plants.

How To: Use optimization methods in calculus

This video shows how to use optimization methods in calculus. Optimization means finding the maximum or minimum values of a quantity or finding when the maximum or minimum occurs.What quantities are optimized in economics?we want to minimize costs or maximize revenue.First steps in any optimization problem1.Identify the quantity to be optimized i.e., read the problem exactly what is exactly maximized or minimized.2.Identified the feasible domain. This is important because the math we can opti...

How To: Identify a spittle bug on your salvia

Great video by Southwest Yard & Garden. tutorial on how to identify garden pests on your plants & shrubs. Went into detail on the Salvia plants - always be careful spittle bugs, they produce spittle commonly on Salvia plants. Whiteflies and aphids are known to take residence in Ash trees. Aphids commonly take on the look of mildew. Ways to manage moths for apples, you can use insecticide spray but be conservative. Took a look at signs of Cochineal Scale on a Prickly Pear. Went over ways to ta...

How To: Identify problems with heat scorch on roses

John White and Rosemary Maddox address garden problems concerning heat and sun damage on their plants. Rosemary grows tomatoes that grow healthily, but are dry and cracked at the top. John identifies the problem as an excessive exposure to heat and sunlight, and recommends putting a netting over the plants to filter and moderate the sunlight. Rosemary also has a similar problem with her roses. The leaves on her rose plants become yellow and brown and eventually die off. John calls it "heat sc...

How To: Identify problems with the rubber plant, pomegranite

This video illustrate us how to identify problems with the rubber plant and the pomegranate. Here are the following steps:Step 1:First of all look whether both the plant leaves are in right shape that is they are not deformed, in case if it is then look for any bacterial or fungal infection.Step 2: Look whether there is any yellowing of the leaves. If so this may be due to over watering.Step 3: Look for whether there in any latex blocking in the rubber plant, if so then remove it or latex won...

How To: identify problems with the cotton wood and aster tree

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify problems with the cotton wood and aster tree. Curtis Smith, extension horticulturist, presents this video along with Judy Nickell, master gardener. Female Junipers make berries and male Junipers make pollens. Lot of people are allergic to the pollens. So, you will be better advised to avoid male junipers in your landscapes. On the other hand berries of female junipers attract birds and are good for increasing bird activity. F...

How To: Identify characteristics of a sample during a survey

To identify characteristics of a sample in your survey, there are many factors to consider of your samples. The first four characteristics you need to focus on are gender, age, income level, and education level. All four of these characteristics must be proportional to that of the population. You also need to consider the geographic location. Only take samples from the immediate geographical area. Finally, an important characteristic of the survey is the sample size. You do not want to ask to...

How To: Identify the slope and Y-intercept given y=mx+b

This tutorial shows how to identify the slope and y-intercept given the formula y=mx+b. In this formula m is always going to be the slope and b is always going to be the y-intercept. Therefore if your given a problem like the one displayed in this video: y= 8/3x + 9, the slope would be 8/3 and the y-intercept would be 9. When given these problems all you have to do is match the given numbers to the formula to find the slope and y-intercept.

How To: Identify cuts of pork chops

A pork chop is just a pork chop, right? Well, actually not. In fact, there are three different cuts of chops; the rib chop, the loin chop, and the sirloin chop. Each of the three cuts comes from the pork loin, which is the tender strip of meat that runs from the shoulder butt back to its leg (hip).

How To: Use the flash and both cameras on your new iPhone 4

In this clip, learn all about the brand new cameras on your iPhone 4. The latest iPhone from Apple has made major improvements on the cameras from the older models. Not only do you now have a flash, but you also have TWO fully functioning cameras with great picture resolution for a cell phone. In addition to that, the iPhone 4's new camera has face recognition software, a zoom lens AND an autofocus. There are so many fun things you can do with these cameras from photography to video to two-wa...

How To: Remove and replace the screen on iPhone 4G HD

The iPhone 4 is brand new, but accidents still happen - even right after you get it, right? So, if you have cracked or scratched up your screen and can no longer use it, check out this tutorial. Apple won't fix the damage if they think you did it, and a repair shop will charge tons of money. This tutorial will walk you through how to take the screen off on your own and replace it with a brand new one. Be careful and maybe think about investing in a case next time.

How To: Perform a general shoulder exam on a patient

In this video lesson for doctors, you will learn how to do a shoulder examination. First, you'll get a review of the procedures for evaluating any joint, and then jump into the basics of inspection of the shoulder, then learn palpation, and range of motion. This is a very general shoulder examination, meant to serve as a refresher course for those medical doctors or medical students who already know the exam procedure.

How To: Use a focus group for new brand name candidates

Focus groups strike fear into the hearts of even the most season marketer, and with good reason. In a world where everything is subject to change based on public opinion, from movie endings, to popcorn flavors, to logo colors, focus groups can make or break a new idea, but it doesn't have to be that way. A focus group is just a way to gather opinions in a vigorous way and can be very useful. Watch this video tutorial to use a focus group to develop and test a new brand name or corporate ident...

How To: Evaluate a new product, service, or company name

Chances are, if you're a branding or marketing professional, you've been tasked to come up with a new name for a product, a service, or maybe even a company at some point in your career. Maybe you're trying to come up with a new brand name right now. Well, there are objective measurements for choosing new names, and if you need help figuring these out, watch this video tutorial to learn how to develop a new product or company name that will stand out among your competitors, presented by namin...

How To: Get rid of a runny nose without medicines

The University of Michigan teaches you how to use nasal irrigation to get rid of common nasal sinus symptoms without reaching for those over the counter medications. The best part of nasal irrigation is that it handles conditions that medication cannot - such as post nasal drip and the common "stuffy nose". This can work for most allergies, even if you are already on medication. Water used for nasal irrigation should be luke warm and should contain about a quarter teaspoon of salt into an 8 o...

How To: Do the "karate kid" runner's ab workout

Joel Harper from Runners World TV is going to show you how an ab workout properly named the "karate kid". For this ab exercise you are going to need a small medicine ball preferably one with sand inside and you are going to want to place it between your two feet while standing. Now, you want to squeeze the ball with your feet and then jump and try and toss the ball as far as you can into the air. Depending on the health of your knees you can work on flexibility also by after throwing it into ...

How To: Create a pink 1920s film noir makeup look

In this video from Fashion Face, we are shown how to do a 1920's pink film noir makeup look that was actually requested by Courtney Love and originally created by a makeup artist for the brand Illamasqua. This is an extreme look, and there are a lot of tools and makeup involved, but it creates a really cool look, and provides some great tips.

How To: Identify local poisonous plants as a Boy Scout

Tenderfoot is the first rank earned as a Boy Scout. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. However, keep in mind that the badge is only a representation of a valuable set of skills that a scout has learned and demonstrated. The skills, wisdom, and experience gained through the activities of the scouting program are of much more value than ...